

23 Jan


I have only played Public Beta Client twice. I get this every time I start the live version since I installed the current Testlive client.

Edit: I just tested this, and it only happens when you start the current live build. Since Battleye has been updated and both clients use the same install, the message is to accept with the Live build.

19 Oct


You are correct. It does take time to recover from offhand and special attacks. The special attack also burns a lot of your stamina.

18 Oct


Welcome to the Dark Side. We have cookies.

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11 Oct


This is a known issue with some of the PSN transactions that Funcom is aware of. They are looking into the issue. Please submit a Zendesk ticket for your specific cases.

01 Aug


At the time I originally passed this along to the community team, nothing came of it.

Read more

29 Jul


Guessing I need to chime in on this thread…

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I’d 3D print it, but I do not want to spend the money on the file.

31 May


All of the entries were unbelievably good. The choices were difficult to make at best. For the most part, the backgrounds were ignored since we were judging the fashions. All of the entrants did a fantastic job which made it all the more difficult for the Funcom Staff to narrow down the choices the Community Judges had to pick from.

I know I say this for all of the Community Members that volunteered to Judge this contest. It was the hardest contest we have ever had to judge. All of the entries were over the top and phenomenal. It was with extreme difficulty that we made our choices since only a few were going to get the prizes. There were some ties and we had to come back for a second vote to determine the winner.

Congratulations to the winners and a job well done to all of you who entered the contest.

04 Oct

16 Aug


Please keep your comments civil and on topic.

01 Jun


Do not worry about the purges, they are bringing you needed supplies to survive in the Exiled Lands.

12 Dec


The team that looks at and reviews the reports is extremely small.

Reporting the hacker/cheater is the right thing to do. It allows the team to see what is happening, determine if it is new or old, and confirm if it has been fixed in an internal build or is currently fixed in TestLive.

Even if you never hear back on a report, please continue to submit them. They will be looked into and allow them the time to do so. You are correct in that you will not get an answer/response concerning the results of your report.

01 Dec


Welcome to to the forums.

19 Sep


Have not found any there yet.


This is the actual coordinates for her location. There is usually a T3 or lower there.

TeleportPlayer 261491.046875 116640.367188 -19736.753906

That only works if you are an admin or in single-player as an admin.

It is near the Descent of Dagon. Be careful, all of the NPC’s will attack you in this area. The location does have a second entrance. Both are well guarded.

18 Sep


There is a T4 bearer that can be found in the Swamp/Jungle area of the map. I am not sure about her spawn rate and do not recall the exact location she spawns at.

05 Sep


How big is your base? That can cause issues.

25 Aug


Fixed it. Had not had enough coffee when I wrote that.

24 Aug


Yes, they are still working on CE. Yes, they are taking the mandatory summer holiday/vacations in Norway. The CE team is in the Oslo studio.

14 Aug


As a member of the volunteer moderation team, we are not advised on vacations unless it involves a large number of their team. There are times of the year when Sweden goes on vacation and they do advise us of those times. The NC studio takes vacation time that allows one office to manned while the other is on vacation. I do know that different teams take vacations that do not conflict with other teams.


They have not mentioned anything about a vacation. They are working on multiple projects geared towards CE. Please do not ask for details or possible time lines as you will not get an answer.