

04 Nov


Heads up Captains.

This is your last chance warning to get your free Commander Respec done for Clan Battles.

To be eligible for this re-spec you have to have participated in at least one Clan Battle.

The re-spec will end November 6th.



Capitães e comandantes! Estamos de volta e eu tenho um desafio para você!

Todos nós gostamos de cruzar os mares, mas podemos cruzar e distribuir uma contusão?

Gostaríamos de convidá-lo a comemorar o IT Cruiser Lines, que será lançado em breve conosco, ao vencer um jogo do Cruiser esta semana!

Entre a novembro 4t h 00:00 UTC e 11 00:00 UTC , ganhar uma vitória em um CRUISER em qualquer aleatória / Co-Op / ranking / Battles Clan então compartilhar um screenshot de seus resultados pós-batalha assim:


Três vencedores selecionados aleatoriamente receberão:

Recipiente italiano


5x Regia Marina Camos

Baseado em habilidades - Dano mais alto:

7 Days Warships Premium

Responder aqui neste tópic...

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(Instrucciones en español / Instruções portuguesas )

Captains and Commanders! We're back and do I have a challenge for you!

We all like to cruise around the seas, but can we cruise and hand out a bruising?

We would like to invite you to celebrate the soon to be released IT Cruiser Lines with us by winning a Cruiser game this week!

Between the November 4th 12:00 UTC and 11th 12:00 UTC, earn a victory in a CRUISER in any Random/Co-Op/Ranked/Clan Battles then share a screenshot of your post-battle results like so:


Three randomly selected winner will receive:

Italian Container


5x Regia Marina Camos

Skill Based - Highest Damage:

7 Days Warships Premium

03 Nov


Heyo Everyone,

A small update, unfortunately our prize automisation ended prematurely which means for the last 24 hours of the event from November 3rd 2am to November 4th 2am CT prizes will not automatically grant.

However, never fear, we will manually get these prizes credited to you next week so there is nothing to worry. You will be rewarded for your kills, just a little later than anticipated.


02 Nov


With an attitude and accusations like such... Many, many people can confirm they are first time participants.

I haven’t updated the list since I filled the slots yesterday.

01 Nov


Just clarification - its 100 gold, not 500.


Sign ups closed last week, however the event is occurring this weekend. Scroll down on that page just a little bit.

Reading everything is paramount for understanding stuff.


The pumpkins have been released!

Who have you managed to kill?!


Functionality is in the game as standard, see your settings:


Not sure if you heard but we are testing this concept for Clan Wars in closed testing currently.

Whether it will make it into randoms, can't be said for certain at the moment.



Greece and Crash Zone Alpha are the two newest maps, both at T8-10.


I assume you're referring to these, after completing a round (granted, my team died), this was my progress:

Given that even if your whole team dies, it is still considered a successful raid, I don't see it contributing to your daily missions. Furthermore on this point, the daily missions do seem to indicate when their components can be completed in Twilight Battles.

If I've misunderstood your question, please don't hesitate to reply.



Maps - We've added a new map almost every other patch this year while addressing older maps and re-balancing them

Scenarios - A very small portion of the player base plays scenarios which means they are not a priority for us to work on. We are however working on getting the original offering that were removed with the CV rework updated and readded. After this is completed we may see about adding more.

Modes - We've tested several new game modes and formats this year (3v3v3v3, Arms race, ranked sprint, clan brawls, naval battles etc) usually content that is tested in halloween/april fools is a testing ground for potential other formats in the future. We do have to be mindful of how many modes are available at once otherwise the playerbase ends up spread to thin which causes issues with MM.

Content is there, and being developed. Lets also not forget we will have a whole new class coming in 2020 which will greatly change the way the game ...

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Players can attempt to organise "truces" of they want, but nothing says you have to agree to them.

Play the mode the way you want to, whether that be not attacking other players with truces, or going for the "red is dead" mentality.

You will not get in trouble for trying for truces, you will not get in trouble for attacking enemy ships (Bot or Player alike).

The only thing that will get you in trouble will be the standard game rules, including but not limited to: unsporting behavior in chat, intentional team killing, use of 3rd party programs designed to gain advantage over others.



Just stopping by...

Please watch how ya'll are communicating with one another and ensure it is in line with the forum rules.

Seeing a few personal attacks which is not on.

Please get back on topic or the topic will be closed.



Unfortunately not, the Steam Client and WG account accounts are not compatible in a formal manner.

If you wish to receive achievements that are present on Steam, you would need to create a Steam Account.



Nothing stopping you from selling another ship in your port for the event to re-purchase it later. The interface makes it clear if you are about to spend doubloons.

This as stated in the PSA was a technical limitation of how we decided to proceed with advancing ships time around, for which we are sorry.

We hope in the future to have a better method for going forward but for now, this is the best solution for all players.



"Truces" in this mode are okay, it was predicted when we designed the mode.

However, you never know when an ally is going to turn on you ;)

No one is obligated or forced to truce, I personally enjoy attacking the other groups if it makes sense to.

Breaking "truces" would not be punished.



Correct, fighter and spotting aircraft consumables no longer spot torpedos.



Apologies on the delay on getting back to you;

Yes, I did address it higher up and had to wait until we received the verdict.

If you haven't already seen:
