This should happen in the next update from my understanding.
This should happen in the next update from my understanding.
Thanks for the feedback and examples, i've brought this to the attention of the folks that handle this part of the game and they will be looking into it.
u/FreightTrainUSA any update on your comment 22 days ago about a reset for teddy heros?
These things take a bit of time, i know its being worked on. I'll see if there is a time table.
Just to come back to this post, it seems things are working correctly but there is an error on the tooltip itself. Those corrections are underway and hopefully will happen in the next update.
There are a decent amount of Wildlife improvements in the works. Some balance, some re-tuning. I cant got over specifics at this moment as a lot is still pending but know a decent amount of aspects are being looked into.
There are a decent amount of Wildlife improvements in the works. Some balance, some re-tuning. I cant got over specifics at this moment as a lot is still pending but know a decent amount of aspects are being looked into.
From what i understand you need to find the fragment and interact with it, this will allow you to build over it correctly as the core issue was resolved.
This should have been resolved in the v20.50 update
Fixed an issue that made players unable to build near or on Outlander Fragments. This prevented players from building near the objective.
We resolved an issue that was an unintended gameplay loop with some Husk avoiding certain build types. In regards to future balance changes, the feedback will be passed along to the STW team to see how best to proceed if needed.
Any word on when the next Ventures season starts? I think it was expected to be the 4th, but if the HBSR comes out on the sixth, then I assume Ventures is getting delayed until then?
The next venture starts on the 5th/6th pending on your timezone. The Homebase status report will be held to publish in the morning of Tuesday is all.
Brought this up and its being looked into.
Hey Aimless, send me a DM with your Fortnite user name and i'll see about sending it over to folks to look into things.
Hey thanks for the feedback on this. We will look to grant a free reset for every Hero that has a TEDDY-related Perk. We will look probably get that out as soon as we can. We're also keeping an eye on TEDDY balance and may adjust if the fix that was implemented ended up being a bigger nerf than we expected.
u/emptytux u/freighttrainusa is the team aware that the weekly supercharger quest is once again giving us only hero superchargers? The last time this happened we were told it was a bug and it was fixed for a couple months but now it seems broken again
I had a conversation with the team in regards to the % of theses quest. There were changes made for the better to slightly lower the rate of Heroes and increase rates of other quests. From what we can tell, the changes have taken affect, but this was only done recently.
Without getting into the specific numbers, Heroes are still more likely to appear then other quest but as i said, have been tweaked and lowered to make room for other quest to show up. This could just be a bit of bad luck/RNG at this time. But its something ill make sure the team is continuing to monitor.
According to Beast Link Here @ 1:10 or so (Assuming FreightTrainUSA gave him this info) they will roll over meaning you can wait until the last day and complete all 7 at once, or do them one by one.
/u/FreightTrainUSA - it would be nice to get an official Epic Reply stating this is what is going to happen, and not just hearing it through the grapevine.
I didnt fully have all the info available to me at the time and potentially provided Beast with some misinformation.
The daily quest that provides a Birthday Llama does not stack and needs to be completed daily. The "Kill Sploders" quest is sticking around for the week however. Meaning you can not wait until the 27th to complete all the quest at one time.
Big congrats r/FortNiteBR and hello to each and every member
Sliding should be fixed as of this most recent update that went out today, 7/18/2022. The issue with mantling is being tracked and looked into.
If you're playing on console, have you also ever played Fortnite stw or BR on PC? There is a potential that your account has been unlinked for some reason and causing you to see this screen.
In the past have you contacted epic support in regards to account linking? If so when asking support see if they are able to find any missing account connections.
Well here is a clip of how I get it to consistently bugs out from goin commando:
I should probably make an Anti-material charge ability not hitting objects it normally hits like trees.
This is the Anti-Material Charge bugging out with the delay. I do not think it is a ping issue.
Thank you for the response.
Seems this issue might stay a bit longer then the next patch but we're tracking the issue on our Trello board now for everyone.
There are some changes happening in a future update that we think will alleviate these movement issues. If they continue, we'll make sure the team is aware.