

25 Nov


Originally posted by BionicCloud

I think he would look better with lunar hair. Currently he looks like kayn with a coat

I am okay with this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by Sniperoso

I think they accidentally hit a control ward.

It's always Ezreals... /thinking


Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

So?! Does Aphelios even have a voice actor?

Aphelios' VO consists purely of "sounds of exertion," or so I was told by Riot Zimberfly.

So I do not believe he has tangible VO lines. I didn't play him on dev build so I'm not 100% sure.


Originally posted by PresidentLink

Back in s5(?) I played a solo ranked in gold, 1 of very few times I've played the game solo, I got flamed by my support for buying a pink ward when I should be focusing on items

I believe the monetary value of pink is better than any 500g or below item. Or at least that's what someone who is a much higher rank than me said once. The value begins to swing in the item balance when you hit 800g items.


Originally posted by AnotherTelecaster

Marksmen largely play the same across all champions. You go to lane, farm minions, forget about the mini map, die a bunch, maybe get a kill or two, and build items. The abilities change, but the overall gameplay is familiar.

Ahh, so Riot DOES play the same game as us.

I'm a support main. This is my life.

Why you got a vision score of 1 at 29 minutes ADCs?


Originally posted by samurottt

Such a good read, I wonder if we can still hear Aphelios his thoughts sometimes.


16 Nov


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

Hi, i absolutely love KDA Ahri. Her tails changing color with her abilities is so awesome and Elderwood Ahri doesn't do that.

In this article i loved the charm sound which you guys first made. That is just superb. I wish you guys went with it

I'm sure /u/Zimberfly would love to hear that! ;)

15 Nov


Originally posted by PreztoElite

Does Akali also has the Giants instrumental playing in the background when she shrouds like she does on KDA?

It has parts of the instrumental for her part of the song playing, yes.

And because Akali is the one who brought everyone together, Riot Strâtos designed it so it should kind of feel like she's hearing other people listen to it from other rooms. So it's like the rest of the TD group are listening to the song.


Originally posted by Beejsbj

K/DA was uncharted territory.

didnt kayle have pentakill music in her abilities too?

Yes! So I wanted to add this in but couldn't really find a place to address the "Pentakill conundrum."

So, Pentakill was a skinline before it was ever music. And then we released new skins for new champions along the way.

TD and K/DA were unique in that we were making the skins PURELY based on a single song.


Originally posted by xMetix

Kinda sad that these skins aren't pushed to legendary quality. They all need new voice overs. You get Kai'Sa talking about the void and Qiyana claiming land for Ixaocan.

I'm walking to my desk but I can give you more context on that in a minute.

Edit: So there was a lot of content that I wanted to add but cut for length reasons, and one of them is the timelines that these SFX were designed under. From the sound design perspective, it's basically 1 VO designer and 1 SFX designer working on these lines. And they're also working on upcoming champion releases, champ updates, and other SR stuff. It's a lot of work and takes a lot of exploration.

And then if you updated VO for all the skins they'd also need narrative to step in to write and edit the voice lines, and then have to record them with the voice actor, who may or may not be available. But that's all beyond my knowledge and I can't really speak to the rest of it. Just what I learned from talking to the sound designers. :)


Originally posted by Freezman13

"Like a bowl of porridge, it had to be just right."

Sublime writing lmao.

If there's one thing I wish to be remembered for it's dumb writing.

13 Nov


Originally posted by LeFiery

Yeah im surprised ekko isnt a ultimate skin. Both Jirsan and Strâtos out did themselves. Thank you.

I'm sure they'll be really happy to hear that! They're both insanely talented (like the other sound designers). Working with them all is an absolute pleasure that I can't convey well enough with words.


Originally posted by LeFiery

Are you allowed to say their name?

Riot Jirsan did Ekko, Yasuo, and Senna. And Riot Strâtos did Qiyana and Akali.


Originally posted by Larriet

Is is the same sound designer as K/DA? I remember reading a long thread on Twitter from the person who did those, and it was awesome. I'd love to read a bit on TD as well, as someone who works with music but has no experience with production.

Not the same sound designer! The one who did K/DA also poured his heart and soul into it and it's incredible.

12 Nov


Originally posted by ietsrondsofzo

Better yet, it changes when you throw out skills or hit them. Including your passive. It's such a good skin.

The sound designer who worked on Ekko did such an incredible job. When he was talking to me about it for a Nexus post he was freestyling the sounds and it was incredible.

The other sound designer on TD skins also did a stellar job. They're so talented! 🤩🤩

30 Oct


Originally posted by EcoleBuissonniere

I am in fact, very excited about that!

He's great! A genuine delight to work with and insanely talented. But that's how all the writers I've met are. :D

29 Oct


Originally posted by TheBakke

League has one gatling gun


one minigun


one shotgun (with a cigar)


one machine gun


two handguns


two rifles

Cait and Jhin? Not sure if whatever Jhin has is a rifle, but sure

two rocket launchers

Jinx and?

three pistols

MF & GP? What about Kled? Is that like a sawoff shotgun?

Machine gun is kog'maw.

I forgot Kled. I suck.


Originally posted by EcoleBuissonniere

All I can think about while reading this is how consistently fantastic Riot's lore team has been lately. Senna's personality is impressively layered, and the fact that they seriously spend time thinking about how a kit displays a champion's story is great.

Senna’s out. She’s not in constant torture land anymore. And Lucian gets his wife back. It’s not perfect, but it’s real. I want their love to be real.

10/10, please let Interlocutioner write (even) more stuff.

You'll be excited to hear that he's working on a few more champions!


Originally posted by AfternoonMeshes

I forgive you but Kled probably doesn’t.

I accept my fate as Skaarl food.


Originally posted by CelioHogane

Now Lucian will become "Senna's husband."

This is the universe I want to live in.