

01 Jul


Originally posted by TVR_Speed_12

I was referring to a adjustment made to her and ultimate accelerants. It says 20% for Loba and 35% for other legends

Also I'm trying to raise her win rates, trust me I am trying I just gotta git gudder

Hah! I wasn't aware of that change, my bad! That was definitely meant to raise her win rate. We've got another small buff for her in the works (hoping to lower the overall CD of her ult a bit) but honestly not sure it'll do much. What we'd really love to do is let people take more than 2 items out of her ult, but that will require some amount of UI work, which takes time (and the people who can do it are scheduled to work on other stuff). Not sure what and how much she'll get, but I definitely think she should have a Lifeline-like effect on her squad's chance of winning a game even if her encounter win rate isn't super high. Interestingly it's the other way around right now: her encounter win rate's pretty good but her overall squad winrate isn't.


Originally posted by chicozeeninja

Hahah you don’t gotta reply to all of them, but it’s amazing to have you guys actually discuss the actual game with us.

I never had devs talk to me when I grew up playing games, and I wanted to ask them so many questions. Now that I'm on the other side of the looking glass it feels like the least I can do.


Originally posted by manujimi

You guys talking with us and being transparent with us is honestly one of the best things about this subreddit. People can voice their opinion and actually get heard by the people working on this game we all love. Keep doing what you're doing, we appreciate it!

We'll never be able to get to all comments, but we're trying! Thanks! <3

29 Jun


Originally posted by Joaquox

Posts like this is why I think it's sad you no longer have a community manager on reddit. These civil in depth explanations are great!

Speaking as a former community manager myself, this isn't really something our colleagues in community can do; I'm a game designer and as such can answer (some) in-depth game design questions, but even I can only speak to a small fraction of game design (basically Legend design) and it's hard for me to keep up. I'm wary of setting expectations ("this guy will always reply!") that I can't live up to.


Originally posted by dungeon99

Hey I appreciate the new buffs, and its good to see lifeline getting better, I personally really like the octane buff, but did it really help his issue according to the data?

It uh did not? At least not really: his encounter win rate's much the same, his trios win rate went up a tiny bit but is almost back down to where it was before, and his pick rate is behaving exactly as before: insanely high at low ranks, pretty low at high ranks.

That said, it clearly made him more fun and gave up highlight reels without causing any real damage (that I can see at least; tell me if I'm wrong!), so that's still a win in my books.


Originally posted by chicozeeninja

Bro whatever you do don’t stop talking to the community we f**king love this!

I'm trying but I'm getting so many messages and there's only so much time in the day when I also have to, you know, work work ;P


Originally posted by IVoize

Being able to EMP while the drone is on his back would also be a cool, but extremely situational, buff.

Could be used for giving the team a few seconds to heal during a third party, or if you’re being aggressively pushed with no shields!

That really goes against the pattern though, because he does hurt and slow himself with the EMP; that's meant to push you to make sure the drone isn't near you when you EMP.


Originally posted by ciubacapra

I am still waiting.

Not sure what you mean? This was fixed on the same day this thread got made? Here's the announcement from the official twitter:



Originally posted by TheAI52

Uhh I have a question if you don't mind. So how do you guys decide on nerfs and buffs? Like what makes you think "we should buff mirage" or "we should nerf pathy". And who thinks of the actual nerf/buff?

(also tell the people that design heirlooms that their ideas are epic lol)

There's no way to do this question in a quick answer, but I'll try! It's a bunch of us designers coming together and generally starting out by looking at the data to identify candidates for buffs/nerfs. We ALWAYS double-check the data with our own insight and analysis on how these characters actually affect the game. Then we think through what a good buff/nerf would be (which is a giant topic all on its own), pitch it to the group, and if no one has any good reasons not to do it, implement it and start playtesting it. Assuming nothing bad comes up during playtest, we ship it.


Originally posted by TVR_Speed_12

This probably won't get answered but... the Loba changes, where they meant to be quality of life or something small to push her stats up?

Which changes?

I do think Loba needs some love. We've seen pick/win rates fall off over time, with particularly her win rates on their way to the bottom. Not sure what we'll do yet. We have some thoughts.


Originally posted by bountygiver

Hmm nice to know about this data, i take it that lifeline's low profile will not be going away anytime soon then?

Does not look like there's any room for a buff, sorry!


Originally posted by KinKaze

With the current drop rate of shield cells and meds, she's a mandatory pick for winning armed and dangerous evolved. Does that skew the data at all?

Nah, we separate data from LTMs. When I'm making statements about character's pick / win rates I'm talking only about Trios / Ranked.

