

18 Jul


Originally posted by poisonvein777

Games still crashing often when a behemoth dies. Been happening a lot since the update before this one.

Xbox series X

Hey u/poisonvein777, can you please write in via the support link at the top and include if it's happening in specific hunt types (if so, which) as well as against any specific behemoths, or any other spotted patterns?


14 Jul


Originally posted by bhdp_23

well, now there are no challenges, all are set to 0% with no challenges in any of them.

Hey bhdp_23, that can happen on loading depending on connection. Switching instance (going to any hunt or island besides Ramsgate) should load them up, sorry for the confusion!

12 Jul


Hey u/qsensx we'll need a bit more user-specific info here. Can you please write into support here, we'll be happy to look into it!

11 Jul


Originally posted by Warhiet

Ah, thanks. So is the esca wound one for escalations or do I still need to go into gauntlet?

It's for Escalations, the Emberthorn Cove one should be resolved in Thursdays patch!


Originally posted by Warhiet

I'm also experiencing this bug on PC. Still says I need to complete three island events.

My mistake, it's been corrected but will be deployed in the next patch this Thursday!


Originally posted by Weirdo_Drummer23

I did have Outplayed installed for Tarkov alone with Dauntless disabled but I ended up uninstalling Overwolf altogether and fixed the cursor issue on Dauntless. I guess I’ll decide what’s more important lol thanks for the help

You can turn off Dauntless in Overwolf settings, so you should be okay with both.

10 Jul


Originally posted by bhdp_23

Week 11 challenge is broken. Problem:it says do 3 island events on emberhorn island...there are none

As stated, emberhorn island is the first level and the lowest, it has no events and it also says slay 30 animals, only 2 birds appears every 2 mins, so 15 mins hanging around for them is also rather dumb.

This should be resolved now, thanks!


Originally posted by tostane

Mouse pointer still not working been weeks now please fix game it works in fortnite and other games just not this one since the last patch.

Hey u/tostane, it looks like this may be an issue with an app called "Overwolf" by going into its settings and disabling "Dauntless" you should be able to resolve the issue. If you continue to have issues, you can reach out to our support team via the link in the OP.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Spiritual_City_5312

Unfortunately, I have, multiple times; still the same message. Are you sure the server isn’t down? I’ve seen other people in the community complaining about the same thing.

Hello, the websites should work regardless, did you try logging in here and you can please try to contact us here using that login? It'll be easier to handle anything account specific there. Thanks!

25 Jun


Originally posted by Spiritual_City_5312

I’ve also tried logging in on an incognito tab and same result.

Can you please try the login with Xbox games option on their website and check your details there if possible?

24 Jun


Originally posted by Spiritual_City_5312

▪ In-Game Name: VlenidohvWohali

▪ Type of Bug: Account connection

▪ Normal Behavior: The game automatically logs me into my linked account when I open the game.

▪ Actual Behavior: The game says my account is already linked to my Xbox, but wants me to sign in to my epic games account. When I enter my correct email, it says “Please enter the email address you used to create your Epic Games account.”

▪ System Specs: Xbox One

▪ Geographic Location: Northern California, United States

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 Since Friday, June 23

▪ Reproduction Steps: I open the game and press A

▪ Extra Details: Yes I’ve looked at your support page, and Yes I am absolutely positive that my information is correct. I’ve searched everywhere for a solution with no results.

Hey there, can you please write into support (link at the top) and include the email you use to login with Epic. If possible, I'd also recommend logging in on PC to see what progress you see there. Thanks!

22 Jun


Originally posted by Ok-Morning5411

I did fill out a request on the website, the actual in game reporting system, as well as Reddit. I’m not sure what else I have to do

Edit: I have just submitted another report

Thanks, we'll look into it there since this seems to be an account level issue that may need some clarity. As far as the in-game report, a redirect to our support site should have happened on this one so I'll definitely look into this. Thank you so much for your patience!

21 Jun


Originally posted by Ok-Morning5411

Is anyone else having problems with the Hunt Pass?

I got one but I haven’t been getting the associated loot or the level based rewards. It’s frustrating because I can’t even use the option to buy another one because nothing happens when I attempt.

▪ In-Game Name: xXReySavageXx

▪ Type of Bug: Hunt Pass

▪ Google Drive Link(s):

▪ Normal Behavior: im normally supposed to get the benefits of the pass

▪ Actual Behavior: I did not get the benefits of the past after purchasing

▪ System Specs: PS4

▪ Geographic Location: USA/East

▪ Session ID: (Optional) This can be found at the top right-hand corner ...

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Hello /u/Ok-Morning5411 since this appears to be an account level issue, please reach out to Dauntless Player Support and we'll look into it. Please include any details you can think of like when you purchased it etc. A video may help as well to see where the visual issues occur.

26 May


Originally posted by FluffyPhoenix

I'm always around in the evenings for those Heroics. Wait, my name isn't Goats here.

Thanks! I just did one with random public queue for this weeks (Bold on Chronovore, I know). I got 2 other people and we smashed it though!


Beta tester still here! I still haven't maxed Slayer's Path though. I neglected sword reforges, though I'm hoping I find time to finish or get most of it this weekend, and I still need to unlock the Crown of Many Colors.

19 May


Originally posted by Upper-War-1655

I don't know if it's just me but the quest to get the Shrike and Embermane Trophies is only tracking the Shrike trophies and not the Embername trophies so I am unable to complete it. I have tried switching weapons, fighting various Embermanes and their versions, and tried fighting all of the above closer to my character's level. Also tried resetting the game. I am on PS4.

Sorry about that, we've added instructions here to contact us and get the issue with The First Slayer I quest resolved.

02 May


Not sure on that one but you can search "Cris Velasco" or "Dauntless" on Spotify, there are 3 albums there.


We do have 7-day a week staffing. We typically respond within 24 hours, though occasionally it may take longer depending on the situation. We do respond to 100% of requests so this shouldn't be happening and we're looking into it.

If you get no response and a CSat request, please reach out again and let us know. I found your ticket and it looks like we've sent 3 responses. Please check your junk filter/mail as well.

In the meantime, please send an in-game bug report detailing the issue and noting that you aren't getting support responses. This should be one we can solve with just your username which we'll get from the bug report.

If anyone else is having issues contacting us, please feel free to reach out via the #technical-workarounds channel in Discord. ...

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19 Apr


Originally posted by Stratoraptor

When did Concussive Payload start to heal?

It doesn't. It's the high damage in a single hit potentially at range combined with the life steal build that can give you a huge heal from hitting with it. A good use example would be getting knocked back with very low life and you want to heal up before safely re-engaging.

18 Apr


The quest has been extended and now have almost 9 days left, you should see it now if you change instances, thanks! Note: This applies to The Golden Claws, but not Springtime Eggventures.