

26 Jun

Hello Holotable Heroes,

We've got a lot going on this week, and we'll be posting the July calendar within the next day or two, but I wanted to get the planned schedule in front of you for the Championship Exhibition and new Geonosis Territory Battle that's launching soon.

Our intention with the Geonosis Territory Battle was to have a shorter experience consisting of four 24-hour phases. Unfortunately, due to a bug with scheduling Territory Battles, we will have to extend each phase to 36-hours for the foreseeable future.

Here's the resulting schedule:

Additionally, we're still in the Grand Arena Exhibition season, so if any issues crop up, we'll deal with those and change the schedule accordingly.

25 Jun


Hi Holotable Heroes,

This week we are exciting to be talking about the Geonosis Territory Battle and one of it's rewards! If you haven’t already, check out the kit for Negotiator, who will be unlocked with GET MkII from the new Geonosian Territory Battle map. Read on to hear from CG_Mandelorian discuss his thoughts on designing this intriguing new capital ship.

Q: Why are we excited about this ship?
A: First and foremost, it’s a new Capital ship!!! We haven’t had a new one in quite a while and this is a great opportunity for us to expand the... Read more
Server Update is complete. Please check your inbox for the rewards.

24 Jun

We wanted to let the players know we will be making a small, but visually impactful changes to the way ship combat plays. Presently, all Capital Ship abilities have a small cinematic that plays when they are activated. When we originally made ships, our intent was to give the experience that when a Capital Ship took its turn, that was an important moment in combat to be noted and celebrated. However, as time went on and ship combat matured, the value of this cinematic experience may have diminished.

To reconcile how the game has evolved over time, we have removed all cinematics from Capital Ship abilities except for “Ultimate” abilities (Convergence, Imperial Assault, Strategic Dominance, and Master Plan). We believe this should speed up the overall combat experience, while also still giving visual weight to a Capital Ship using its ultimate ability. We hope that makes your pitched, space dogfights feel that much more pitched.

See you on the Holotables.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Due to issues with the Grand Arena Championship exhibition over the weekend that prevented many players from completing the Grand Arena event, we will be resetting all players' Championship Lifetime Score, Best Score, and Best Rank. We will also be restarting both the exhibition Championship and the Grand Arena event. You will keep any Championship Tokens earned and we are compensating all level 85 players with 1st place rewards from the Grand Arena event.

We will start the roll out for server update now and we will notify you in this thread once complete.


It is 6:15 pm in New York and still no update :|

Erik posted an update earlier and another one just now in the same thread

19 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Sign up for the first Grand Arena Championship Exhibition at 3PM PT (22:00 UTC) tomorrow and get ready for the ultimate competition in Galaxy of Heroes!

You will automatically be enrolled in each Championship if you are level 85 but you will still need to sign up for each Grand Arena if you wish to participate. Want to find out more? Head over the Championships Overview to learn about rewards, leagues and more!



Unfortunately, the photos of the holotable that I have on my phone are a bit blurry. I'll take a good one for you on Monday


I said I would take the picture Monday. Who said anything about posting it! Last few days have been quite busy but check these out:

It doubles as a charging station and as an arena to test your digital might

Hi Holotable Heroes!
Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 6/19/2019.

For more info on these units, check out the kit reveals and strategy guides below:

We’ve made some improvements to General Grievous and MagnaGuard!
General Grievous
  • Grievous Wounds: This attack can no longer be evaded. This affects all ability tiers.
  • Daunting Presence: While Grievous is the leader, Target Locked enemies can no longer counter attack. This affects the final tier (Zeta level).
IG-100 MagnaGuard
  • Relentless Assault: MagnaGuard now gains Taunt whenever it uses an ability, no longer just during its turn. Additionally, MagnaGuard grants Stealth for 1 turn to all other Separatist Droid allies at the start of each encounter if Grievous is an ally. Both of these additions affect all ability tiers.

  • G12 Finishers...
Read more

18 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Just a quick update to let you all know that we are still in the process of rolling out the new version and part 2 will most likely be deployed tomorrow (6/19) afternoon. Stay tuned to the forums for any updates on the release!
Hi Holotable Heroes,

You may see some longer loading time on your first time entering the game since the update. The Version Update is clearing out old client assets that weren't compatible with the new version. On some phones, this may take a few minutes to process but this should take less than a minute for most players. Please be patient if you are sitting on the loading screen and let the update finish cleaning up the old assets.

