

31 Jul


Originally posted by seafoodgodddd

I played an aram with Riot Del Bringo last night! I didn't get any RP (I didnt even know they could do that!) but I just thought it was neat to finally see one in the wild after 10 years of playing haha

edit: Here's my proof :3

This is my brother. He's a loser. Don't believe his lies.

29 Jul


Originally posted by RollThatPoly

I would just like to thank Riot for giving us Daddy Thresh.


Originally posted by earlymanzzz

crazy to think that this event came so close to being just another shitty vs. event

It actually didn't come that close! Reav3 and the thematic development team knew really early that vs wasn't the right call.


Originally posted by Orumtbh

“I’m... the weebiest weeb in the group,” admits concept art lead Gem “Lonewingy” Lim. “That meant I ended up providing the ‘professional knowledge.’ Which means making sure the team understood different anime archetypes like dandere, tsundere, yandere, kakkoii, and kawaii. And more than that, I had to help make sure the artists captured these emotions correctly. It couldn’t just be anime. It had to be high quality anime!”

What a king.

Excuse me, QUEEN.


Originally posted by RiotSmileyjoe

Cashmiir is always amazing but all her stuff for Spirit Blossom has been next-level good

Stop, you.


Originally posted by Senpaifriendzonedme

Jeez Riot playing 4D chess with our hearts

When I was working on this article I asked SkiptoMyLuo, who wrote Thresh, how the storyline with my chain daddy sh*ttiest hook champion ended. Needless to say, I was left wanting more.

28 Jul


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Cashmiir is such a great writer! I love these weekly updates!

That bring said, I can't wait for more events like this in the future. Kindred's story was hands down the best.


All credit goes to the team. They created something incredible and were so excited to talk about it, the words just fell into place.

25 Jul


Originally posted by noshirdalal

Thanks for the shoutout!

You did an incredible job! While I was working on this article I creeped on your Twitter and saw your very cute puppy. <3


Originally posted by bz6

legends! love reading insights like these. grateful that Riot does these comms stuff for the players <3

also really digging the vibe of this event. and the skins are just so detailed. well done to all involved! when is Yone's theme releasing :D?

Glad you like it! And soontm

I actually don't know. D:

24 Jul


Originally posted by bz6

Did Riot Zimberfly do the VO for Yone?

VO team always on point imo.

The voice actor was /u/noshirdalal and yes, /u/zimberfly worked on the sound editing and mixing for it!


Originally posted by Derpface6568

its perfect it will be bigger then K/DA and True Damage combined

Members of Riot Music Group, please credit me. Ty.


Originally posted by Derpface6568

i got you, call it sweater squad and make it at Christmas time for like a ugly sweater party. boom entire skinline idea

Only if we can release it with an album of champs singing holiday songs.
"(Santa) Baron Baby" performed by Rek'Sai
"All I Want For Christmas Is A Gank" performed by The Top Lane Trio
"I Caught Lux Support Stealing All My Kills" performed by Your ADC
And, my personal favorite, "Silent Night" sang by Sona and Aphelios


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

im pretty sure he's talking about how Lillia feels like she was a throwaway champion release.

She's been out for, what, 2-3 days? And literally all anyone can talk about is Yone. There's no threads talking about Lillia, no discussion on what she should build, what comps use her, how she'll be in pro-play. Even this entire event, which is her release skin, is all about Yone now.

Ah. Yes. I understand that sentiment entirely. I worked with the Lillia team on her Champion Insights as well. As a jungler (and not a solo laner) I feel that a lot. I think that with the release of Kin of the Stained Blade and a champion who pre-existed in our lore it's easy for someone like Lillia to get swept up in all of this.

/u/Interlocutioner and I have talked a few times about it, but we think the silver lining is similar to something we saw on /r/LilliaMains recently. That Lillia would be happy not to have all the attention. She's a shy fawn, after all. She wants to blend into the background.

... Read more

Originally posted by Seneido

They put so much passion into him.

kinda sad cause Lillia will end up like taliyah for such a reason as well. Regardless of how good she is she will be overshadowed.

What do you mean, exactly?


Originally posted by Flabadyflue

You know you want to give us a skin line of your favourite champs in cashmere sweaters. You can disguise it as a Esports line and pretend they are in sneaky cosplay

Senna, Sona, Zyra, Xayah, Leona, Thresh, Yone sweater skins inc.


Originally posted by LeFlop1337

It was for Senna, but I am unsure about Kai'Sa (I wasn't at Riot then). EndlessPillows mentioned that he loves designing champions that are already someone, and using their story as a huge influence. The Yone team is incredible. They put so much passion into him. It was so clearly palpable from the way they talked about him.

ya'all are designing a competitive game, not a singleplayer game. Ya'all are designing shit champions for a game that's based on ranked games. f**king toxic champions that are cancer and super unfun to play against. great idea


Originally posted by Kanatama

According to Reav3 he can choose to return???

He can end the timer early, but there is a timer that forces him back to his body.

When playing him this just looks like reactivating his ability to end it.


Originally posted by 123janna456

TFT Gold Powerspike

Shots fired /u/WriterRiotPls


Originally posted by neonroad

Wonderfully written. Love getting to hear the care that gets put into these amazing works of art. When working on a champion for the most popular game on the web, it's probably hard to strike the perfect balance between making everything "lore appropriate" as well as "balanced". I always think about that when champions die in-game, like, what a bummer- the Aspect of War just died to a mushroom-loving yordle! So of course, while there may be many adjustments to Yone's kit in the future through patches and tweaks, it's fascinating to know the actual thought process that went behind designing our next favorite champ-to-ban (well, not before I get to try out a game or 10 with him ;).

Excellent work, Yone team! Give my congratulations to them when they wake up!

They've got the link to this thread and I'm sure are reading over their morning coffee!


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

I love game design talk, and one thing that Riot does uncommonly well is transparent and detailed thoughts on how they go about designing their game. It's honestly one of the bigger things that draws me to League.

As someone whose whole job is aligned around that, it feels REALLY good to hear it said. <3