

21 Dec


If you're on PC do you mind reaching out and grabbing your Fortnite logs and sending them to me through Discord?

You can get logs by following the steps here:

17 Dec


If you're having an issue send me a message with your user name to help the team investigate the issue.

16 Dec


Is this the only platform you're having an issue with and when did this start happening?


What console are you on and when did this start happening?


Is this just happening on the Xbox One system and when did this start happening?


What console are you on and when did this start happening?

22 Nov


We believe we've resolved the issue, are you able to login without any errors?

21 Nov


Originally posted by Rockeef

I have the same issue. After the error message you get kicked out.

Send me a message with your epic id name


Hey if you're still having this issue do you mind sending me a DM with your Epic ID so i can send it over to the team?


Hey if you're still having this issue do you mind sending me a DM with your Epic ID so i can send it over to the team?


Hey if you're still having this issue do you mind sending me a DM with your Epic ID so i can send it over to the team?

30 Sep


Originally posted by Tatoretot

Quick something idk

Can 1v1 maps please not be featured in the discover tab, they take up space that other higher Quality could use up

Plus they all are the same these no reason to have more then 1 but theres like 100 of them featured

Discover is an opportunity for all creators. The discover submission process and selection process is the same for all creators. We've mentioned that the goal of discover is to include 1000s of maps available. As discover expands and we can offer more rows/sections dedicated to specific genres, such as 1v1s. This all takes time and as we get more maps submitted for discover, we can better evaluate and make changes in how everything is displayed. Expect to see changes over the course of time to discover.


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to jump in and let everyone know that this was actually a test map we were working on and happened to slip into the Discover section. This was unintended and removed as of this morning.

21 Sep


Hey Ekim, thanks for the report. You said it's happening at least once per game? When this issue does occur, is it possible for you to report it via the bug report button located in the menu?

28 Aug


Originally posted by LukendOnYT

Why if you fail to migrate to 2.0 you cant ever get another code again that doesnt seem very fair. It also isn't fair how creators lose their codes for "breaking TOS" when they never did...

I cant speak to specific rules and violations. If i could provide you with an answer on this I would. If possible, reach out to our player support team. They should be able to provide a response.


Originally posted by Main-Lobster-1207

I have publishing rights atm so that will stay? Nothing will change when the new discover tab comes out?

Yes, you will be able to publish, nothing is changing.


Originally posted by KinaKingy

I do think there should be an option for people that only want the SAC to publish islands, like me, and aren't interested in gaining any type of money.

We understand and i have continued to pass this feedback along to the team.


Originally posted by KinaKingy

I swear I've seen Epic employees saying that you'd still have rights to publish your islands even if you didn't have a SAC, so i'm really confused now.

I really wanted to migrate to SAC 2.0 but the Hyperwallet thing was just too much.

I really don't want to earn money, I just want to publish my islands.

publishing islands and SAC have always been tied together. We've heard the feedback and understand that everyone wants the ability to publish. During one of our Q&As

@Richytoons Any plans other than the already existing one, on allowing non SAC Creators to publish/share maps?

This is something we are noodling on for sure. We would love everyone to be able to create and share islands. We do have a lot of thought about this, but there is nothing to report at this time.

This is still the current state of publication without SAC.

Hey everyone,

You may have seen a few post about a comment i made in discord that says... if you are removed from sac you will lose your ability to publish...

I wanted to clarify that comment.

This comment is taken out of context and as an alone statement is very confusing and im sorry about that.

Creators need to have an active SAC 2.0 account in order to publish. If you are currently still migrating over from 1.0 you still have publishing capabilities. If you do not fully migrate to 2.0 and/or are removed from SAC for any reason (discipline actions) then you would lose your ability to publish. If you were never in SAC you never had the ability to publish.

This is the current policy and point i was trying to get across.

Nothing is changing right now and if anything does we will make sure to notify everyone

External link →

Commenting un this thread as well.

This comment is taken out of context. I was reiterating the current policy that is already in place.

Creators need to have an active SAC 2.0 account in order to publish. If you are currently still migrating over from 1.0 you still have publishing capabilities. If you do not fully migrate to 2.0 and/or are removed from SAC for any reason (discipline actions) then you would lose your ability to publish. If you were never in SAC you never had the ability to publish.

This is the current policy i was trying to get across. Nothing is changing, as this is the current rule.