

29 Jul


It is still free - it’s being handed out to people who have to do nothing but log in to claim it. That it’s only going to paying customers doesn’t make it “not free.” I don’t pay my subscription to get it, I pay my subscription to play the game. They handed me free stuff for doing something I already do.

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There have been no big player thefts since Citadels?


The good thing is that both of those things exist in the game.


You are pretty bad at this. I said I represent everybody. I said that I talked to a lot of people who are happy with the free isk. I said those people matter more than people on the forums who don’t play the game.

Three separate statements. And whether you like it or not, I represent you. There are 10 CSM members, the electorate is the entire game, we represent the entire game.

I see other points of view constantly. Seeing, hearing, understanding - all parts of my job. Agreeing with - not necessarily a part of my job.

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15 Jul


I love you.

14 Jul


I’m looking forward to the AT being back. This was a fun thing for the community and it was a shame when it went on hiatus. I recall many people saying that the AT was never coming back and I am happy they were wrong.

I doubt I will be able to participate, but maybe I will be able to commentate. Thanks to CCP Aurora and the rest of the team for all their hard work to make this happen

22 Jun


In an actual democracy, you can pay people to sign up people who aren’t registered to vote, get them absentee ballots, help them fill them out, and send them in. You can provide transportation to get them to the polls on election day if they need it. In some places you can buy food and water and hand it out to people waiting in line. Some places have same day registration, where unregistered people can walk up to the polls the same day as the election, register and vote.

Generating v...

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25 May


When I added a lowsec gate to stain to my campaign list last year, and felt it was an even longer shot than getting the red dot fixed.


18 May


It’s on the shuttles, the tool tip has not been updated.

This was changed on SISI - it’s in the patch notes.

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12 May


I’m glad to see these changes roll out on the test server - we’ve had a lot of discussions about nullification and warp core stabs over the years (contrary to some people’s claims, this has been a community issue for a while - I hear about it plenty) and I am very pleased about the addition of nullification to shuttles.

I do think that making nullification a module instead of inherent to certain ship types is an interesting approach that will require more player choices and trade offs, and will provide some changes to the meta that potentially will be beneficial. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all works in practice. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. I do think it is critical that the module is able to be activated while cloaked.

22 Apr

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14 Apr


This is hard to document, because we talk about a ton of stuff, and nobody is really keeping track. The closest I’ve got is my list, and I track things that I get fixed or changed (and some of this list is tongue in cheek, too) so that I know what was done and what still needs to get done.

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We weren’t that lucky

10 Apr

09 Feb


Workin’ on it.

08 Feb


I don’t think so. There are folks who are desperate to get attention from CCP Aurora, I suppose.

Yes, regular ole Brisc, doing his job, asking the Devs questions the players want and telling them what he’s allow...

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05 Feb


I’m trying very hard not to be offended that you guys honestly think that I would lie about having a conversation with a CCP employee, asking permission to tell people what her response was, and then doing it.

People have been permanently banned for less than that. Do you honestly think I would make that up?

28 Dec


I ran because I wanted to serve on the CSM. I got voted in because people voted for me. I didn’t get any support from the Imperium ballot, so it was INIT and the guys as well as a large number of unaligned folks who elected me. Clowns get elected to the CSM all the time - it’s a popularity contest, dude.

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