

05 Mar


The Mighty Landbreaker special is crazy powerful when fighting with a team. Hammer tends to be a little more unwieldy than others, but once you get into it it's a lot of fun!

I especially like the double hammer jump (running forward and right click twice), especially fun with Molten Edict which will toss some magma at them.

01 Mar


The commission passes show expiration at the top, Reward Cache also shows at the top left (41 days left).

Other hunt passes you purchase last forever once purchased, but rotate halfway through each commission when more stuff is added to the Reward Cache.

19 Jan


On top of what others said, escalation bonuses can help a lot if you want to aim for Terra escalations, though maybe not needed it can help with higher hit goals than 5k though.

Also, don't underestimate Frenzy Tonic and Inspiring Pylon. In addition, remember adding part damage doesn't increase core damage, so avoid boosting part damage as opposed to all damage.

If you go to Granny Strega in Ramsgate you can get the tonics for 500 gold each, and pylons for 1,000 each.

Additional reminder: Frenzy tonic does 30% bonus damage when near an enraged behemoth vs the 15% otherwise.


Originally posted by Aggravating-Self5836

Hello, I just got on this game, may I ask what game are the devs focusing on these days?

We have separate active teams developing both games! Our Dauntless team is currently heads down focusing on a major update. You can check AMAs here&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) for the past 6 months to get a good idea on what the team has been working on!

16 Jan


Originally posted by OhHeyItsAntar

This is somehow Cincos fault, I'm sure.

I was just surprised to see you using chainblades and skullforge.

12 Jan


Weapons level up to 20, you can then reforge in the middle of town to lvl 1 for Aetherhearts which can be used to power surge weapons and armor to make them stronger. Also, leveling up weapon bonuses on your slayers tree. Those bonuses work with all weapons. 10 reforges per weapon are useful in that regard, but you can keep doing it.

Beyond that, hit "M" in town for the map. Behind "Arkan Drew" (the lantern) there's a machine you can use to set bonuses for escalations (you can level up to 25 for each escalation type).

Things to do -

Escalations for runs with several behemoths (1-13 is easier, 10-50 usually helps to have a lot of levels unlocked).

Join people in hunting grounds islands.

Focus on quests, bounties, and challenges "U", don't forget to check the "Reward Cache" under "Challenges" (or "P") there are 6 days left on the current coins/things to purchase.

I just realized I gave all PC commands, but these should be findable in ...

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09 Jan


Originally posted by SOSpammy

I managed to snag one piece of armor before it was taken away. So I'm guessing these will be the rewards cache items for next season? I guess I get a head start on it.



Looks like it was a minor incident involving a checkbox being checked (or not checked idk). The checkbox has once again been unchecked (or checked idk).

TL;DR They're gone. Press "F" to pay respects.


I would try restarting the device, and also making sure the age of your Epic account is set properly on the Epic website as well as double check that it's the one you're connected to. Anything beyond that, you should write into

08 Jan


Face tanks are totally fine for all modes outside trying to 3* trials. They even seem to have no issues with beating Hesca timers to get to the final level. Would just say I'd try to limit it to only as much as you need so you're not slowing things down without reason.

I found the problem with Medic, particularly in Heroic Escalations, is if you're making use of it that means your allies are dying too much and you wont make it to the boss. Even +3 sturdy works to easily revive people as you can take a hit while reviving.


Originally posted by MarbleNiter

Best to rely on your Omnicell (Bastion), Lantern (Skarn) and Tonics (Bulwark) for additional defense.

Parasitic +3 is the only perk you'll require to invest as far as defense is concerned. The rest of your perks should all contribute to DPS:

  • +6 Adrenaline
  • +6 Endurance (or Predator if you get hit rarely)
  • +6 Catalyst (carry Frenzy, Blitz and Bulwark tonics)
  • +6 Pulse
  • +6 Berserker (or +3 Berserker and +3 Overpower)
  • +3 Parasitic
  • +3 weapon's innate perk (prefer Frostwulf)

Select defensive amps like Torrent Shield, Healing Stream, Breath of Life, etc. if you get any of those options. The 'From The Ashes' amp is a rare amp of Epic rarity but if you get it, you'll receive a free revive each round.

