

08 Sep


I hope you thank me if/when we get the red dot toggle I’ve been asking for.


Oh, I thought you meant the notification ping sound when you get a kill mail. I must have forgotten the gong thing.


Patience, Grasshopper.

These bug fixes are a good first step. We will get to the promised land.


Yes, these are the red dots. Pleased to see this bug fixes go in.

02 Sep


The largest structures, the ones that are 10% the price, are structures that are generally not spammed and are also already enticing targets, so there’s less of a need to incentivize their destruction.

17 Aug


Nergal range buff plz.

17 Jul


I <3 Tiger

24 Jun




Just remember - anything that gets implemented that you like, it was all my idea.

Everything that gets implemented that you hate, that was Vily.

23 Jun


You’re welcome.

22 Jun


If you actually played the game, you’d know this always happens. And it’s IGE.


LOL, this is idiotic and really ■■■■■■■ creepy.

My friendships are tied to my relationships with individuals - I know all these people by their real names, we’re all connected outside of EVE Online. Even if the Brisc character was banned, like had already happened, it didn’t impact my relationships with folks outside of the game.

Stuff in the game is stuff. I got the stuff that I got by paying for it just like anybody else.

My name is all over the place. I just don’t go out of my way to throw my real name around since folks tend to dislike that.


In your honor I just subscribed a new account.

18 Jun


I’m not trolling. I’m being honest - it’s disappointing how unwilling some of you are to acknowledge your prejudices and try to fight them. Instead, you insist that you’re right and you put words in my mouth that I never said to try to win the argument. You group people into “classes...

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Because that person contributes more to CCP’s bottom line.

This is a common perception, and one that I’ve found to no...

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It’s a shame that folks feel the need to hate someone else simply because they disagree.


My opinions are opinions. My facts are facts.

“All politicians are corrupt” = an opinion.
“The CSM is corrupt” = an opinion.
“Rich people’s votes count more than poor people’s” = an opinion.

All of this stuff is opinion. You saying it doesn’t make it true. My opinion is different. You’re entitled to yours, no matter how poorly it’s crafted or how uninformed.


You didn’t even get the name of the documentary correct when you told me to go watch it (as if I need an HBO depiction of an event I’ve studied for decades to understand anything), and at no point in our struggle for independence did anybody run for Parliament on the platform of “disband Parliament,” which was the point I was making in the first place.

Come on, dude.


In EVE, for voting on a focus group, the players who have the most skin in the game - the most Omega accounts - deserve to having increased voting power because they are investing more in the long-term success of the game. Since, after all, the CSM isn’t a legislative body, there’s no fairness issue involved.

In real life, each person is inherently equal, and their choice of who represents them is no more or less valid than anybody else’s. Regardle...

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You can make up any kind of negative hypothetical “jobs” and assign them to people all day, doesn’t negate my point.

17 Jun


Thanks again.