See you on the holotables!

17 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We discussed our roll-out plan for the next big update last week, and I want to provide some further context around the new Dark Side Geonosian Territory Battle, which we’re calling Separatist Might. Namely the benefits it provides, how challenging we intend it to be - and for how long-, and what the rewards will look like, so that your Guild can make an informed choice between moving over to Geonosis or remaining on Hoth.

Similar to how the Hoth LSTB and DSTB provided a long-term challenge, we have designed Separatist Might to provide a challenge for a similarly long-time based on the current state of guilds. We do not expect any guilds to be able to complete all 33 stars at the time of launch. Let’s pause for a moment and talk about the value your characters (and roster) get from participating in Territory Battles to set some context around the challenge.

One of the main benefits of participating in Separatist Mi... Read more

Join the new Territory Battle, Geonosis: Separatist Might coming soon! Prepare your strongest dark side units to take on waves of clone troopers, call in Droid reinforcements and even slay a terrifying monster from the Petranaki arena.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are showcasing the second character who will be part of the new Geonosis Territory Battle. If you haven’t done so already, check out the Developer Intentions for Geonosian Brood Alpha, who will be needed to unlock Wat Tambor from a special mission on the new Territory Battle map. Read on to hear from CG_Prototype about the Wat Tambor, the Leader of the Techno Union and then hop ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are preparing to launch our next version update, containing Grand Arena Championships and the Geonosis Territory Battle! Later this week, you’ll get your first chance to take part in the Grand Arena Exhibition matches and start learning the ropes for the real Championships starting in sometime around August. We will also run a full length (5 week) Exhibition Championship on July 7th. Click here to read more about the Exhibition schedule and stay tuned to the Official Forums for more information on the upcom... Read more

15 Jun


Our conference rooms are named similarly, however we also have Harry Potter Theme, Disney Animated theme, Disney Live Action Theme, video games of the 80s, board games, Battlestar Galactica, Movies about Lawyers, Jerry Seinfeld Show, etc. Our help desk names are also theme, Endor, The Green Dragon Inn, 10 Forward etc.

Fun stuff

That's pretty awesome. Atlanta International Airport has some route names that you might recognize


Should've named your restrooms Sarlaac Pits!

I'm curious to know if you guys have appropriate props for each meeting room

EDIT: What's the meeting room for puzzles?

Some of them have appropriate props like Poe is in X-Wing but not all of them. The puzzle meeting room is Crumb's home office :P


First pic seems to show a holotable. Would love to see the entire thing.

Unfortunately, the photos of the holotable that I have on my phone are a bit blurry. I'll take a good one for you on Monday

14 Jun


In the conscription ability the brood hits then dissapears. Is that right? U summon him for one hit? @CG_SBCrumb

The Brute stays around until defeated. The fade out at the end is just the loop in the video

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are showcasing the Geonosian Brood Alpha, who will be needed to unlock Wat Tambor from a special mission on the new Territory Battle map. Read on to hear from CG_ParkingInstructor about this unique Geonosian and then hop over the Arena and Character Strategy section to check out the kit!

Q: Why are we excited about this character?
CG_PI: This character really brings the Geonosian team together by enabling the squad to take many extra attacks while providing a ton of sustainability. We had to make... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We wanted to let you know in advance that we will be changing Geonosian Spy’s kit at the same time we release Geonosian Brood Alpha. Similar to our changes to HK-47, this character’s kit was designed very early in Galaxy of Heroes’ life and now severely limits our design space of future characters in this faction. In general, any character with that much turn meter gain is usually a red flag for us when we are creating new units.

If you have seen Geonosian Brood Alpha kit you will find that the current version of Geonosian Spy’s kit will create an infinite loop fairly easily. To mitigate this in the short term, we will be nerfing Spy’s kit along with the release of the Brood Alpha and since this significantly impacts that ability, we will be returning all Ability Materials that you used to upgrade his Unique 1: Illicit Insect.

Also this isn’t Geonosian Spy’s final molt...errr, evolution. We will be making some updates to Spy in the ... Read more