

31 Jan


Hey folks - Just wanted to clarify what's going on here.

The Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests used to give you heroes in Battle Breakers. They now give you Razor and Kurohomura in STW instead. If you haven't finished these quests yet then when you complete them you'll get the hero as a reward.

If you've already completed the Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests and you do not already have the matching hero (Razor or Kuro) then you'll get them in a giftbox when you log in. You won't get a second copy if you already have the hero, but can recruit additional copies from the Collection Book.

15 Nov


Hey folks,

Just want to clarify that there is no hard cap on Quest XP - you'll always get the full amount, upon quest completion, even if you've already hit the Mission XP cap for the day. The only limitation is the number of quests available to you on a given day.

06 Jul


Originally posted by GuineverePendragon

The movement updates are amazing!!!! Only problem is I can't mark a target anymore. Not a big deal but is there a new way to do that?

On controller we had to move Spot Enemy to make space for Crouch/Slide. Tapping down on the D-Pad will mark your current enemy.

Spot Enemy is unchanged on mouse & keyboard (middle mouse button by default)

02 Mar


We originally had Cannonballs, Coconuts, and Sub-Wafers going into the Consumables slot, but only having access to one at a time broke those Pirate hero builds, so we left them in the weapon slots for the time being to avoid that (since we were out of time to deliver a more robust solution alongside Wildlife).
We are still planning to move them into the Consumable slot, but we absolutely don't want to break those builds, so we're also thinking about how to give you more flexibility - both in how many Consumables you can carry and where you can slot them. This work is still in development, so I can't commit to a timeline or the exact details of what the solution will look like, but keep an eye out for further updates in the Homebase Status Reports.

12 Oct


Originally posted by Tau3Eridani

Is there a pre-req to join this dungeon? I can't find it

You need to complete one successful run of The Crypts dungeon to unlock The Lab. After that it should be on the far left side of the hex map.


Originally posted by PLASTICA-MAN

How to access the lab dungeon?

You need to finish one successful run of the Crypts dungeon in order to unlock The Lab (and Inferno). The Lab is on the far left side of the hex map.

16 Jan


Hey folks,

This is a bug. We changed Seismic Smash and a couple of other abilities so they could destroy lobbed beehives, and unintentionally made them trigger propane tanks as well.

This should be fixed in update 12.00. It will no longer trigger propane tanks, but will still destroy beehives.


09 Jan


Originally posted by Magyst

Thank you for sharing your story u/Gamerm0mma! This is incredibly heart warming to read and I'll make sure to pass this on to the development team.

Can confirm he passed it along. Thanks for sharing!

14 Aug

30 Jul


Hi guys,

Based on some of the feedback in this thread, we took a look at the mission and Mission Alert rewards above Rating 100, and are planning to make some changes. Many of the reward types are not scaling up sufficiently - especially Evolution Materials and Perk Materials. We're going to buff these up, and will have more details shortly. Expect this to land an update or two after the start of Season 10.



07 Jun


Originally posted by VictimNoises

I'm kinda mad dev Jason made a post saying tickets would be cashed in for sci fi llamas at the end of season 9, now they've changed it to bday llamas after I've spent most of mine because of that statement .


Sorry I didn't mean to cause confusion! I just didn't want to spill the beans on the BDay Llama early before /u/Magyst announced it officially.

Note that if you have leftover tickets at the end of the season they will be converted into Sci-Fi Llamas (not Military or BDay).

03 Jun


The Summer Tickets will last until the end of Season 9. When Season 10 launches any leftover tickets will be converted into Llamas as per usual (specifically the new Llama being introduced in update 9.20).

28 Feb


Originally posted by nullsmack

To follow up, does that mean completing a daily challenge will now give us 240 gold where it used to give 100 daily coins?

That’s correct!

27 Feb


Originally posted by TheSaltyMoira

Can the rarity of 5-Star Materials be reduced? It's so difficult to find Brightcore and Sunbeam on high end Twine Peaks, and what's the story behind 6-Star Materials?

When we rework Twine Peaks for endgame players we will extend the difficulty bands up, and Tier 5 crafting materials will be much more common in these higher-difficulty missions.

We built out the Tier 6 crafting materials back before launch as a future-proofing thing, so we could eventually bump up the power level of our items, but they were not supposed to be available in the wild. Even if we eventually add an additional tier, we'll create new crafting materials instead of reusing those old ones.


Originally posted by Matt24_24

Will there be a zone following twine peaks that is related to the “rainbow crystal” etc. or was this plan abandoned?

Before the game launched we built an extra tier of crafting ingredients as a future-proofing thing, but they were never supposed to be released into the wild. We don't have any short-term plans to add an additional tier of items to the game, but if we eventually do release an additional tier, we will likely create new crafting materials instead of using the existing ones.


Originally posted by Le-Quackerz

With the free hero voucher we are receiving tomorrow, would we be able to Recruit heroes we don't have in the CB from previous events that are tied to a questline (for example: Carbide) ?

Yes. Carbide should be available for recruitment (for a voucher) on the Blockbuster page.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes you will, at the same ratio as the conversion (240 Gold per 100 Coins)


Originally posted by Jhyxe

What llamas will be added to the expansion in season 8?

The Vindertech weapon set is being moved into the Expansion section at the start of Season 8.


Originally posted by littlegreenakadende

Any changes to the functionality or visibility of alerts in game? Ie. Seeing cooldowns

We aren't happy with how obscured Mission Alert quotas currently are, and are planning to make changes to them, tentatively in the late season 8 or early season 9 timeframe. The design isn't completely nailed down yet, so we can't share further details at this time.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Question about Event Heroes How will the recruitment of event heroes work, and will we be able to recruit any event hero, will we only be able to pick from a limited few, or will it work a different way in the v8.0 update

Vouchers can be used to recruit any Event heroes in the Collection Book that can not normally be recruited. Vouchers can not be used on Core heroes and Expansion heroes, but they can be recruited for the usual Flux/manual cost. We'll be granting additional Flux, manuals, and other resources when 8.0 launches as well.