

13 Dec


Originally posted by pox1016

Freight, the link for the status report of this version does not work:

EDIT: This link is wrong, in the Reddit post that you published today this is the one that you put and it must have been this:

it can be found on the fortnite news page. Ill see what happened to that shortlink


When we informed everyone that changes were coming the team went through and took a deep look at the weapon. While these changes feel like a nerf, the damage reduction isnt very high, the impact area change is once again very small, the ammo is now in line with other weapons to a degree.

Also, i think while not mentioned, that the perk compatibility did change with the plasmatic discharger putting more ideal perks like damage to mist monsters on it. All these changes really mean that the weapon is still performing extremely well and when you go in and play with the weapon in game, you shouldn't notice a drastic drop off in you're ability to eliminate husk.

For those that have just read the notes, i would highly suggest jumping into the game and giving it a go and see how it feels.

08 Dec


Good news, they found this log that doesnt want to become firewood!

02 Dec


u/nathanjoeFR is this still going on and if so can you send me a DM so i can get you Epic ID for the team?

29 Nov


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

This would be the answer.

That's why every next ventures season should be ending with a patch or a delayed start.

u/FreightTrainUSA any word on this and the unintended access to evolution levels in ventures?

This was previously raised internally and is being looked at.


This is known internally to my knowledge. These UI issues arent the easiest to fix but its being worked on with a goal of being fixed before the end of the year.

18 Nov


Originally posted by ferb73craft

Hey Freight,

While I don't know how announcements are controlled internally, it might be worth having announcements like this published before the server updates. This is the second time leakers have published the data first and it results in people jumping the gun and making assumptions based only half the information.

It'd also be greatly appreciated if these changes were explained in detail (ie: not "XP will be faster to gain", but "XP from dailies have been increased to x, a y% increase from the last patch.")

In terms of announcements this was a server update that can take upwards to several hours to fully take into effect for all players. During that time our QA department needed to verify every instance of XP being earned to make sure it was accurate within our changes. So we have to wait and verify everything is correct.

All the data miners are able to see these fixes the instant is happening and put out their own information that may not tell the entire situation correctly.


We stated that we would be watching the data and make any needed adjustments.

We've already made one adjustments today in fact. The values are not fully reverted before the 22.40 patch. The tweet can be found here

Also as previously said, we're continuing to monitor the values and will continue to make any adjustments as needed.

17 Nov


Originally posted by Winterfoot

And of course u/FreightTrainUSA is f**king silent

This is slightly misleading, as we stated previously we were looking at the data around XP and made an additional change that increased mission XP and reduced quest XP. The values are not fully reverted before the 22.40 patch. The tweet can be found here

Also as previously said, we're continuing to monitor the values and will continue to make any adjustments as needed.


This is slightly misleading, as we stated previously we were looking at the data around XP and made an additional change that increased mission XP and reduced quest XP. The values are not fully reverted before the 22.40 patch. The tweet can be found here

Also as previously said, we're continuing to monitor the values and will continue to make any adjustments as needed.

15 Nov


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

Hey everyone, just wanted to jump in here and link the post where we explained somethings a but further then what was in the homebase status report.

Also there was a thread here around the cap and Jason our system lead dropped a comment as well around the cap/limit around quest.


We’ve seen the community reaction to the addition of Quest XP to Save the World and the corresponding reduction to Mission XP, and wanted to clarify how some aspects work, and explain the goals and reasoning behind the change.

First off a clarification on how the daily XP cap works. This cap only applies to base XP earned from STW Missions. The Quest XP you earn is not capped by this value, and any rest XP you earn from playing Missions isn’t counted against the cap either (although once your base XP hits the cap you’ll stop earning rest XP in STW as well).

The goal of this change was to shift where XP is coming from, without changing the maximum amount of XP you can earn in STW each week, or the average XP income rate. Earnings for the first few missions of the day should be accelerated by the Quest XP, and then you’ll fall back to a lower rate once the quests have been completed. This is intended to allow the average STW player to earn more XP e...

Read more External link →

10 Nov


Originally posted by Rashin24

I'm kinda sad that other game braking bugs are not getting this kind of quick fixes like the stuck on the first loading screen or the one where you lose the ability to build/interact with anything in the mission.

Loading issues can be a complicated area and a variety of things can be impacting this. In terms of losing the ability to build/interact i cant recall seeing many threads on that? If im wrong here by all means feel free to share any clips/post that i've missed. Internally this could be known but something im not directly tracking.


Originally posted by Vag369

Thanks for fixing it, cause all missions were overwhelmed by its presence and ridiculous damage. Will the new weapon set remain a fortnitmares event without a new llama to go with them?

I can see about asking where the weapon will stay but from my understanding, the weapons and Brainstorm are part of Fortnitemares.


Originally posted by Rockeef

Ngl, it will probably be useless after they adjust it. Going to have fun while it lasts.

I understand the feedback and I'll make sure to continue to monitor the conversation around the weapon. If its a situation where we've made changes to far in one direction, be sure this is something i'll bring up.

The biggest thing to understand here is that we're not nerfing the weapon per say ( The ammo change can be seen as this), but fixing issues that had unintended interactions like with player built walls and the Storm King.

Hey Commanders,

Just wanted to drop in and provide an update on our most recently released weapon, the Plasmatic Discharger. With the release of any new feature, item, hero, or weapon we’re always watching it closely to see how it’s performing. Currently, the Plasmatic Discharger is overperforming in some areas due to a few bugs and other minor issues.

  • The weapon type was not set properly, which allows it to do unintended damage to the Storm King’s Horn.
    • It’s properly typed as an Explosive Weapon in the v22.40 update, which should alleviate this issue.
  • There is an issue where the weapons energy ball can stay on a friendly structure longer than intended.
    • We’re aiming to reduce the time it lasts once stopped on friendly structures. This will take a while to fix and will happen sometime during the Winterfest Venture Season.
  • Massive damage for only 3 Energy Cells per shot.
    • We’re going to reb...
Read more External link →

03 Nov


Thanks for bringing this up, will have our QA folks look into it and pass this along to the dev team.

Quick edit, seems this is known and looked at being fixed in a future update.

02 Nov


A few of these are known and being looked at and ill check on the others.

26 Oct