

10 Dec


Originally posted by LordRedStone_Nr1

And it can be misleading, or cancelled, or ... But most of the time it turns out to be correct.

Regardless of whether or not this was planted: If you don't want me (or anyone else I guess) talking about upcoming stuff, you can just talk to us. I for one would be happy to oblige, but you know, it would also be better if these slip-ups just didn't happen.

Feel free to speculate. Speculation is fun. :)


Originally posted by Tahxeol

It poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses

Actually, poisioning the water supply did give some people mild diarrhea but it also turned out to be a great source of vitamin c.


Originally posted by Webber-414

The fact that you responded to this post is sus on its own xd

I just wrote a multi-verse poem explaining the lore of a cute fluffy animal being the image for "Infernal Chains" on a different reddit post here.

At this point it'd almost be sus if I didn't comment on a post. :)


Originally posted by Shervico

What did he dooooo

I posted a comment explaining this lower down.


Originally posted by Magna8849

secretley delaying poro king for an extra year because the community guessed it

One million years dungeon.


Originally posted by Calindel1

Nah, it's from [[Friendship]]

The bonds of friendship are forged in hellfire.


In the dark and dreary forest

Stalks a beast that none can tame,

A creature born of nightmares

And fear itself by name.

Its fluffy fur and big round eyes

Might make you think it's sweet,

But then it tracks your pounding heart

And marks its every beat

Fingers, elbows, hands and knees,

And arms and legs and feet.

He eats them with delightful trills,

For every part’s a treat.

We baited out the loathsome beast

It gorged and slurped their veins

We locked it deep within the earth

Bound in Infernal Chains

We shut the mountain

Barred the door

We broke and burned the keys

While we fear the Darkin Blade

His lesser evil...

Read more

In the dark and dreary forest
Stalks a beast that none can tame,
A creature born of nightmares
And fear itself by name.

Its fluffy fur and big round eyes
Might make you think it's sweet,
But then it tracks your pounding heart
And marks its every beat

Fingers, elbows, hands and knees,
And arms and legs and feet.
It eats them with delightful trills,
For every part’s a treat.

We baited out the loathsome beast
It gorged and slurped their veins
We locked it deep within the earth
Bound in Infernal Chains

We shut the mountain
Barred the door
We broke and burned the keys
So give thanks to the Darkin Blade
He chained a fouler beast


Originally posted by Illuminaso

yeah, Poro King is confirmed through datamining

You know we can plant data too right? :)

09 Dec


Originally posted by womenrespecter77

I'll definitely check out the event stuff! Always appreciate how active you guys are here

Great. See you in the game. :)


There are bonus event quests right now that have some nice rewards. In general you should look to fully complete the slots on all adventures, do the weekly quests, and dailies too.

07 Dec


Originally posted by Saltiest_Grapefruit

Its especially bad for the past few days.

We got a new champ reveal, and his levelup is.... Subpair to put it mildly.

But people act like that means the game is just over and riot doesn't care. From how I see it, it just means their resources is somewhere else. We don't have a single concrete piece of evidence that the game is heading towards death.

So yeah, come on it.

I remember how many folks insisted online we’d never release anything more for Path than the initial 2.0 champions. Weren’t even wild fragments back then. We’re going to have over 30 champions in the game soon, we’ve added weekly adventures, multiple world adventures, more chapters of wuests, created event specific quests, etc. and we ain’t done yet!

I know folks are often nervous about their favorite games and I’m glad they care so much. I look forward to continuing to prove that LoR is going to be adding cool stuff for a long time to come. :)

And if you’re worried about animations, check out the new Renekton one. Different creative approaches get taken with different characters. I respect if folks don’t like the direction taken with Ryze and we’re definitely paying attention to all feedback on all champs - but If you want badass action, then that level up shows it isn’t going anywhere. :)


Originally posted by Present-Channel-8267




Originally posted by ALittleArmoredOne

Its obvious the developers are active simply because they are regularly releasing expansions. That stuff takes serious effort.

A quick response on reddit just means a dev happened to randomly walk by the forum a few hours after this was posted.

I’m just an active guy in the community either way :)


Originally posted by Northofnowheree

Hey Dan can we get seasonal winning payouts yet for a tourny that happened 6 months ago? Please?

I don’t know anything about this. Can you PM me details so I can look into it?


Pretty active. :)


06 Dec


Originally posted by Blitsea

I love this. You already know Joey would run some deck that ran both Shyvana (red-eyes) and different variations of warrior decks, from elites (Garen), to trifarians (Darius), all the way to Ionian swordsmen like Yasuo, Shen and Master Yi.

Yup! And some bandle city or bilgewater too, he likes the rng.


Originally posted by SnooPears8751

Kaiba playing Darius feels pretty accurate, until you remember Dragons exist.

He usually leads with non dragons in many episodes. Dude also likes battle ox and machines.