31 Jan


Originally posted by JH007UK

Starting to lose a bit of hype and it's turning into frustration. You really should release a road map for what information will be produced on any given day, you used to. This waiting is just getting annoying now. If the tree isn't ready yet just say so and advise what your eta is.

We've deliberately avoided giving a specific ETA on news posts for this week so that we can:

A) Release the Atlas Tree as soon as possible.
B) Also give our team enough time to prepare this information and review the content.

For clarity, we've worked really hard this time to get a lot of the important information out early like the balance manifesto, gems, patch notes, and passive tree JSON and we're not deliberately holding the Atlas Tree back for funsies. We'll release it as soon as we can but I don't have an ETA for you because we need the time flexibility.


Originally posted by Scooopz

It's happening!

No, the other way around


Originally posted by myCrotize

so.. you just used that custom hideout to mess with the "boat league" people?



Originally posted by vauno

Whole day is ahead of you, and on that note: Tree when

The what? Oh I forgot about that 😉


I watched this while drinking coffee and it made my whole day. Love Encanto.

30 Jan


You can purchase Orbs of Unmaking in unlimited quantities from Kirac for two orbs of regret. They also drop approximately 10x more often.


Originally posted by Bex_GGG

I don’t have an answer yet for what’s happening with this but we haven’t forgotten about it.

An update: there is a new Atlas passive that will allow you to get empowered Offerings to the Goddess, including the Gift to the Goddess which gives more Enchantments.

29 Jan


Originally posted by Valuable_Web4018

Oh my god I just realized that you hinted at the atlas passive tree all this time ago!


28 Jan


Originally posted by Tetlanesh

Is Precint Map in the new map pool?

  • The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Bazaar, Beach, Belfry, Bramble Valley, Burial Chambers, Cage, Channel, City Square, Cold River, Coral Ruins, Coves, Desert Spring, Frozen Cabins, Graveyard, Iceberg, Infested Valley, Ivory Temple, Jungle Valley, Lava Chamber, Marshes, Mesa, Peninsula, Phantasmagoria, Precinct, Primordial Pool, Shipyard, Shrine, and Volcano.
  • The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Alleyways, Barrows, Bog, Chateau, Core, Desert, Foundry, Fungal Hollow, Lava Lake, Leyline, Lighthouse, Mud Geyser, Park, Pit, Plateau, Primordial Blocks, Racecourse, Reef, Relic Chambers, Sepulchre, Siege, Spider Lair, Sulphur Vents, Sunken City, Terrace, Tropical Island, Waterways, and Wharf.

Originally posted by Quicheauchat

What I still wonder is how we reroll the tree? With regular regrets or will we be getting Atlas regrets?

You use the Orb of Unmaking which was previously available from The Maven but in the Siege of the Atlas will be available from the core drop pool and drop more often.


Originally posted by FullMetalAvalon

Later this week? Like...Saturday or Sunday?

We're using "this week" the same way we use "nearby".


I don’t have an answer yet for what’s happening with this but we haven’t forgotten about it.


It’s a fair bit more common than it used to be and in the core drop pool.