

28 Dec


There’s nothing wrong with not paying and still playing. Unless, of course, the reason for not paying is you’re mad at the Devs for changing the game and you want to teach them a lesson....

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There is nothing more pathetic than the guy who doesn’t play the game anymore posting on the forums. So yes, you’re doing it right.

We don’t need to disband the CSM, we need to disband you, lol.


Yes, almost as amazing as the idea that you’re going to teach CCP a lesson by playing their game.


Yes, you’re protesting these changes by unsubbing your accounts…

…and then playing the game as much as you did before.

Yeah, that doesn’t teach anybody a lesson, lol.


This is exactly the reason why these unsub “boycotts” never work. People can’t stop playing this game, and even after unsubbing you’re going to keep their player count numbers up and keep bodies in space, which is content for them.

14 Dec


My apologies - I read the original post and I thought it was said this was on SISI, not TQ.

I do not recall us being briefed or told that there would be major changes to character creation, although I know that we have had conversations about issues with character creation. Obviously, this is not something that most veterans would be dealing with on a daily basis, so it was not something on my radar.

Mike and I will ask what the deal is with this and we’ll ask for some kind of public statement, since I don’t recall seeing anything about it.

13 Nov


Sure it is, at least the real life humiliation part. Getting hit is battery, which is usually a misdemeanor.

Nope. It really isn’t. Justification is also an affirmative defense, which means if the prosecutor decides to push the case, you’ve g...

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12 Nov


It’s okay. Not everybody can be cool.

30 Oct


Do they brain-wipe all forum posters? I thought it was only Sol. Surely you can see how dumb it is to make a “you can’t stop all murders so just make murder legal” argument.


We saw players demonstrating over and over, with logs and the like, over the last six months how Cable and others were colluding. If the players can figure it out, the GMs can figure it out.


You’re being deliberately obtuse.

The point of the proving grounds is to let folks do a legit one v. one or small group v. small group experience. If folks are gaming that to make it easier for them to win, then they are taking away from the experience other folks are having with this specific kind of content. There are plenty of places in EVE where doing that kind of metagaming is perfectly fine, expected and even encouraged. But that’s not what was expected here.

Sometimes folks want a one v. one at the sun that is actually a one v. one at the sun. CCP is trying to provide that kind of...

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That would be an ex post facto application of the rules. There was nothing in the original Proving Grounds posts and explanation that banned this kind of behavior, so coming in after the fact and banning it would not be fair. Banning it moving forward is the right thing to do.

Everybody recognizes that Cable’s win has a pretty significant asterisk next to it, and going forward that kind of thing is not going to fly, and those who engage in that behavior will be dealt with appropriately.

15 Oct


Yes, this is an assertion that we don’t need to nerf ganking anymore.

It is not true that this was not planned to be reversed. It was. The length of it ...

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14 Oct


There’s no reason to do this.

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It didn’t go anywhere. They are just turning it off, but not doing anything with the isk for now.


One of the primary things CCP has been working on for the last three years is fixing things that deter new players from continuing to play the game. The kill rights system isn’t well explained, it’s not something that’s gone over in the NPE (most PvP isn’t), and it negatively impacts new players more than anybody else.

When it comes to new players sticking with a game, yes - the slightest thing they don’t get can lead them to quit. This isn’t something that the vast majority of the players will miss and if it means ...

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I didn’t argue that it was. But when part of the game that few people use is having a negative impact on a part of the game that a large number of people use, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


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08 Sep


There is no pleasing some people. You have been cutting an...

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You keep acting like the CSM and CCP are the same thing.

This is not a game breaking bug. It’s also something that CCP likes and thinks has value for new players and one that’s just an annoyance for existing players but not something that is driving people out of the game.

So if the CSM can convince them to add a toggle, I would at the very least expect that people - not you, because you’re clearly biased - would be pleased to know that the system works, at least sometimes.


LOL, that’s what I expected.