

02 Apr


This is a broad issue that requires a client fix. ETA later this week together with overall stability fixes.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


Originally posted by Eddie18reddit

Same thing started happening to me, yesterday my game started freezing and crashing every match i tried to play. I play on an iphoneX and this had never happened to me before!

That’s a different issue - one we finally were able to identify the root cause for and should have a fix later this week.


Could you try disabling WiFi assist?

Chances are that your WiFi is being inconsistent and WiFi assist changes your IP address which we don’t handle yet.

We are working on addressing that in v8.40.

31 Mar


We identified root cause of GPU hangs which should allow us to enable the reactive parts again. This will probably take a few versions though.

21 Mar


Originally posted by diligentdeputy

lmfao read this as 8.20 weeks

Whichever comes first :-)

20 Mar


QA verified this is fixed in 8.20 next week.

iPhone 8 and Vivox crashes have teams work on around the clock.

A source of disconnect issues will be addressed in 8.30. In the mean time, I would love to hear whether disabling WiFi assist helps if you get frequent disconnects.


It predominantly impacts iPhone 8. We are trying to identify the root cause so we can fix it.


This is a visual-only issue that will be addressed in the next build.


We are still trying to identify root cause of iOS voice instability. Looks like a memory overwrite bug which means the code crashes in places unrelated to the bug, making this very hard to track down :-/

We have increased the size of the team looking into both this and iPhone 8 GPU hangs.

Both are “all hands on deck” type of issues internally.

18 Mar


Originally posted by joshwuhh

What does stability issue mean?

Long story short - we wanted to test a theory about a frequent crash (GPU hang so we don’t get good debug information) that we thought was loosely correlated with the Baller. It still happens without the Baller though :-/

09 Mar


We neither want to add friction for players nor do we want to benefit from accidental purchases or players regretting a purchase.

Our initial solution for this was to add a refund token system.

As an ongoing iteration, we are going to introduce an “undo” button to the store page that allows you to easily refund without using up a token within a 5 minute time window, assuming you haven’t started a match since purchase.

PlayStation 4 in Japan is a bit of special case due to X / O button meaning being swapped by default and there also being options to reverse the meanings of the buttons.

07 Mar


Originally posted by Captain_Googlecrump

can someone tell me what FWIW means

FWIW stands for “for what it is worth”.


We hear you on the scrolling aspect. FWIW, 4x3 is actually what we have been working on for the next version.

28 Feb


Originally posted by xAnonymous21x

Guys, I think they just fixed it becuase I was able to merge my account just now!

We deployed one set of fixes to loosen restrictions - next batch coming end of next week.

27 Feb


Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

The root cause was identified and we are trying to sneak a fix in for Season 8 launch.

23 Feb


Originally posted by kevindqc

What is the ping supposed to represent at the moment, if there were no bug? I've been assuming it's how long a packet (ie: I fired this weapon!) it takes for the client to send it, and get the server's response (ie: You fired this weapon! And you suck and missed!)?

Or is it discrete, top priority ping/pong messages (IRC..), and the ping displayed is the measurement between when the ping and pong messages were sent/received ?

It is supposed to represent network latency but client / server frame rate is not being subtracted properly in all cases.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Drastic-Measures

I keep getting ping 0. Can't possibly be accurate.

It is a bug.


Originally posted by lubekubes

That post only details how to merge two accounts that are unlinked, whereas in your original post you said to go ahead an link the accounts in the meantime. I already link my accounts, so how am I supposed to get my lost features?

We are currently making some changes to relax requirements to allow you to merge in this case. My apologies for that oversight.