31 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sickdx2

When wisties start flying you start cyring

We've seen some great heatmaps of the crying emote being used during Ewok Hunt.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lvl70Magikarp95

Are you any good?

Not really, but rebellions are built on hope.

30 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ficerc

Weren’t they the ones taking shots at EA back when the whole loot crate fiasco was still ongoing? Ironic.

Edit: link

At least we have phones I guess.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vivec_lore

Cool I guess but I typically prefer some sort of commentary when I watch gameplay streams and unfortunately Ben isn't speaking.

It was a spur of the moment thing, so no real setup at home. Might see about doing it again.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ToonGohan

“Performance and memory requirements” I wonder if that will still be a problem when next gen comes out. Seriously these games are being held back because of current gen consoles.

Performance and memory is always a problem. Not just relevant to consoles either. Not everyone on PC has an RTX 2080, i9 CPU setup.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by generalslywalker

Thanks for answering! Just a quick follow up but has the team ever talked about adding Felucia to Hero Showdown?

We've talked about pretty much everything and anything.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Congrats on 260k subs

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by generalslywalker

On a similar note has the team talked about adding the ST ship interiors to HvV? Or will that depend on the demand from the community?

We have talked about it yes.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by StarSpangldBastard

Will the new heroes cost credits? If so now much?

Nope, unlocked from the start, for everyone.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Angsty_Kylo_Ren

Crait could be done with a couple of downed walkers, no? Some Resistance transports maybe? Plus the cave system is pretty expansive!

You guys did it with the Separatist Hangar, I'm sure something could be worked out!

Yeah, that's something we could look at (and have). Still requires a lot of 3D art and level design work. Which goes back to the toss up between what else we are working on and making choices.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ewokitude

As a primarily Co-op player I think it would be worth it! The ship interiors are really cool play spaces and a lot of times I don't want to sit through long games of CS to play on them.

I think if you could find a way to make Crait work (downed AT-M6's for instance) it would be really fun. ST feels more barren in Co-op with one fewer map than the PT.

Ship interiors would be cool in Co-Op, agree on that. No plans as of right now though, but will let you know if things change.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by supersecretFBIagent

Would it still be easier than making a map from scratch? It would still count as a totally new map anyways

Yes, but sometimes building from the ground up is a better option.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CrystalEyes13


I know this is thinking a bit ahead, but what does the delay mean for the February update discussed in December?

No changes

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lodethi

I love that you're responding to this kind of criticism. It's something that the community has been talking about since launch, but we've gotten silence from you/DICE about this and I think as a result of that most have assumed that it's just "lAzY dEvS". Could you elaborate on why weapons present in SP haven't been added to MP? Prioritizing new content over balancing weapons?

Similar to the above comment, there's always a trade off for anything we need to add. UI, balance, integration, testing, animation, VFX, etc, it all adds up.

Every single thing we have added to the game has come at the expense of something else and there will quite likely have been a discussion over should we do "this, or that".

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ewokitude

How much rework goes into porting maps between MP game modes? Like for instance bringing Crait and the ship interiors to Co-op? 😏

Still a considerable amount. Crait is tricky (and unlike other planets) because a large part of it is nothing but a totally flat layer of salt. Doesn't make for interesting gameplay.

Capital Ships to Co-Op, would still require all the game logic to be placed into the map, full setup, AI pathing done, and quite a few other bits and pieces.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AfroFlower

Hero showdown and HVV can pretty much be played anywhere

SP maps are usually higher quality than MP due to not having to be played online with a bunch of other players. As a result it's not a simple case of just bringing them over as some of them may require significant rework to bring them in-line with performance and memory requirements.

29 Jan

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NexusPatriot


I don’t really play Battlefront that much as I just overall don’t enjoy the game, but as a lurker on this sub I just wanted to throw some love your way.

You honestly might be the most engaging and verbally direct community representative for any AAA studio.

You’re just such a fun dude.

Genuinely, keep up the great work you do. I’m obviously far from the only one who appreciates you.

May the Force be with you, Ben.

Thank you, appreciate it greatly.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ficerc

As you requested. Bossk is currently at the “content” level.


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ficerc

Now do Bossk when he realizes he’s getting some bug fixes and QoL additions

We need a Bossk meter that details the overall happiness level.

Someone make it so.