26 Jun


Originally posted by AbhorrentBeggar

Brilliant assessment of fast heal. And to think people were saying this was a nerf...

That's okay! Taking something away players are familiar with hurts immediately; giving them new power they have to learn to appreciate will only start to feel good gradually over time. This is pretty much precisely the feedback we expected.


Originally posted by AUGZUGA

Hi, I have a really important question: Do you guys account for skill bias in character pick rate/win rate? For example, if good players are more prone to picking wraith it will provide her a much higher win rate regardless of the characters true power. I'd love to hear more about that.

This is a really, really, really complicated question. The best TLDR I can give is we look at pick rates and win rate broken down by skill buckets to see these trends; but every legend has meaningful pickrates in all skill buckets so in the end we do need to make sure they're balanced everywhere.


Originally posted by Mirage_Main

If you don’t mind me asking, how’s Revenant doing in win/pick rate? I’ve seen a lot of conflicting opinions on him since the range buff, but I’d take data over that any day. I personally don’t have anything for or against him, but it seems the main opinions are “he’s everywhere” among the higher bracket players and “he’s B-tier” amongst the lower bracket.

It all went up, up, up. Here's his win rate:


(other legends obscured)

In pick rate he went from bottom 5 to top 4.

We'll keep our eyes on him, but from what I'm seeing his ult is finally doing what it should do, allowing teams to APE OUT.


Originally posted by mebeast227

Might be OP, but lifeline's shield should stay up for 1 second after the rezz. Cuz right now everyone who is rezzed gets insta knocked and this new ability isn't helping too much.

We talked about that before we even conceived of the drone rez, where it was just Lifeline's old rez but the shield lingers. I like this version better; if there's enemies looking at you when you finish the rez you SHOULD be downed. That's part of the strategy layer of the game.

Lifeline's the second most powerful character right now (after Wraith, catching up to her) and it's not been long since the patch; she's still climbing. I don't think we can give her anything else right now.


Originally posted by Amraz

Plus, you've already got "PTR" with LTM. That's how you tested evo shield and that's how you are testing the new item, no ?

Yeah I definitely want us to do more of that! Overwatch also has the Experimental mode, which I'm super jealous of. I don't know how effective it is at getting the feedback they need, but from the outside it looks very cool. There's definitely some appetite for this kind of thing at Respawn, but again, not my department.


Originally posted by MW_PLAYZ_YT

On the same note, what about any near future changes to Pathfinder? Thanks :)

Right now I wouldn't touch him. He dropped some after the nerf to 35s (but not as much as you would have expected), and he's been climbing steadily back. He dropped from 5.6% match winrate (as in, any given squad with a Pathfinder in it on average had a 5.6% chance to win a game) to 5.1% (that is a drop from 2nd place to 5th place), but he's back to 5.5% / 3rd place already. He's also 3rd highest in encounter win rate (chance that in any given fight involving Pathfinder the Path will die or kill the enemy).

I think PF is in a unique position where literally every part of his kit is perfect BOTH for casual and for competitive play; beacon scanning, grappling hook, and zipline all have great uses both selfishly and for the team. I think that's what makes him so resilient to nerfs: he's still really good even with Grappling Hook at 35s.


Originally posted by Brusovbis

Wait, You work for Apex Legends ? Good to know !

Damn I remember watching you cast the first ever competition I watched of League of legends, 😂

Man that was a long ass time ago! Yeah I'm at Respawn now, working on the design team. It'll be a while before you see the first Legend I'm working on, but can't wait to talk about it.


Originally posted by Jsnbassett


You know... as a Lifeline/Bang main... I was so angry at the change to fast heal. Then... after using Lifeline a ton of matches in my Diamond games, I realized how much better this is as far as the direction for her. I've successfully countered late third parties.

It is interesting because you essentially turn a 0v2 back into a 1v2 by simply not having to res + using shield as cover. Has clutched me many times. It does suck that her value comes when teammates are knocked, which really messes up her 1v1 scenarios with the low profile change.

If i had a suggestion that other reddiors have thought of too, it was FAST HEAL during drone attachment + no more heath limit to drone for the team.

My philosophy on fast heal is that it's not really something you OUTPLAY people with; it's just power. It's just there, and all you had to do was pick her. Whenever possible (and it's not always possible), I prefer putting power into active decisions. Like yeah Gibby gets fast res in dome, but he has to put down dome, which means he has to have been holding on to it for just that moment etc.

Right now Lifeline's climbing like crazy in win rate. I don't think there's room for another buff atm.