

13 Nov


Heyo! Could you please make sure you add this to the bugs thread and we will ensure to report this.

We identified an issue with this feature a little while ago. We are hoping to get it resolved and reinstated in the next sound update which will be in early 2020.

We included an update this patch to the reticule: "The gun sight reticule has been switched to utilize new technology, which opens the doorway to future changes in the game. Its visuals now look neater and cleaner". When I tested elements this morning my reticule worked fine, if you could please provide more details on what is going on with your reticule and which one you are using I can investigate for you.


We have given this suspicion to Devs to investigate however we have no confirmation atm on what is causing it.

As soon as we have more details we will of course update you.


Heyo Co-op Captains.

We've heard you, the situation known as the "Mercy Rule" is currently being investigated by the Dev team.

Please note that changes rarely happen instantly, and while the team is looking into ways to resolve this concern it may be a little until we can give you details on how we intend to fix this concern.

It is on our minds and hopefully we will have an update in a Dev Blog in the near future.



Its likely that the mods did not pass the checks to make it into the latest update of the modstation.

That could be related to the changes in the reticule lighting and the mod being incompatible/unstable in the current update which would require the author to update the mod.




Typically we do not release details of our sales plans ahead of time.

Sorry but no information until they are on the portal closer to Black Friday



Its likely that the mod did not pass the checks to make it into the latest update of the modstation.

That could be related to the changes in the reticule lighting and the mod being incompatible/unstable in the current update which would require the author to update the mod.




With the release of 8.10, thanks to your reports, we have identified an issue with Gun Firing Ranges sometimes being reduced/increased mid battle spontaneously.

The team are aware of the issue and will work to fix it ASAP.

We will update you all with more information as it becomes available.



Thanks for confirming this.

I have lit the beacons.

When I have more information I will return with it for you all.


A quick Q, when the range on the MM gets bugged, are you still able to fire the intended distance of 18.1km or are you restricted to the 15.6km range on the MM @might424 / anyone experiencing the bug


Okay, I have reviewed the replay and the SSs, and have escalated this as a critical bug/issue.

I assure you this is not intentional nor working as intended

I will follow up with more information asap.



Checking this now - standby. Thanks.



Upon checking my Missouri:



Changes that are not listed in the patch notes are definitely not intended. Any additional details you can provide would be much appreciated.

I'm going to take a look at my Missouri right now, @enderland07 could you please add SS of your in port configuration and artillery ranges etc so I can report this.



Please note that the white/yellow icon ships are determined as "special ships" not premium.

The T5-10 RN ships are to become the new RN CA line

The London, Odin and Siliwangi are intended to be premiums at this time.



More information on these ships can be found in the dev blog from awhile ago:




I'm glad you are enjoying the full return of the operations.

Please be aware that all operations are available all the time if you can bring your friends together to division up and access them.




Many clans already work on interclan scrimmages and use various avenues to organize these:

Clan section of the forums: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/forum/169-general-clan-discussion/

Clan embassy on discord: https://discord.gg/FcVNk43

I would suggest checking out those avenues for organizing scrims against other clans.



No details available at the moment. I dont even know!

12 Nov


I think you're digging a little too deep into this.

Gasboy hit the nail on the head, its advertisement in an avenue there may be people interested in the game. Why do toy manufacturers advertise during segments of kids shows, to hit their interested audience.

Much of our playerbase has some level of interest in history, whether it be general or deep. While it is not a simulator, and is not all historically accurate, it does touch on elements of history and there are many historical elements within the game that may appeal to those who have an interest in history.
