I love Valomyr's look so much.
I love Valomyr's look so much.
Hey there,
Can you write into support? They can help look into this issue with you.
Get down from there!
The intent of this animation was to add to the theme of speed. As many players noted, the old animation didn't feel like a fast and agile attack, something people look for in this weapon.
As others said, it also scales with attack speed which helps a lot.
I really really wish I could talk about our future projects but my lips are sealed! Exciting things are happening :D
Yup, this was a mistake in the tweet. It's been removed and addressed.
Sorry for the confusion!
Please write in to support! https://support.playdauntless.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Best thing to do is log a bug in-game and then message support. They can collect your account data so we can look into it for you.
We just want good vibes all around :D
That's on me and I'm working on it!
Yes! These reports get handled by our team.
It helps us review the logs as it marks the moment for us as well.
Thanks for the heads up! As Frost said, we've removed the time and banned this player.
Thanks for your feedback! I've been passing on sentiment around this season's cosmetics to the team.
Oh, and also the missing challenges are a bug. These will appear in 1.9.1!
Sorry that some of these items slipped through the patch note process.
If you're curious about the bounty change, here's a post from a designer: https://www.reddit.com/r/dauntless/comments/s93a3t/first\_thing\_i\_thought\_of\_when\_i\_saw\_this\_system/htmntwv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3
Hello CT. Do you know anything about why the patch is 14.9 gb, but then apparently after install it returns back to initial 14.81 gb total game size? o_O
Usually, Epic splits the difference and only has the user download the new/updated data. This time, for some reason, it downloaded the entire game again.
We're reaching out to see why ourselves :)
Players who completed the "Call to Arms" challenge in Season 15 will be granted the corresponding title at the launch of 1.9.1 on February 3rd.
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
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