

04 Jul


Originally posted by Rohbo

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to imply it was some vast sin. Just as someone who writes for a living I know the woes of keeping things consistent everywhere hahaha. I'm sure you all have a harder time of it than I do since most of what I do has industry-standard terminology that I can defer to easily.

I'd love to know more about how your consistency atlas is laid out though.

Its not that exciting honestly, just a good ol' google doc.

Looks like this!


Originally posted by Rohbo

Yes. Probably this is a case of whoever does the writing for their content (content in this case being text for the client) not being overly concerned with consistency. Sometimes companies don't realize how much that kind of consistency matters to an end-user.

Hello! I helped author the missions around TFT. This one is on me. We had a consistency atlas, and there were a few things that changed throughout the process due to that. This one just happened to slip through. Tummers does have it correct though that we were moving pretty darn fast. We'll make sure to pay extra attention to the verbiage in the future.

02 Jul


Originally posted by tongttt

Despite some of criticism, Riot has been really stepping up their game on Teamfight tactics:

  • balance updates every couple of days

  • New champ soon to be released in tft (likely to be twisted fate)

  • Tft added to arcade pass

  • Free beta pass loot for everyone playing tft

Although the game still has many bugs (1 time my item completely disappeared after i tried to combine it) and many rng aspects, I'd say its going down a good path and everyone should have some patience for the time being (the game is still technically in beta).

This gives me the warm and fuzzies. A ton of people pulled together yesterday to bring TFT into the arcade pass.

28 Jun