

30 Sep


Originally posted by RaphasRX

My Shop doesn't have descriptions or names, it's either blank or something like "Item_6677_Tooltip". The items are like this.

Yep this is known, thanks for the report!


Originally posted by Catman_PBE

I love the new shop. I'm still trying to get used to the layout, but one thing that has sorely stood out to me so far is the search function. Right now when you search for an item, that search will remain there. If you open the search bar again, it still has whatever you had previously typed in for the search. I personally find this incredibly disruptive and I hate that I have to manually delete what I had previously typed.

It would be really nice if it could either:

A. Clear the search bar every time you open it.

B. Have an alternate key-press (such as right-clicking) to open and clear the search bar.

C. Have a clear button (such as a classic X cross icon) available, even without having the search bar directly open.

The search context will be cleared when you exit the search mode.


Originally posted by MangoTheKing

Hi, just have a quick question, when you say stat filters do you mean how the items are sorted on the live server? Or do you mean a bar at the top where you can click mana, and it shows all the mana items? So far the update is looking great.

P.S. Do you want bug reports in this thread, or do you want bug reports to have their own thread?

Stat filters will allow you to say: "Show me all the items that provide mana"

Bug reports are fine here.


Originally posted by Night25th

Just read the post before commenting lol

I mean, it's in this very post

Oh, if they said that then nevermind. Do you have the context of where they stated that?



Originally posted by samudebug

I don't know if it's just me, but the build recipe for the items have an offset to the right

Not you, its a scaling bug with the new shop.


Originally posted by krazanas

I didn't really like that last searched item was still in search bar after reopening the shop.

This is fixed.


Originally posted by anialater45

Dude reading is hard >.<



Originally posted by mathgeek777

Right click to sell was working for me last night, it took me about 15 seconds to figure out what was going on with selling in my first game last night but after that it wasn't so bad. It might be clearer if the inventory background popped more when you were in the shop? Almost like an extension of the shop.

Yeah this is something we are considering, among other options for making the HUD inventory a bit more obvious. Thanks for the feedback!

29 Sep


Originally posted by Magnake

Not having access to my own Inventory inside the shop feels weird, also I'm having trouble understanding how to sell items.

You sell items in a few different ways:
1. Select it in your inventory and then click the sell button in the shop
2. Drag the item from your inventory into the shop
3. (Coming soon) right click an item in your inventory

The fact that it wasn't clear is valuable feedback though, thank you!


Originally posted by Moonboy65

where do you see the pink border for unfinished icons?

In the shop itself. The items that are unfinished should be Very Obvious


Originally posted by MotherVehkingMuatra

It's only been 15 minutes but I love the store, it feels so responsive and modern and smooth, a lot better than I expected. I really like the boots interface.



Originally posted by Pastarini

Please for the love of god update the icons for Heal and Exhaust summoner spells

Please for the love of god update the icons for Heal and Exhaust summoner spells

If you keep pushing me I'm going to make them worse.

In all seriousness, the summoner spell icons were not part of this update. We may revisit them at a later date if we think we can make meaningful improvements to their clarity/fantasy.


Originally posted by thepandabear

Are Tiamat and the Hydras intended to be available for ranged champions now?

Edit: Also upon upgrading Ixtali Warstone I appear to lose my control wards stored

That seems like a bug, thanks for the report!


Originally posted by bz6

The item icons are smaller? But yeah the art just seems smaller compared to the box on some items. Hard to see.

The item icons are smaller? But yeah the art just seems smaller compared to the box on some items. Hard to see.

They are currently smaller than on live. We are experimenting with different sizes and paddings to find the best balance between readability and density.


Hello, I am here.

19 Sep


Originally posted by profdudeguy

Will there still be tabs for specific stats?

Yes, that’s coming a bit later on.


Originally posted by Zaxbys_Cook

Just wondering can y’all give an update what’s going to happen with ornn and items

Oh snap we totally forgot about Ornn! JK Ornn is being accounted for :)


Originally posted by Xyltin

Is there aa reason why the own items sets wont have the consumables and boots tabs on the side. I wanted to reduce my own sets to be less crowded and this looks so good.

In addition to these pages, we’re introducing Quick-Buy sidebars. These sidebars appear in both the Recommended and All Items views

For me it makes no sense to not extend this to the items set tab, too.

It will also be on the item set page, but will not prevent item sets from containing boots or potions.

18 Sep


Originally posted by bz6

It seems that Wild Rift has had a major influence on item theme. I hope the gameplay design of the items didn't follow the same pattern.

Wild Rift and League have some design pillar in common but also some that are divergent. This is pretty natural given the platform differences. I think our new items feel pretty League-y.


Originally posted by SlayLidel

I noticed there is/are no page/s for ap fighters and assassins. Will they be grouped with the ad counter parts, together, or have individual pages?

The current design has items broken down by class. This works for most champions, but some don't fit neatly into the existing class structure (Looking at you Shyvana). For these champions, the popular filter should serve their needs. The popular filter will look at all the times players build on that champion and display them and their components.