

28 Jan


Originally posted by Fofatsos

It's been over 48 hours and I didn't get the galaxy bundle :/ what should I do?(I also sent you an email)

Should be fixed. Let me know if it isn't.


Originally posted by Fofatsos

It's been over 48 hours and I didn't get the galaxy bundle :/ what should I do?(I also sent you an email)

FYI that we are looking into an issue with the grant process. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

26 Jan


Originally posted by Fofatsos

Great im from Cyprus if this helps. Btw when i downloaded fron tour website for android not samsung because it wouldbt let ne otherwise, it didnt show the "instructions" for how to get the galaxy bundle. I should be alright correct?

Correct - drop me an email if not. Email address in comment history.


FYI that this is a country specific issue we are looking into. Downloading from our website should work as a workaround.

26 Dec


Originally posted by Epic_Boomer

We are investigating an issue causing some players to encounter a problem with game services and when attempting to log in. https://status.epicgames.com/

We should be in recovery now.

Quick summary is that deploying a fix for elf challenge reward not being granted exposed a latent bug in our profile migration code (the code that fixes up players).

This caused players to be kicked etc and triggered our waiting room.

We fixed the issue and deployed a new backend, however didn’t see recovery in login success.

This ended up due to “sticky session” configuration having been lost on our waiting room load balances when moving them to ALBs.

This meant that there was a 90% chance of having to requeue after hitting the front of the line. D’oh.

This should all be fixed now and we are seeing recovery in numbers / login throughout / waiting room / etc.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Joekie20

Thanks for the update! But what is backend-only? I am not that good in developer language ;)

RE: Backend-only. This means we hope to resolve it without requiring a client patch.


Originally posted by mistmonstersss

I have tried literally a dozen different ways to try and fix this problem and I have been unable to progress past the loading screen to get into a game in STW and Creative mode. It does not matter if I am in a party, joining a friend, joining a random game, making my own game, trying to enter my own ssd; it is still the same result - I cannot get into a game.

In creativemode I get the loading screen for a longer time than usual then I get this error before I'm booted back to the main menu: "Not enough player successfully joined the match in time". I am not in a party and I'm trying to enter my own map which is empty so I assume its timing out on me joining.

In STW I just get the infinite loading screen unless I'm trying to join my friend's ssd and they leave while Im stuck in the loading screen, it then immediately throws up the error "client failed to register with server" which tells me my game is still in contact with the server and it hasnt hung.

Onto th...

Read more

We believe we have a fix for this and the long loading in BR.

The quick summary is that there is some new code in dedicated server that tries to replicate a ton of data in a single frame saturating connections and resulting in massive packet loss which is not being handled gracefully by client / server interaction so client is waiting on server packets for a long time.

We have a fix that is being tested right now that we hope to deploy (backend-only) in the next few hours.


Originally posted by OmegaD13

Yeah Hello Sir Magyst I would like make something known.

I've seen to stumble into a ridiculously long loading screen, I've been on this loading screen so long that it ended due to the game being over.

Should I send this to Epics Support Center or leave this here?

We believe this is going to be fixed in around 3 hours when we deploy new dedicated servers.

18 Dec


Originally posted by Moonga-hs

Does this mean only our storage will get restored or our whole account?

EDIT: 12:30am EST was like 5 and half hours before the update . just adding this for people from Europe like me.

Only StormShield Storage will be restored to the 12:30 AM ET backup, and only for people that were impacted by the issue.


Originally posted by Moonga-hs

Oh damn hope there are backups If not RIP my stuff. Hope you guys find a good solution.

We recently added support for queryable backups which we plan to utilize for people impacted. The backup is from 12:30 AM EST today.


Originally posted by hectorduenas86

Do players that haven’t updated/played yet could be affected? Or just for those already playing 7.10?

Only players that participated in Frostnites event were impacted.


Originally posted by iFlak

Save the World has been disabled while we investigate issues with the Stormshield Storage and the Frostnite mode.

Quick update.

We disabled Save the World as Stormshield Storage was being wiped by playing the Frostnite event.

We are currently confirming that there is no other source of data loss and are going to disable the Frostnite event and re-enable Save the World after we are confident.

Next up, figuring out what we can do for players impacted by the data loss.