Have similar with a pike and I accidentally solo'd Radiant hesca with this mess and terrible bonuses (got bonus damage for allies who dropped out after round 1). This is a "I'm gonna get hit in the face a lot and that's okay" build. Core: Iceborne/Koshai's lantern (The life leech ones)

One thing to keep in mind is meta builds are highly DPS focused and not maximizing or at least creating semi high DPS is generally considered bad, but defensive builds are totally okay, even in Heroic Escalations. Hescas will always be on the hard end, but with people focusing on meta builds, they can feel even more daunting than they are; though again, they're still difficult!

  • +6 Adrenaline
  • +6 Endurance
  • +6 Catalyst
  • +6 Tough
  • +3 cunning (Bond : Gyre of Night, again this was radiant)
  • +3 Rage (Again, gonna get hit and that's okay)
  • +3 Reuse (This is kinda broken, I have no shame)
  • +3 Sturdy (Not falling down when gettin...
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24 Oct


Very cool! Second one giving off strong Thrax vibes.

10 Oct


Highly defensive builds can beat hescas, even solo. Your first goal should just be to get to the final round alive and with limited deaths as they can set you back a lot. General rule of thumb, aim for completing each level with a little threat as possible in a reliable manner, that's not just DPS, it's not dying frequently.

If one of you is better than the other would recommend super defensive for one and less so for the other. One person repeatedly dying will prevent you from even seeing the final round.

22 Aug


I love this idea, it's not far off some of the stuff that already exists but on a wider scale. (personal opinion disclaimer)

21 Aug


Originally posted by ThePikeOfDestiny

i don't know what happens if there is an actual exact tie. i have lost #1 before by a 1/20th of a second and the game correctly updated the player's placement on the leaderboard to be higher than me, so i know that even if the game doesn't show it, it does precisely count each and every milisecond.

1st: 32.679 seconds

2nd: 32.882 seconds

18 Aug


Would recommend checking out guilds recruiting on Discord as well and look for an active one that fits your interests.

12 Aug


You should get them in a coming patch, minor mishap. Sorry about that!

03 Aug


Originally posted by MrHorris

What past update/rework would you say has been your favorite (and why)?

For me, Escalations. The game mode allows me a way to quickly jump into a curated path for a bit, feel extra powerful, and still have meaningful challenges via Heroic escalation!

18 Jul


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

▪ In-Game Name: Machetos_Syxgott

▪ Type of Bug: Behemoth/Visual

▪ Normal Behavior: Behemoth: The Horns of Boreus when broken drop to the ground.

▪ Actual Behavior: Behemoth: The Horns of Boreus when broken break, drop to the ground but at the same time still appear on him(it looks like they don’t get broken).

▪ System Specs: PS4(p.s. my mate on PS5 does have the same issues)

▪ Geographic Location: Middle Europe; Germany

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 Every time I enter the Fight/ the Islands the bug appears.

▪ Reproduction Steps: Behemoth: I entered the fight and each time I break the horns they drop and still maintain on its forehead.

▪ Extra Details: Behemoth: It happens on every map with each Boreus(Lesser Boreus; Boreus; Deepfrost Boreus)

Thanks for the report! I just wanted to note that while we don't always respond to every report, we do read, log and manage them. Much appreciated!


Originally posted by wizardpotato08

So when I first started playing the game, it was fine, but ever since the most recent update, the game doesn't pick up on when I click my mouse right. It doesn't happen in menus or in other games, only when I am on a hunt and attacking something. Does anyone know how to help?

Hey u/wizardpotato08 this one is really strange. I would bring this to Discord #Technical-workarounds channel or write into our support team via the link at the top. I would recommend including details like if it always happens, only sometimes etc.