

05 Feb


Originally posted by daltonfreebyrd

There will always be people who attack devs personally and on a true disrespectful level. Which is beyond unacceptable.

On the other hand, most of these people are passionate about the game PL have created and deserved to be listened to. Most of them are not being disrespectful but have harsh criticism with not understanding changes. Especially when they feel they aren’t being listened to while being told they are being listened to. But that never changes how appreciative we are for the endless work PL puts in.

Totally agree!

Just want to reiterate, we are definitely listening to this thread and reading the comments.

04 Feb


We've shipped a fix and this should work now!

Might need to go on a hunt and back to Ramsgate for it to register.


Hey gang, there has been a lot of discussion on ForgedPixel's post about the recent Discipline balance change (and a balance as a whole).

First off, balance is always ongoing. We always take into player feedback and data, striving to find a balance between the two. We never want to rely on one or the other.

For this case specifically, we will be looking at this change and reevaluating our reasoning. This doesn't mean we will revert or alter it immediately. Last thing we want to do is submit a knee jerk change. What it means is that we will have discussions about it internally.

As a reminder, let's all remember that developers are people too. We're all doing our best to make Dauntless the best it can be. Let's treat each other with respect.


Saint's Bond Begins on the 10th.

We're currently investigating the Sahvyt rumours and why they're not triggering correctly. Sorry for the confusion!

02 Feb


Hey there, the designer behind these changes has put some more context here. Check it out!\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by ForgedPixel

H0i! A brief explanation & reasoning behind some of the balance changes in this 1.9.1 patch:

We've had general DPS/power target bands for each Omnicell, setting them relative to the baseline of where certain builds and metas were sitting before Omnicells were released. While Iceborne and Bastion have been living roughly where we've intended, Discipline has been overperforming for quite some time, across essentially all sets of player skill and modes where it's been popular - effectively being a point of notable power creep. Discipline's changes were aimed at lowering its effectiveness closer to its intended level of power, but keeping the core feeling of the Omnicell viable - reaching and utilizing that state of critical strikes. We expect that Discipline will still be a very high damage performer, and will continue to monitor telemetry data and feedback from y'all!

Revenant, similarly quite powerful, will likely see a minor nerf sooner than later in its damage/powe...

Read more

Thanks for all the insight here, bud!


Never forget Randall (but also please forget Randall)


It's an idea that's been passed around and we think it would be neat.

No promises though! It's still just a fun idea we've discussed.


These didn't make the cut for the new Ramsgate. We left them out due to performance. They may come back in the future once we have time to optimize them.

31 Jan


So many suggestions in here! Passing it all on to the developers to read over.

Thanks everyone!


Welcome aboard!

Seeing lots of good advice in the comments.

We also have an active Discord if you're looking for players to hunt with!


Originally posted by VelTechnician

Never forget Sky Fishing

pls forget


Hey there, reach out to our support team. They can help troubleshoot the issue:


Thanks for the input and glad you're liking the changes!


Originally posted by Cpt_Maelstrom

If you make in-game bug reports or bug report on reddit, nothing gonna happen to you, you just let the devs know this issue exists.

If you write to the dauntless support, they will answer you and might fix the problem in 1-2 days

Thanks for passing them on to support, Cpt!


The Radiant Omnicell is focused on support. We'll be sharing more closer to launch!


We saw a couple reports around this. If it's still happening, be sure to reach out to support:


We still plan to release content after Escalations. Behemoths, weapons, environments, etc.

We'll let you know when we have Radiant Esca out the door and begin work on the next big thing.