

26 Apr


Originally posted by FiIthy_Savage

I played very little league back in '17 and am just now getting really into seeing as my two close friends want me to play with them. In games like OW I played hours of D.Va, pharra, and junkrat. In league I've been playing Ziggs, Garen, Brand, and just last night, Ashe. I have Rammus but don't want to try jungling yet, as I don't think id be good at keeping a close eye on teammates while also clearing camps and making sure my pathing is good. Thanks for all the recommendations!

Annie might be a good one to pick up. Dr. Mundo, too. Easy to learn and really strong.


What do you typically enjoy playing in video games? Healers? Tanks? Assassins? Brawlers? Mages?

If you're looking for some easy to learn supports I'd recommend Sona, Braum, Zyra, Lux (those two can also be played mid), or Leona.

If you like mages then Lux, Brand, Vel'Koz would do great.

If you're someone who likes brawlers then Garen, Darius, or Illaoi.

Assassins usually require a little bit more gameplay knowledge in League but you have Talon, Zed, LeBlanc, Ahri, or Ekko.

I'd recommend trying champions that are on free rotation. If you like them then give them a go!

Welcome to League!