

21 Jan


Congratulations! May your LP prove more than ephemeral :)


Sun Disc is so shiny. I am a moth to its gleaming light.


This looks like a fun change up from my current decks. I might play this tonight. :)


Originally posted by JanMath

Thank you! Here is one for you, u/Dan_Felder


Stepped from clouds and into city

("Everything's so amazing and pretty!")

At the front, on a boat

("So much further to go!")

Taking charge of the chargers

("Let loose, forward riders!")

Arc complete, now in fame

("Clouds my home once again!")

Is it everyone’s favorite elite follower? :)


Originally posted by NoFurtherObligations

Nice Dan, good riddles :)

Thanks. :)

20 Jan


Originally posted by ReyGhidora

I'm sure that a lot of your co-workers love to talk shit about you behind your back just because yo do that lmao.

Compared to my puns, they find this endearing!

It helps that I believe a good riddle is fun to solve, not hard to solve. :)


Sometimes in the office when someone asks for where a design document is, I agree to tell them if they solve a riddle. Here are some recent ones:


A treasure! Yet not hard to find.

See me and you might go blind.

The lords of sand are those I bind.

They give me power I return in kind.

What am I?


Terror of the raging sea.

Ships suffer my brutality.

Spells are scary? Disagree.

"Soggy Teemo" some name me.

Who am I?


A knight like me you can't defeat.

Our victory shall be complete.

Though some may call me obsolete

My forces are the most elite.

Who am I?

External link →

16 Jan


Originally posted by Lareyt

While I generally agree with you, I think there are two types of good cards: cornerstones and workhorses.

Cornerstones are the type of pay-off cards you just described, and they are often champions or build-around epics in LoR.

Workhorses are the good stuff cards that often make the region viable, are meta staples, and thus end up in most decks of that region. In LoR these are often combat tricks, e.g. unnerfed Sharpsight, Hush in various iterations, Momentous Choice, but don't have to be, e.g. unnerfed Brightsteel Protector, unnerfed Merciless Hunter, Mystic Shot, to name a few cards that are easily identifiable as such good stuff cards.

I agree, those are the two common types of good cards. I think of both types as cards that are powerful enough that you build the deck partly to play them.

For example, Lightning Bolt in MTG is rarely the card you're building the deck around; but it's so generically powerful hat it's often a reason you're delighted to play Red and any deck with red is happy to include it because why not? So it's more of a "workhorse" but it's a workhorse you look for an excuse to fit into your deck due to its raw power.

If you'll include a card because of it's power, regardless of its synergies, it's usually a good card. Lightning Bolt in MTG is a great example of this. People will actively splash red just to work in some Lightning Bolts and similar tools in certian decks. While Lightning Bolt will be even stronger in decks built around instants, it'll get added to nearly any red deck it's legal in even without synergies.


Originally posted by NWStormraider

Then how else do you define a Good card?

While one could say there are no good or bad cards, only good or bad decks, it's generally possible to say that a card is good if the deck is built around enabling it or taking advantage of what it enables rather than being one of the supporting pieces.

For example, if a card says "All [subtybe] have +3/+3 and overwhelm" you're likely to end up playing some weaker cards of that subtype to take advantage of the powerful build-around card. It'd be odd to argue that units you're only playing because they happen to match the subtype are "good cards" in this case.

The famous Sligh deck that Paul Sligh piloted in MTH is a classic example; the deck was full of terrible cards but they were the only options available to support its overall strategy of playing cheap aggressive cards to maximize the use of early mana and get damage in to make finishing off with the opponent with the incredibly powerful burn spells of the time possible.

So good cards are usually those t...

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12 Jan


Originally posted by RegalGlare

“At least I have regen.”

Take my upvote.

11 Jan


"Alright let's do this, GAREEEEEEEN CROWNGUAAAAAARD!!!"

09 Jan


Originally posted by DerpyJimmy

f**king pet shop

hate that damn bird

It is an ex parrot


Originally posted by Waterstealer

i learned from fighting types being weak against flying types that it's hard to punch birds.

And rock is super effective against them because you can killl two birds with one stone.

Bug is super effective against psychic too because have you ever tried to read a bug’s mind? It’s weird.


Videogames teach many lessons. I learned before I ever entered highschool that goths and normies don't hang out together because in pokemon ghost and normal are immune to eachother.

30 Dec


Originally posted by Chillout_Man

According to u/Dan_Felder

In the dark and dreary forest Stalks a beast that none can tame, A creature born of nightmares And fear itself by name.

Its fluffy fur and big round eyes Might make you think it's sweet, But then it tracks your pounding heart And marks its every beat

Fingers, elbows, hands and knees, And arms and legs and feet. It eats them with delightful trills, For every part’s a treat.

We baited out the loathsome beast It gorged and slurped their veins We locked it deep within the earth Bound in Infernal Chains

We shut the mountain Barred the door We broke and burned the keys So give thanks to the Darkin Blade He chained a fouler beast

Thanks for the repost. :)

26 Dec


Originally posted by Magintro

I see. Alright I'll buy a set of balls and do that from now on 😅

Have fun. Feel free to brag about your triumphs in path. I reccomend following the chapter quests, lots of great upgrade materials there.


Originally posted by Magintro

Wow thank you! Some very great tips. I can't stream any time soon due to rl. And regarding attacking before playing more cards; I used to do that but I keep thinking "what if they use a spill?" And THAT scares me 😂 but I'll do it anyway now that you think it's better :D Also the buff tip is awesome. Thank you!

My pleasure. Many scary spells are going to be Slow speed, so if you attack right away they might not have any time to play one before blocking. :)

25 Dec


If you ever decide to stream path of champions, let me know. I'll pop in and help you with some tips. :)

I'd stick to Path for now unless you really prefer PvP. Here's a quick tip: If you have a good attack at the start of your turn, meaning they can't block you in a way that'll scare you, try attacking BEFORE playing any new cards.

It's tempting to play a new big guy to attack with, but the game favors the defender because they get to choose how they block - so attacking BEFORE playing a new unit means things are usually better for you.

Also, when you're first playing Path you should focus on any in-run upgrade that helps you play big stuff fast. The power that grants your weakest unit +1/+1 every turn for example? That thing is SUPER powerful when you're starting. It helps you snowball an advantage by growing your 1-cost unit bigger than the opponent, allowing for a good attack, then you get another buff next turn, and next turn, building up the advantage ...

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Originally posted by General_Pepper_3258

You are exactly the dev I'm looking for.

Merry Christmas Dan 💝

Thanks. Merry happy joyful holidays to you as well. :)