

15 Dec


Hey folks we’re working on a problem now that’s affecting our North American infrastructure for all titles, apologies for the disruption.

11 Dec


Don’t tell Geoff!! :slight_smile:


Hey there, apologies for the queue! We’ve worked through the issue causing disconnections and now we’re letting the hamsters loose so we can churn through the queue fast. It should be clear within the next 15 minutes or so.

I hope you enjoy the winter event! Cheers!

20 Nov


Hey there, sorry for this issue. One of our UI engineers is taking a look at this and we think we may have a solution to work around this. Unfortunately it may not make it in until the 1.32 patch.


19 Nov


Hey folks, PTR build 53030 is now live which includes these changes. Cheers!

14 Nov


WyomingMyst is awesome! I’m a huge fan. Thanks for everything guy!


Hey there, we have more information about this problem in this thread.


Hey folks, we’ve addressed this issue on live and we’re working to release a patch to fix the problem. Apologies for the hassle, we very much appreciate the info from you that helped us track down the problem.

Closing this thread, further discussion can take place in the live version of this thread which is here.

13 Nov


Hey Naru, feel free to use this workaround until we patch if you’d like. I’m just trying to give words of caution so others who wouldn’t benefit from this don’t add it in!

For everyone else, thanks for helping us verify. This was difficult for us to reproduce internally because it’s a bug as a result of a certain type of hardware which we don’t actively support or test with.

We’re working on a permanent fix for this, we hope to roll it out tomorrow! Further updates will be here if needed. Thanks everyone!


Hey there as a workaround if someone who is affected by this issue can add an additional command line argument to their Overwatch startup we want to see if this fixes the issue for you.

Note this is an advanced startup line, you’ll want to clear this line after testing. Changing startup options can lead to odd problems.

To set the command line, in the Blizzard Desktop client with Overwatch selected, choose Options > Game Settings. Find the Overwatch entry in the list, click the Additional command line arguments checkbox. In the textbox there add:

--tank_WorkerThreadCount 1

The file is probably too big to attach to the forums or email directly. Any place you can place it so we’re able to download it will work though.

Emailing the link to [email protected] is the best route to get it over to us instead of posting it here.



Hey there, we’re still investigating this issue internally. A dump of the Overwatch client when it’s in this “stuck” state would be helpful for us to do further investigation.

For anyone who has this specific issue and is comfortable with creating a process dump (Task Manager > Right Click Overwatch > Create Dump File) and can upload it to a location where we’re able to download it (drop box, one drive), this would be extremely helpful for us.

edit: Emailing the link to [email protected] is the best route to get it over to us instead of posting it here.



Hey there, we’re investigating this. As much detail as you’re able to provide (hardware specs, etc) may help us more quickly identify the problem. Thanks for your patience.


We also initiated a background download (aka prepatch) for this 1.30 update late last week. This prepatch allowed for a smaller update today.



Hey there, the patch notes should be live shortly (if not already)! Cheers.