

07 Jul


Originally posted by seviere

Super stoked about this champ! I just hope that the people complaining in here don't get you guys too down about what I'm thinking will be an awesome addition to League's champion lineup.

I think people are averse to change. Myself too. I hate change. I think Lillia is unique and beautiful, and that the team did such an incredible job creating her. And in a few months people will be fine with it.

Glad you're excited!


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

so they are waking up again or sleeping forever so that their dreams can forever be harvested by her mother tree? Because that's how it kinda sounded to me...

They wake up! Dreams used to go to the mother tree whenever anyone slept. Lillia just wants to save her mom.


Originally posted by doctordoodle

I mean, it's an interesting choice, but Scottish accents don't exactly give me ancient and strange vibes. It just kinda felt slapped on since it's just not an accent we have used yet and it's one that is much more familiar to most people. I wouldn't be opposed to it if the design of the champion hinted some more similarities to Scottish culture, but it was just very jarring when hearing the voice for the first time.

Bonus scottish lillia edit lol

When I first heard Lillia the only thing I thought of was this and I definitely sent it to Interlocutioner.


Originally posted by _MNMs_

I was thinking this too. They mention how she starts shy (weak) and then gets brave (stronger) but nowhere in her kit does it show that. If they just mean that she starts at level 1 and then gets stronger because of leveling up to 18 then oof.

Maybe I didn't do a great job explaining this part: So her kit is sort of a metaphor for her gaining confidence. She starts out shy and weak, and has to run away from you (which she can do with the movement speed stacks), but as she gets stronger (items), she grows confidence (move speed) and flourishes (lol I stronk now bb). She scales really well into the late game, and prances along the rift, slapping you with her spells and putting you to sleep.


Originally posted by doctordoodle

Nothing talks about the weird decision on the voice being scottish. u/Cashmiir any insight?

/u/interlocutioner should be able to help!


Originally posted by Plagueflames

If thats not her splash art next April fools day I don't actually have anything impactful I'll do but probably just be kinda sad

I've got a lot of April Fools thoughts. Don't worry.


Originally posted by Random_Indian99

rip nocturne

So that was part of the reason the team went with the dreams thematic. You see, League's already got the literal embodiment of nightmares (woops, wrong link lol). So it wouldn't feel right to have Lillia be nightmares and dreams.


Originally posted by Beg_For_Mercy

Is Lillia's mother tree different from the God-Willow? Seems like it, since they didn't mention the tree Ivern cut down by name, but it seems a little ambiguous. Would make a big difference in the interactions between Ivern and Lillia if he was the one who killed her tree.


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Then one of the testers, Gabriel, drew this picture, and we used it as her loading screen splash art for a while...

Can that please just be her official loading screen splash, thanks

To do this, Riot Dummerwitz utilized emotionally confusing source material with distant positioning in Lillia’s sound effects. When she swings her staff you can hear laughter and crying, but far-off in some intangible location. It’s distant, surreal, and neither good or bad.

Riot's entire sound design team smurfing again I see

Riot Dummerwitz is a f*cking wizard.


Originally posted by SumEkkoMain

Her lore says she goes around putting people to sleep and harvesting their dreams. Ik that that's intended to sound peaceful-ish since she looks to be a more or less nice character but it 100% sounds like she running around runeterra on a killing spree.

I flip-flopped on whether or not I could use "put them to sleep" because of the connotation of her actually killing people. She just wants to give them a good ol' nappy nap.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

I had to do it. I don't even like anime.

Don't lie to me, nobody but high-level weebs know what "dandere" means. Anyway, as a fellow gold smoothbrain, thanks for the response.

Riot Maxw3ll's intention with her lower range AA is to not have her auto. Weaving her Q with her other abilities is supposedly the best way to play her. He wanted to give her a sort of run-in-and-out playstyle.

