The devs tried to make Samira feel like a woman James Bond. Smooth, confident, and charming
Valor? Don't you mean Quinn's jetpack?
The devs tried to make Samira feel like a woman James Bond. Smooth, confident, and charming
Valor? Don't you mean Quinn's jetpack?
Who's Quinn? I only know the bird.
Wow, they straight up did a "Smokin' Sexy Style" in the concept art itself lmao, that's awesome.
I mean... Have you seen her?
One thing we talked about that didn't make it to the article was trying to re-define "sexy" in League. The devs tried to make Samira feel like a woman James Bond. Smooth, confident, and charming. She knows she's the best, and she doesn't care if you do. Everything she does is for her.
They asked a lot of the women on the Champions team for some thoughts on what makes a woman "sexy" to them. And the result was Samira, basically.
It's the difference between her and Draven. He's a showman because he's compensating for something else. Samira's a showwoman because she's the f*cking best and wants to do crazy sh*t for herself. Draven needs a crowd. Samira doesn't.
… hold up. An ADC who also uses melee attacks? Yup. Samira wants to dive into the fray to take out her enemies—just sniping from the backline is too easy. Sure, it’s breaking the cardinal rule of ADC and giving support mains everywhere a heart attack, but Samira doesn’t really care. It’s the thrill she lives for.
Hey Riot, wasn't this a super cool thing you tried on an old champion? What was her name again... Quill? Quinoa? Queef?
Don't you mean Valor? Isn't that the bird champion with the sidekick or whatever?
giving support mains a heart attack.
You're damn right!
My heart is so weak already. Plz god no.
I notice an interesting lack of older designs for shamira compared with more recent champions...
I wonder if it's because people were constantly complaning the concept ones looked better.
Nope! The way it works is the team and I meet, we talk about the process and then the artist (in this case /u/kindlejack) dumps a bunch of art into a folder. We select the art that fits the story, and in this case Samira was so clear to the team that it didn't fit the story.
Also I don't even have that image or know if it was explored the way other champs were.
If I am not mistaken, and if the "feature" is still available for abuse, one can drop a ward early, then go back for the Sweeper only to switch back to wards again in order to mingle with the cooldown of the waeding trinket and get more wards out of it. I know that some junglers used to do it since they usually back quite often so this is a viable strat for them.
Anyways, that is quite ridiculous. Imagine tilting oneself so hard off a rune/trinket choice to quit the game and risk account suspension, as well as runing the game for nine other people.
On a side note, given the Riot badge you have here, did you uabe the authority to immediatelly issue a punishment for the leaver? Or are the AFK punishments automated by now?
We have no power to ban anyone. I just did a report at the end game screen.
I dropped a deep ward at level 1 on the enemy buff and backed to switch to sweeper. My mid pinged sweeper and asked me what I was doing. I pointed out zombie ward and that I was support.
He said ff15 and ragequit. So my team had to ff because it was a 4v5.
Godspeed, summoners. To pay respects please everyone attempt at least one game of garen jungle in ranked. The resulting spike in the winrate data will confuse the balance team and this will be my true legacy.
I'll never forget our first conversation.
Me: "Hey you're Cactopus right?"
You: "Don't call me that."
Gonna miss ya bud.
If nothing else, the fact that you're willing to come to Reddit and have conversations like this is really encouraging. You're doing a really good job, and despite the Reddit negativity that always exists, I think a lot of us appreciate you coming into threads like this. It's the sort of thing that makes me say that I really, really respect the people who make Riot tick.
I've been a pos reddit for years, nothing will scare me away from this place. :D
I appreciate YOU coming here and voicing your opinions, and for your thoughtful response. Keep keeping us honest.
Of course. When I look at Riot as a company, I can only really think of the abuse scandals that have been around it for a while now. I can only think of women being made to feel unsafe and a toxic work culture and so on. When I look at Riot as a developer, though, I see a lot of really passionate and skilled people who care a lot about what they do and are trying their best to make a great game.
Obviously that's a little simplistic, as the two aren't distinct entities like that. But it comes down to me really, really respecting the people who work at Riot and the things they create, while remaining intensely skeptical of Riot as a corporate entity that hires employees.
As a rule, I'm skeptical of corporations. They put people in a position to control other people's livelihoods, and that's worrisome. But that doesn't mean I can't respect and admire the work done by people within a corporation.
I hope that makes sense.
Hey that's totally fair and thanks for the answer!
I'm in big "let's eat the rich and dismantle corporations" energy now, so I totally feel you on a personal level. I'm also super jazzed as a woman to have players and a community (both in and out of Riot) who care enough that they're still holding us accountable for our past actions.
Keep being great and hopefully we can change your mind as we keep moving forward.
I don't like Riot as a company, but I really like Riot as a developer, and posts like this are a big part of why. Riot is very consistent about being open with their development process, not just in how it works but in how they look at and evaluate it. It's a really fascinatingly in-depth look at how they design the game.
As someone who works in both the corporate and development spaces, can I ask why? What is the differentiator for you?
back in my day he came from a gem world, lol
I'm glad you're so hyped about it!
It's evenweave, not aida as far as I know. I used two strands per stitch with DMC thread.
In total it was 270 x 270 stitches with 61 different colours.I hope this link works, but it shows part of the Senna cross stitch I'm making:
This one is 320 x 189 stitches (64x38 cm) with 60 coloursI hope the other people at Riot will love it too!
You're insane. That's so much work omg. And here I am trying to cross stitch some Star Wars travel posters and getting bored because they're full coverage. T_T
OH MY GOD! How big is that aida? How many colors did you use? How many strands per stitch? How many stitches? DMC?
I have so many questions, this is AMAZING.
Edit: I sent this to some other cross stitchers at Riot. This is amazing.
Nah i'm more on the music production side of things but I've just always loved everything you guys have done sonically. I'm also more self taught so not really all that qualified haha otherwise I totally would look for a job at riot
I'm sure we have some self taught sound designers. And it's not like they don't use producers. ;)
haha I too love being a sound designer at riot!
I know you're memeing but if it's something you're interested you should DM Riot KDan. He actually is one and he's incredible.
I get the feeling that a lot of the Rioters are workaholic....
I think that's the issue doing something you love... You just don't know when to stop. Fortunately Riot's leadership, managers, and other Rioters tell us to take time off and fully support it.
Came in here to say this, lmao. We all know y'all just secret FFXIV addicts, Riot. Taking the week off for a whole company patch bonanza.
...they know...
Then you remember all the other stuff about riot work culture and feel bad again
I don't usually comments on this stuff, but I literally signed my acceptance offer the day before Kotaku came out. The next day my team all contacted me to talk about it. And even though I do the Champion Insights and stuff I'm on the corporate communications team. And I'm a woman.
I genuinely think Riot is a great place to work. I love my coworkers, I love my job, I love my team, and I love working here.
No company is perfect. But I've never worked at a company where I could openly voice my concerns or opinions in front of the whole company including leadership and NOT worry about my job. I think that's pretty amazing, tbh.