04 Feb

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by justin3024

Can we get some more details? What mode were you playing, what you were doing at the time, what is the problem exactly?

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MadeThisJustForMM

I never comment but I have to agree with this. GA turned me off the game being a relatively new player, but I read an article on Supremacy (CS at the time) and I gave it shot and had more fun and more sense of what the games about. Now I do find myself jumping from GA and Supremacy depending on how much time I can play. This explanation makes a lot of sense.

Happy cake day!

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ProbablyFear

Is this a server side or client side change?

Server, is already live.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We've made some changes to their rate of melee, should help address this. Let us know how it goes.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by samwaise

Since you're here, I found a small bug in Instant Action where the wrong announcer speaks on end of round. For example, General Hux said I won on Takodana when I actually won as Separatists on Geonosis.

We're investigating, thanks.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by F8RGE

We'll take a look.

We took a look, just reduced the frequency in which they should perform melee attacks.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We just dropped a big update to Supremacy, it's only natural that players will be giving it a lot of attention right now, especially with the new Capital Ships as well. We'll be monitoring to see how it goes.

03 Feb

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DenimACU

u/F8RGE have the team discussed this at all ben?

Credit to finfett on twitter for this beautiful picture.

Conversations have happened.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


I was referring to back in late 2018 - early 2019. No changes in this update.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tsouke11

Honestly this makes this entire mess much more understandable. Thanks for this!

No problem, sorry I wasn't clearer earlier. That one is on me.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CapControl

Yep, just saw it in the ''more'' menu and RIP... :(

Hope this doesn't make the mode bleed out and die.

It's also the only mode that gives you the opportunity to play almost all aspects of the game in a single mode.. starfighters, all era heroes, troopers, vehicles, stationary turrets..etc, it offers the most variety out of all other game modes, which I find weird to be put in the ''coffin'' like this.

Hope this doesn't make the mode bleed out and die.

We don't think this will happen.

One thing we've found is that if a player boots up the game for the first time and jumps into Galactic Assault, they have a pretty tough time of things. A large portion of these players will then close the game down and never come back. That's not good for anybody, not for us as developers and not for the community.

What we've found in Supremacy and Co-Op is that it eases players into how the game works, gives them a chance to level up their Star Cards and get to grips with the flow of the game. What is interesting here (and what our telemetry shows us) is that once players have given Supremacy and Co-Op a shot, they are very likely to jump into Galactic Assault and other game modes. This creates a nice cycle where players are moving around from game mode to game mode in a natural ebb and flow.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by arm76683

Ok, thanks for the reply! Maybe you could try your idea out as an event and see how the reception is? :)

Changes like this are a bit out of scope for a weekend event sadly as it needs core mechanics of the mode to change.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by arm76683

Is there a way to not have to replay the ground phase after a failed ship phase? It draws the game out and folks end up leaving

We've looked at ways of implementing this, toying with ideas such as if the attackers fail during the ship phase then the game is classed as a "draw".

When we made previous changes we saw that repeat visits to the ship dropped drastically and the vast majority of games are over within one ship phase now. We'll continue to monitor.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MorgulValar

Looks like you guys are going back to the old ways of EA. Focusing on the numbers and what you want to do instead of what the community is asking for.

We're adding OT because of the requests from the Community, as well as Scarif. We're making changes to Geonosis HvV because of feedback too.

Don't take one UI change to be indicative of us turning our backs on the community.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TroutGrub

Modes are placed together based on their popularity, shouldn't you be trying to make all the game modes more popular, not less popular? Of course GA is going to grow less popular, you guys haven't updated it in over a year. If you don't update modes and push them away people stop playing them. I'd love to see some focus on the less popular modes so they can become more popular again.

I'd love to see some focus on the less popular modes so they can become more popular again.

Would come at the expense of working on OT Content for Co-Op and Supremacy. In which case we would be replacing this thread with multiple "stop ignoring the OT era" style threads.

Making decisions like this is a frustrating part of development, we know we can't please everyone so we at least try to please as many as we can.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PGombi

u/F8RGE, are you aware and willing to admit, that a decline in playercount in some modes is a direct result of lack of content for those said modes? I'm mainly speaking for Extraction and Starfighter Assault, but in the recent months voices within this reddit community became louder requesting Felucia for GA, and there was no response from your side.

Content being released is always going to drive some players to check things out, Ewok Hunt in October is a good example of this. The real insight would be would players stick around to play within the mode after the 'new' feeling has worn off. That's the really difficult question to answer and it will likely vary based on game mode, the content being added and more.

We had such a huge outcry for a game mode along the lines of Supremacy to be added, the desire to go back to capturing a command post.

It was always one of the biggest requests we had, which was a large reason why we put our development time behind it. Once it came out, and Supremacy was well received, we updated it further and from there requests came for more Eras to be added.

The release of the Age of Resistance updates proved a great point in time to add the Era to the mode and of course OT content for Co-Op and Supremacy has been amongst the most requested features we've ever had.


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    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by theavengingewok

Is anyone else unable to unlock emotes/victory poses for the droids? It says "available in crates" for me.

They are unlocked via specific milestones.