I can see that with the Q MS and generous range on her abilities, but that also suggests harassing top for me. I believe she was also referred to as a skirmisher in roadmaps, which I found kinda odd since she neither seems to rely on AAs nor has any defensive abilities, from what we've seen. Of course not every champion has to fit in a nice little niche, but a low-CC champion with 5 damaging abilities, melee range and magic damage is pretty novel.

Regarding Neeko, yes and no? Lillia fits into a unique sl...

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/u/riotmaxw3ll commented below me and can definitely answer gameplay questions better than I can.

Lillia actually has some salt for Neeko's flower in-game. ;)


Originally posted by Sharjo

People were like "Nah don't like".

In anything.

That's kinda it, seemingly. The high concept, form-changing spirit deer girl was just not well recieved by the majority of people who got their hands on her during testing. So I guess they went simpler to focus on the shy deer-girl aspect of her.

This is it. We had players come in to test her and they weren't feeling the kit. So Riot Maxw3ll and the team took a step back and decided to narrow in the focus on the best parts of her: the sleep and single form.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

But the team needed to make sure that players would be fawnd of Lillia as a shy dan-deer-e.

Goddamned weebs. Anyway, this is all interesting from a development/background standpoint, but from the champion insights blog I kinda wanted more context on her abilities. Why is she a damage champion with almost no utility outside her R? Why make her melee? What is she supposed to build? What makes her a jungler and not a mid or top? How is the dream concept communicated outside of her R having a sleep? Are there no concerns about the visual and thematic overlap with Neeko? They probably would never answer this one, but any thoughts about the fawn centaur girls in competing MOBAs?

Don't get me wrong, dev insights are always welcome, but this just seemed to answer questions nobody was asking. Mildly disappointed that the concepts they hinted at in the roadmap didn't pan out, either.

Hello. It me. The writer of this post.

Goddamned weebs.

I had to do it. I don't even like anime. But onto your more serious notes.

The feedback about wanting more ability insight is great, and I'll 100% consider that moving forward on these. I think, as a writer, I naturally tend to gravitate towards the narrative end because it's my craft as well.

I'm not sure I'll ever choose to dig into the items because that can change patch-to-patch, and I actually don't get to play the champions before anyone else. I'm also smooth brain gold, so don't listen to me.

Riot Maxw3ll's intention with her lower range AA is to not have her auto. Weaving her Q with her other abilities is supposedly the best way to play her. He wanted to give her a sort of run-in-and-out playstyle.

Regarding Neeko, yes and no? Lillia fits into a unique slot. While I can personally see some similarities (I even asked the team ab...

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Originally posted by entireteamdifference

Anyone else getting an "Error 404" when trying to open the URL?

Or just me :)?

Hey! Not sure why. Raised it to the team.

Edit: The web team is aware. Working on a fix. Sorry everyone!

Edit 2: We fixed bb!

15 Jun


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Enjoy the vacation!

Will there be a discussion on URF once the event ends? I'm curious about the banrates, game health, and such.

I'm also REALLY surprised that so few people ban Lee Sin in URF. He's the better version of AP Rakan (even though /u/Cashmiir disagrees with me).

You're wrong in every possible way. Fight me.

( jk, love you )

29 May


Originally posted by Ryokha

There is three, actually.

My brother, who is also a Rioter, is a Skarner main. So I guess that's four.

25 May


Originally posted by lagetakethewheel

any gif of the other 4 new emotes please :v ?

I can't help with that. :( I don't work on LoR actively, I just do behind-the-scenes stuff with their team.


Originally posted by SomeDdevil

Is there any place where I can see the new emotes animated yet?


a janky (pixelated) confetti poro from!

19 May


Originally posted by ClumsyPineappl

Maybe use it similar to Heimer's "I just topdecked lethal" but when you literally only had 1 out?

It's in here! :D

18 May


Originally posted by Passofficeban

It would be crazy if there was some way to quickly communicate all of that with your voice to your teammates. O well, maybe in another 100 years.

Doesn't solve the problem. Even if I get on voice chat with my solo queue team they won't understand me. I'm a boosted ape.