

26 Jun


"You're better off dead, but I could use the cover."

Turns out Revenant leaked the Lifeline buffs ;P

23 Jun


Originally posted by FinFinnigan_

I dont mean to sound rude, but wouldnt this be eliminated if we had a PTR? I think most of us are glad to help you out on test servers.

So as a rule I try only to talk about the stuff that I know about either because I'm directly working on it or because it's part of what I do (game design, specifically character focused). Stuff that's outside that bubble I try very hard to avoid talking about because I'm likely to get it wrong and cause more trouble for my colleagues who are working on it. I'm sure there's a lot more to having a PTR than just saying "yeah we should do it", but I'm not the person who could have that conversation with you, so I'm just going to say I don't know, sorry.


Originally posted by buntcustard

Can you just disable the skin for now? Nobody wants you to rush for a solution, but this is very imbalanced.

I'm not working on this myself but I'm sure the people who are are considering that possibility.


Originally posted by dontnormally

Hey can we get one of these for Bangalore? Asking for a friend

Just the buff she needed!


Originally posted by NovelAries

They're probably keeping a super close eye on the subreddit atm, since they just had a major update and updates usually come with some bugs that need to be hotfixed

Yeah patch day is a lot of watching streams, looking at Twitter and Reddit


Originally posted by CBSU

What is “NB” in this context (“speedy boy and hunty NB)? Non binary?



Originally posted by mustafa_binalhag

Give octane a double jump on his jump pad. If that happens I'm maining him.



Originally posted by 2000shadows

As a crypto player I usually look around when I’m fist deploying my drone but I only sign back on to reposition it.

I think doing something like “Crypto controls the drone manually the first time he’s using it. Once it is out he can hit his tactical button again to ping a location for the drone to fly to by itself, It flys above the pinged location and looks straight down.”

You could also give crypto a passive along the lines of “ crypto can finish a downed enemy and reveal the location of there team mates for 2 seconds”

That could gives him something to do when his drone is down mid fight.

I do like the "question doomed enemy" passive; definitely has come up around the office (so to speak; these days, around the Slack channels)


Originally posted by Jugglamaggot

Out of pure curiosity, who's lowest in pick rates?



Originally posted by 12kkarmagotbanned

What players do y’all look at? Top sbmm pubs? Apex predators? The entire population?

We gotta make a game that everyone can enjoy. We try to find out what the pain points are at different levels of play and then we try to find solutions that don't negatively affect other skill buckets. There isn't a "we balance for X" line of thinking at all.


Originally posted by LumpyChicken

Bang is pretty much perfect right now. She doesn't contribute much to team utility but she's one of the best soloq selfish legends with her amazing passive and ability to just kite teams and pick them off as they get separated chasing her.

Just look at how shiv uses her in soloq rank.

I'm pretty sure her smoke adds a lot of team utility.


Originally posted by toolatealreadyfapped

I love this kind of data. Are yall willing to share any other interesting stats? Like what is the winningest combo? Who is the least picked character?

We wanna be careful with how much we share. For stuff like judging combos it'll be incredibly hard to exclude other factors and actually get good info out of the data.


Originally posted by ThanksALOTTT

It might not be a good idea to reduce footstep sound. It's already hard to know if you are being approached by another team and gun shot sounds are too loud - that makes things even worse. I understand that it makes sense in the real world but from gameplay standpoint (since it's a game after all), not being able to tell if there are enemies nearby is really frustrating especially when they end up getting the kill on you just because they could sneak on you.

I don't think anyone is looking to just reduce footstep sounds. I do think we should make sure they all are equally noticeable.


Originally posted by Swingingdead

I think her Ultimate should obscure vision more. Maybe even leave a full wall of smoke.

I don't wanna put the same "output" on two of her abilities. Ideally your tactical and your ultimate have slightly different uses. (This is incidentally also why we changed Caustic's barrels to be destroyable while building; he shouldn't be using barrels to push, that's what the ult is for)


Originally posted by ThanksALOTTT

Thank you for spending some time on reddit. Please keep it up and encourage more devs from other departments to drop by once in a while. It's healthy for the community.

Agreed! It can be easy to lose yourself and spend too much time on reddit when I do also have work I should be doing, but for now I'm erring on the side of spending time here. Clearly you all wanna talk ;)


Originally posted by MrPoopsJohnson

I think Wraith is the only character to fit both appealing fantasy (ninja with super powers) and amazing gameplay wise (invincible map rotation, oh shit button, and small hit box). Probably why she’s number 1

Oh absolutely, yes.


Originally posted by HaystackAssassin

The data you guys have is exactly how I feel about octane. Love to play him, I think he’s extremely fun to use but I’d never pick him if I need to win a match. I’m usually fine doing my daily challenges on ranked but once I get a octane one, I go into pubs for him.

Hah, yeah, that's probably the "correct" choice, as depressing as it is. Let's see how the double jump change does.


Originally posted by threedaysmore

I personally find her ult underwhelming

I love it. It gives me time to make decisions and potentially revive or run away. I never played Bang until this season and now holy crap I can't stop playing her.

Sidenote, I'm a software designer and developer and just want to say I love y'all's game and the work you put in.



Originally posted by chamcannon

Anything in the works for Crypto? His passive is super lack luster (almost non-existent) and all of his abilities revolve around a drone on a 40sec cooldown.

Thanks again for all the work you guys do. Super happy to seem some really good information and balance changes being made.

5.1 saw buffs to how quickly Crypto gets in drone. I'm working on some more stuff for him for 6.0; unfortunately I also discovered a bug that, if I fixed it, would be a giant nerf to him. So, uh, I'm figuring that out atm. (Don't wanna talk about the bug yet while it's still in game)


Originally posted by Jaakarikyk

How do you feel about the following:

If guns are holstered, Stim gives +40% speed.

If guns or ordinance is in hand, Stim gives only the current +30% speed.

This way Octane as an opponent would remain the same as he is now, he couldn't attack or even reload if he wants to keep his higher speed, if he wants to fight he has to come back down to the speed we're used to. Speedy strafing while unarmed isn't that bad for the opponent as the tradeoff is Octane's offense. This might not even boost Octane's efficiency rating but speed is life amigo.

I understand if you can't give an opinion on it but maybe you could just say you've read it?

As you can see from the patch we felt that always giving 40% while sprinting is acceptable. The important part is we did NOT speed up how quickly Octane strafes left/right while stimmed (because that's what really makes you hard to hit)