

29 Oct


Originally posted by thercio27

If being called a machine gun counts does that mean Ryze gets to be a gun?

There was true contention about including Braum's guns.


Originally posted by AfternoonMeshes

“Three pistols”

Kled sends his regards.

(I’m assuming he’s only counting MF pistols + GP pistol)

WOW I forgot Kled. Someone fire me.


Originally posted by Beejsbj

which ones the gatling gun?



Originally posted by TheZets

Okay, Imma boom you.

Suit is a living void creature

Kog'Maw is a living void creature.

Suit ≠ Gun

Kog'Maw = Gun

The only difference is the Girl inside it.

So therefore if Kog'Maw eats Quinn, Valor is a gun

Lmao. BRUH let me live my Machine Gun Kog'maw meta life.


Originally posted by TheZets

Well on the gun to bow spectrum its a bow but on the edge a bit. But yeah I get you

Also may I point you too Kaisa's weird fist floaties for more confusion ?

Technically part of her suit, which is a living creature. Trust me, I spent a ludicrous amount of time trying to rule everything out.


Originally posted by TheZets

Quinn's weird bow revolver thing got forgotten

I counted actual guns. Quinn's is technically a bow. I had a mental breakdown about whether or not I could also count Jayce's hammer.


Originally posted by altoluce

I like Riot's title chose. Referring to that famous reddit comment.

Thanks! We went back and forth over this for a while because the team really didn't want her to just be that dude's dead wife.

Edit: I wasn't referring to this comment omg what have I done? :[

23 Oct


Originally posted by Ing0sion

What lvl are u? Yesterday I saw someone with lvl 415 what I think is a very high lvl and at least the highest i have seen in my games yet

I know someone who is in the high 600s or low 700s.

15 Oct

10 Oct


Originally posted by deshende

Mine too! Happy birthday in advance.

Hey, same goes for you! DM me on 10/15 to remind me with your summoner name and region and I'll give you some sweet, sweet RP.

Edit: See my above edit. Please feel free to add me in game anyone.


Originally posted by -xXxMangoxXx-

Oh hey I forgot my birthday and league birthday is on the same day.

Happy early birthday! DM me on 10/15 as a reminder and I'll throw you some birthday RP, bud!

Edit: Y'all are great and wonderful and I wish I could give you all RP, but unfortunately I cannot. Please know that I am reading every one of these requests. I might not be able to give it to you, but anyone can feel free to add me for a game, a chat, or a rant about nerfing your favorite champ. NA Riot Cashmiir

04 Oct


Originally posted by toyako34

Out of curiosity, what is stopping a rioter from just making this into a skin? Or a very closely related one. I feel like we see so many good skin ideas like this but rarely ever see them picked up by riot nowadays.

I'm not in Legal or an artist, but iirc there are legal implications about using a skin from a non-Rioter.

27 Sep


Originally posted by _XanderD

Riot secrectly looking for the next Einstein to fix their spaghetti.

Prefer Gordon Ramsay.


Originally posted by Shaco-Malfoy

We're not teaching game theory, but the fundamentals of game design.

Rules, obstacles, interaction, goals, etc.

As Cashmiir said above, it's based on a curriculum taught at the college level for specifically game design. We worked with our design discipline to infuse Riot philosophy and augment it to ensure it is representative of how we work.

Please refer to me as Cashmiir in the office now, Mr. Shaco Malfoy.

26 Sep


Originally posted by bakuranormal

As someone who's doing their masters year in Games Design and Enterprise this is essentially part of the curriculum I was taught during my first year of my foundation degree. For anyone who wants a peak into game theory this is really cool

Hey! I worked with the URF Academy Online team. They adapted the curriculum here from a college level course taught by a game designer at Riot, so it should be mostly familiar stuff!

23 Sep


Originally posted by Martian_on_the_Moon

Same could be said about commas. Iirc it shouldnt be used when ''and'' is afterwards. Correct me if I am wrong. English is my second language.

We use the Oxford comma because we have class.

07 Sep


Originally posted by RiotDashiJador

Hi! Glad you liked it! Which pics would you like? I can send you the largest sized ones we have later tonight :)

I can confirm this is a Rioter and the one you should talk to about the project! The guy in charge of Reddit red names is off for the night, so ask DashiJador questions if you have any!

02 Sep


Originally posted by Precat8

Actually a similar tip: Jax’s favorite food is eggs has influenced me to consume 3 eggs for breakfast and dinner daily. This has substantially increased my protein in take versus the bowl of lucky charms. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Eating eggs have also expanded my finger tendon which allows it to intake at least double the torque pressure of any regular human. This lets me auto cancle with W perfectly down to the nano second and has improved my eye lube which improves my map awareness. Your shit however does turn to a light shade of yellow but you get over it rather quickly.


16 Aug

12 Aug


Originally posted by Elm_road

Someone please tag a rioter and get this man a gun!

You think we don't see this already? I have no life.