

21 Jan


Originally posted by CelioHogane


Now that's an interesting bit of info that we just got there.

I guess we will get more Viego lore than i initially expected.

Yeah the game is literally called "The Ruined King" but i mean...

Ahem, may I introduce you to Ruined King: A League of Legends Story?


Originally posted by F0RGERY

There’s nothing more kingly than being carted around in a litter, so August tried a kit similar to Yuumi’s.

Viego attached to an ally and followed them around the map, leaping out and attacking enemies whenever the opportunity struck. As fun as that design was, it didn’t feel like a king. He was bound to the whims of whoever he was attached to, incapable of commanding them to do his bidding.

If Riot was looking to make League's Big Bad, I can't imagine something more horrific than the concept of "assassin Yuumi".

Thank god they decided not to make that his kit.

Edit: Honestly kind of impressive how many ideas this Champion Insight talks about regarding scrapped kits. We get Assassin Yuumi, Full Rift Mist effect (Camo and spawning an army), starting with a broken blade of the ruined king that upgrades over the game. I love hearing about the scrapped kits and hope that more of beta kits are shared in the future.

I couldn't get August to stop talking. :D

12 Jan

08 Jan


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

/u/Reav3 is such a terrible actor lmao it’s so adorable. Also I think /u/Bellissimoh should consider doing ASMR, his voice is sooo calming

I'd just like it known Reav3 writes his own jokes and whenever we try to edit them he comments, "This is a joke" and he rejects the suggestion.

18 Dec


Originally posted by TeamLiquid_

Christmas came early.

Tell $teve to put me on his competitive raid team.

08 Dec


Originally posted by GGABueno

Maldraxxus is just Zaun.

More like Zaun/Shadow Isles combo. Skellies bb!

01 Dec


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Every single Rioter I have met (either randomly in-game or IRL or on social media) has been so nice and helpful and has gone above and beyond with outreach with the community. Like, it's one of the best qualities of the company that I've been applying like a madman to work there. I am not gonna say the company is perfect, since no such company exists in terms of being "perfect," but it sure as hell is attracting a bunch of really awesome folk that I would love to work with sometime during my lifetime. I may not qualify to work there now, but I'm gonna keep on applying until I do qualify.

Even the more popular (read: publicly known) rioters I've met in the most recent season-start of TFT when the ranks were reset (like Blaustoise) were honorable and met every single criteria outlined on the Summoner's Code. I played SR with some super awesome folk this past weekend.

Also, many thanks to /u/Cash...

Read more

no u <3

23 Nov


Originally posted by LeFiery

Wanna say thanks for a cool mounted champ! I love sejuani and lillia but sejuani isnt really too viable in top/support roles.

Will we see rell being able to go top at all?

Maybe! Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Just don't do it in my ranked games on day 1 ;)


Originally posted by Tyger2212

We really loved the idea of creating a tanky support. It’d been a long time since we’d made one—Braum was actually the last,” says senior concept artist Justin “Riot Earp” Albers. “But unlike Braum, we wanted her to have a darker past and personality

Is tahm Kench not a darker tank sup? got me T_T


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Why are you guys pumping out new champs lately?

Why cant you people release VGU/VU's at the same pace?

Oh right... $$$ ?

But here is this: Look how much Akali got popular after her VGU.

This is a question I think /u/reav3 has answered before, and I'll leave it to him as it's not my area of expertise.

Hmm, you seem to have edited your post after I responded...


Originally posted by Kappa_God

You're probably right, it's one of the mainstream animes so I doubt no one at Riot wouldn't notice it.



Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Interesting direction. I do like that they're finally putting a bit more focus on the dark side of Noxus -- that sounds like an oxymoron but for the past several years the lore has been very focused on the upsides of Noxus vis a vis egalitarianism, tolerance, meritocracy, multiculturalism and such (in contrast to Demacia, which has been demonized to a nearly comical degree). So bringing back the focus on the fact that these are not very nice people after all is a breath of fresh air (you wouldn't think that more than the fact that Noxus is an expansionist empire was necessary but eh).

I wonder if the contrast with Sylas was intentional, they mirror each others' stories in several ways. Would be nice if they had some interactions. Also I wanna know if any of the writers have read Mistborn, there's more than a couple common points in here.

We actually talked about Sylas in the meeting for the article. I think it's important to acknowledge that even though this world isn't real, the characters are incredibly real to a lot of us. From the devs who spend months, or even years, working on them, to those of us who devote years playing our mains, these champions are people. And like all people, they're complex. And so are these places.

Everywhere has good and bad history, and I really love that the team has the chance to explore that. It makes everything feel more real. At least to me.


Originally posted by bz6


No alternative in game models this time? :(

Understandable after the Seraphine fiasco...

No alts! The alternative early concepts that Riot Earp gave me were mainly around the silhouette for her armor. They knew pretty quickly with Rell who she'd be.

13 Nov


Originally posted by RiotDashiJador

I have nothing to do with KDA or the music group but you have convinced me! I'm now team "Cass was the director."

Team bone crushing queens ❤️👸🦴🔨👸❤️

05 Oct


Originally posted by TSMbody

I really hope that as jobs get more technical and specialized, employers assess skills like spelling less and focus more on communication skills and job skills.

OP has some poor wording here and there but his explanations are solid and his point is communicated clearly while his technical skills are really good considering he’s only applying as an intern. It would be a shame for him to be overlooked for something like this.

Not saying Riot does since you clearly said they don’t but employers in general.

On a personal level I find it very sh*tty for non-native English speakers as well. Speaking several languages at a business-level proficiency should be rewarded, even if it means the occasional spelling/grammatical error.

04 Oct


Originally posted by blanketswithsmallpox

See tons of articles linked in /r/news on reddit. Half of them read like first draft garbage. The days of decent word editing are long gone.

Something I struggled with really early on in my career--and especially in school--was the ability to objectively read and edit my own writing. It made me feel absolutely sick to my stomach.

I've gotten better at it over the years, and I actually prefer the act of editing my pile of turds words over writing the first draft.

It's tough when you don't have fresh eyes to look at something, and I think that's often the case with digital media outside of major, reputable sources/platforms.


Originally posted by _yogurtsauce

Yeah they are. Typos and errors show that you don’t look over your work and don’t put effort in to fix it.

You wouldn’t submit a resume if it had common spelling errors would you?

It might not be the straw that breaks the camels back, but it could mean the difference between this candidate and another.

I mean, if someone sends a resume or cover letter that's completely riddled with typos or grammatical mistakes it's definitely not going to do well, especially if there's competition that doesn't have the same problems.

But if there's 1 or 2 typos it's definitely not a deal breaker.


Originally posted by ClavedeSolix

Looks good, but I'd proofread all the text! Spotted a few typos and it's not a good look if your application has them.

Typos aren't a deal breaker unless that role is a writer or editor. And even then, they happen sometimes.

22 Sep


Originally posted by donhoavon

Wait, Draven was mean't to be a sexy man? I always thought his lore was supposed to be humourous.

He's schmoozin in his LoR card art.


Originally posted by Oxen_aka_nexO

Dear Riot, could you please make her taunt also work on allies so I can toss a coin to my support after he makes a play?? u/Cashmiir

I can't, but I can raise it to the team!