Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Entertainment

10 Oct

Prepare to wield dark magic and chaos in Overwatch 2’s haunting new season. From chilling new game modes to spellbinding skins, Season 13 promises a thrilling fusion of witchcraft, horror, and heroic battles, delivering fresh content for Halloween... and an exciting My Hero Academia collaboration! Get ready for a season filled with magic, might, and macabre moments!

Mythic Spellbinder Widowmaker

At the heart of this season is the enchanting Mythic Spellbinder Widowmaker skin. With each level, Spellbinder evolves from a potions apprentice to a full-blown master of the dark arts, blending whimsical witchcraft with gothic elegance. Her journey is brought to life with custom animations, mesmerizing visual effects, and an eerie soundscape that heightens the magic with every elimination. As you progress through her transformation, you’ll witness her growing power, symbolized by the fiery enchantment of her final form. At level four, Spellbinder’s hat ignites, ...

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08 Oct

In Patch 30.6, Bob’s restocking the Tavern with even more Trinkets, new and returning minions, and more! Check out the new inventory, including our first-ever Duos-specific Trinkets, coming soon.

New Lesser Trinkets

Deathly Phylactery [4 Gold]

  • Discover a Deathrattle minion. Your first Deathrattle each combat triggers an extra time.


Goose Portrait [3 Gold]

  • Get a ‘Silver Goose’. After you summon 5 Silver Fledglings, get a Goldenizer.


Electromagnetic Device [2 Gold]

  • Discover a Magnetic minion. Whenever you Magnetize a minion, ...
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The time to strike at Ragnaros the Firelord draws near. For all champions daring to begin a new adventure or continue their odyssey in Azeroth, you can prepare for the heat when you take advantage of the Joyous Journeys experience buff*, which increases experience gains by 50% for all players up to level 85!

Finish leveling a character, create a new one, or invite friends to join you in Cataclysm Classic. The buff is active by default, but you can visit any innkeeper in the capital cities and Dalaran to turn it off or on again.

Take advantage of the Joyous Journey’s experience buff now. It’s an excellent opportunity for new and returning players to level up and join the defenders of Hyjal as they fight to create a foothold in the Firelands at the Molten Front before the Ragnaros makes his grand entrance in the Rage of the Firelands content update.

*Experience buff not available in modern World of Warcraf...

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04 Oct

Sanctuary is a volatile place—danger lurks at every turn and the reappearance of Mephisto’s hatred has ushered in a new era of hardships for those who call these lands home. While its denizens may have little hope, the rich stories they’ve passed down through generations have shined truth on the darkness.

“When Akarat Came to Nahantu”
by Matthew J. Kirby

In ancient times, the jungles of Nahantu festered with hatred. This corruption drove people from their homes and strangled all life from the land. But one day there came a wandering ascetic named Akarat, accompanied by his followers. In time, Akarat learned much about Nahantu and dedicated himself to cleansing the evil that rooted there . . .

Read “When Akarat Came to Nahantu” or ...

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Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news with This Week in WoW (TWiW)! Also, the Race to World First has been won—congratulations to Team Liquid on an amazing play in Nerub-ar Palace and their success at bringing down Queen Ansurek.

Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

Get swept away as you ride astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider!

Through November 4, 2024, cackle with glee when you pick up the perfect tricky-treating Skyriding mo...

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03 Oct

[Update 10/3] Players are now able to restore characters that have been deleted. Please note that at this time there is a 60 second delay between each undelete. You will need to refresh the character screen, change realms, or log into a character between each character restored. On October 15, we will be re-instituting the 7-day cooldown period between character restorations.

Warbands are on the way to World of Warcraft®: The War Within™! In order to prepare all characters for the transition to the new system, which will occur during the pre-expansion content update, we will temporarily be disabling character restoration. 

For those who would like to restore a previously deleted character, it is advised that you do so before the pre-expansion content update goes live. After the pre-expansion content update goes live, restoration of characters on your World of Warcraft account will be unavailable for a few weeks.


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02 Oct

Season 12 is drawing to a close and this weekend is your chance to make one final push to climbing the Competitive ranks of the season and earn fun new rewards! Competitive Drives starts this weekend so keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this limited time event.

Earn More Competitive Points and New Rewards

You already earn Competitive Points as you play and win Competitive Play matches, but starting Friday, October 4 at 8:00 AM PT and going through Monday, October 7 at 8:00 AM PT there is an extra incentive to play Competitive Matches with a special Drive Meter currently in the Competitive Play menu. For every game you win, you’ll add Drive Score that fill the meter. Losing matches will cause you to lose a small amount of drive progress, however reaching each checkpoint guarantees your progress and rewards.

Earning Drive Points

Each time you win a match you’ll earn a Drive Score that is ten times the total Skill Rank perc...

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Mephisto’s hatred has spread far and wide, creating nightmarish monstrosities to roam the land and reinstilling a sense of dread in the hearts of Sanctuary’s denizens. No one and nowhere is safe from the Lord of Hatred’s maddening influence, not even you.

Season of Hatred Rising begins on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT.

Vessel of Hatred, the first expansion for Diablo IV, will also officially go live on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT globally. Visit our What You Need to Know for Vessel of Hatred blog to prepare for launch. If you haven’t pre-purchased yet, you can do so ...

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01 Oct

Get swept away as you ride astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider*. Through November 4, 2024, cackle with glee when you pick up the perfect tricky-treating Skyriding mount to haunt the skies of Azeroth!

This magical broom is sure to stir up a fright, so seize yours from the in-game shop before the winds of time blow this mount away.

