

20 Nov



At this point we don't have any plans to bring back the ARP content since the original collaboration has ended. We are open to working with the IP again but that would depend on a new collab contract to proceed with of which we currently don't have any plans for.



*head tilt*

We have always welcomed our friends from the LATAM regions, while in the past we recognize we have fallen short of providing the best experience for you, we are working on that going into and beyond 2020.

We have several LATAM based initiatives going forward in the near future. I would encourage you to continue to enjoy the NA server.


19 Nov


You will need to go to the claim page to claim them.

This is a straight out reward which is not based on watching a stream but rather your Twitch Prime membership. You are able to claim it via the link in Twitch.



Running WoWS In Fullscreen windowed will prevent this from occurring.



Considering the ARP collab ended a long time ago, we will probably not look at these ships again unless we went for round 2 of the Collab.

Even then, I'm not sure we'd change the ships current configuration.



Applications for NA will be opening in early December.




Good news, your camo will be dismounted and stored in your inventory and can be used again when you re-obtain the Fuso.

We have a short guide on the Research Bureau that can be found here:

Furthermore, with the seasons situation that was mentioned. So long as you have reset the line before the season ends, you have as much time as you need to finish re-grinding the line with the 2x bonus. My RN CLs were the first ones I reset and thus obtained the 2x bonus, even with the new season starting still have this multiplier:



Hit the hammer on the head as to the issue with that particular solution you pose.



This has always been the case, as like with my Hakuryu here, that EXP is held until I decide to spend doubloons to exchange it to FXP. The event ships are no different, if you wanted to use the exp you would need to convert it to FXP. Given that the ships need to be removed at the end of the event, instead of removing is accumulated EXP that could be converted, we place it onto the Orlan so it is still there if you choose to convert it in the future.



It should be noted, you had 13 hours to reset a line under the first season of the Research Bureau, but you did not have to regrind the line within the 13 hours.

So long as you reset a line within the season, that line will retain the 2x multiplier regardless of how long it takes you to gain your first win on the related ships.



We will play with ship parameters outside their historical scaling to influence balance one way or another if a ship is over or under performing, speed is one of those parameters.Using submarines as a basis point, should be taken with a grain of salt considering they are in the early development and balance stages and extremely subjective to change.

Currently the New Mex and Colorado, while they are slow, have other qualities which make up for these deficiencies and keep the ship in a balanced state against the other ships in the tier.

In regards to premiums: we currently have 3 previously released USN Premium BBs in T5-7 bracket: Texas, Arizona, and W.Virginia 41', with the T7 California currently being developed.

In comparison to other nations (excluding duplicate ships such as ARP):

IJN: 2

RU: 1 (+1 being developed)

RN: 4

KM: 2


Read more

We don't segregate the player base and neither should you.

Players will get punished the same way for intentional team killing/damage regardless of if it is Co-op or Randoms.

Some players are good, some are... not so good, it happens.



You never know what will come to the game. We do have a habit of testing "out there" mechanics in the seasonal events to see what resonates with the community.

I'm glad you guys have enjoyed the gameplay mechanics within this mode. Maybe one day we'll see them pop-up in other avenues.



The compensation was offered to all players who played a game in which any of the players had the IT Commander in use, so whether you or one of the other 23 people had the commander, in any of your games within the impacted period, you were impacted and thus offered compensation.




It should be open again OP, sorry for the confusion.

Good luck with your application.



It is very likely we will bring it back in some for in the future, how exactly and when is still a mystery tho. I'd keep an eye on patch notes and event notifications in the future.




I posted this in another thread recently bit I'll drop it here as well just to ensure OP has seen it:

We hear you but there is no simple or quick fix in terms of how to address this from a technological standpoint, but we will be keeping a close eye on it based on the level of feedback ya'll have given us.

It isn't falling on deaf ears.



Awesome! That is a really good game for the FDG.

Welcome back Captain!



They won't be here for a little ;) Server transfers will begin after the application process closes.



As per the FAQ: your transferred acc will be given a new email within the server and you will be able to contact support to get it changed to something else.

Those will transfer with your account.