Eve's Ghastly Rider Mount

“The preferred transportation of the Fenlow family (especially during Hallow’s End)."

*Not available in World of Warcraft Classic games.

30 Sep

Vessel of Hatred arrives on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT, bringing wanders back into the Hatred filled canopies of Nahantu. Following launch, celebrate with 4 weeks of Twitch Drops to earn starting on October 8, 10 a.m. PDT! Prepare for Vessel of Hatred’s imminent arrival—connect your account with your Twitch account, then watch dedicated Streamers in the Diablo IV category to earn coveted Drops. Gifting 2 Twitch Subscriptions earns you the Ghost of the Conquered Mount, and gifting 4 Twitch Subscriptions earns you the Glory of the Victor Mount Armor—read below for more details.


Twitch Drops


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The grand River Gates of Nahantu are waiting, and a tortured Neyrelle drifts further within. This tormented mortal suffers the seemingly endless machinations of the Prime Evil Mephisto trapped within the Soulstone. Become the Spiritborn, and cleanse the jungle of Hatred’s minions with this all-new ferocious class.

A new Era of Diablo IV is nearly upon you, wanderer. Directly following the events of the main campaign, a new chapter launches you back into the fire. Track down the lost Neyrelle while the people of Nahantu fight the hatred-fueled demons spreading through their sacred land. Read on to learn everything you need to know when Vessel of Hatred launches on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT.


Last Chance for Pre-Purchase Rewards...

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27 Sep

Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news with This Week in WoW (TWiW)!

Nerub-ar Palace Raid Finder Wing 3 Now Live!

Gather your allies and traverse into the dark depths of Azj-Kahet into Nerub-ar Palace to take the fight to eight new bosses, ending in a face-off against Queen Ansurek, but beware of the tangled web she weaves…or you may be her next meal.

Raid Bosses: 8
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic...

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26 Sep

Season of Discovery Phase 5 allows players to venture into the Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub raid dungeons, collect new Tier 2 armor sets, and more— all waiting for you to discover. 

Blackwing Lair

In the dark recesses of the mountain's peak, Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing, conducts some of his most awful experimentation, controlling mighty beings like puppets and combining the eggs of different dragonflights with horrific results. Should he prove successful, even darker pursuits rest on the horizon.

Step into Blackwing Lair as a reimagined 20-40 player raid dungeon with a host of new mechanics including a swappable difficulty system allowing you to engage in greater challenges by activating new raid-wide effects based on each of the ...

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Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.

Quick Navigation:

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Whether you walk in the light or embrace the shadows, there’s a little something for everyone during the October Trading Post. Rise from the depths when you ride into battle on the Depthstalker mount.

20th Anniversary and November’s Trading Post

Mind your Tender— with the upcoming November Trading Post we’ll be bringing back last year’s armor sets and transmog weapon sets. Each armor set comes with three pieces: helm, shoulder, and belt, and each weapon set comes with 3 weapons.

Class Restrictions Lifted

Players will now be able to purchase these items with any class character to add to your transmog collection and any class that can wear or use that item transmog can. So, if you have a mail user, they will be able to wear any mail armor set transmog and if your class can use one-hand maces, you’ll be able to use any of the mace transmogs, etc.

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Patch 30.4.3, launching today, brings updates to Hearthstone and Battlegrounds.

Hearthstone Updates

Dev Comments: This patch is focused on adjustments to the mini-set. We have another patch window in a few weeks, between expansion announcement and launch, where we plan to look at the meta more broadly.

The mini-set introduced a major outlier: Big Spell Mage. Although some players enjoy the play pattern, the deck causes frustration due to how prevalent it is and how early it can get its power spike. The goal of these changes is to push back the average Big Spell turn a bit and to shave a little power from the deck, while allowing it to keep its core functionality.

With one mini-set Tourist getting toned down, we wanted to give the other one some help so that players can try another fun vacation destination and make the most of what it has to offer.

Portalmancer Skyla

  • Old: [5 Mana]
  • ...
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Get ready to go Ultra in the newest Overwatch 2 collaboration with My Hero Academia! From October 17-30, step into the roles of your favorite anime heroes or villains with exclusive legendary skins that bring the action of My Hero Academia to life in the Overwatch universe.

This limited-time collaboration boasts the best of both worlds - on the hero team there’s Tracer as the determined Deku, Juno as the joyful Uravity, and Reinhardt as the symbol of peace, All Might. These heroes prepare to face off against Kiriko as the cunning Himiko Toga, chasing down that which she loves, and Reaper as the leader of the League of Villains, Tomura Shigaraki. Each skin is designed to capture the essence of these beloved characters, giving you the chance to dominate the battlefield with their unique style and flair.


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25 Sep

The War Within™ Season 1 Arena World Championship is here! Celebrate the top Arena Gladiators over five weekends as they compete for their share of $400,000 (USD). Tune in and watch live starting September 27 on Twitch & YouTube!

Enter The Aren...

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24 Sep


Don't forget to visit the Great Vault weekly for your gear!

Complete Delves or outdoor activities, defeat bosses in Nerub-ar Palace, and finish Heroic or Mythic Dungeons to unlock rewards in the Great Vault!

Look for the Great Vault at the back of the Dornogal bank, where you can choose your weekly reward for Raids, Dungeons, and World objectives.

Gather your allies and traverse into the dark depths of Azj-Kahet into Nerub-ar Palace to take the fight to eight new bosses, ending in a face-off against Queen Ansurek, but beware of the tangled web she weaves…or you may be her next meal.

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