

27 Apr


Originally posted by NoahW23

Also please be advised that this is not the quickbar.

Ah, those are the extra buttons, got it. Thanks


I sent this over to be investigated. Are you providing in game feedback when this happens?

23 Apr


Hey just wanted to let you know this is most like due to a Siri suggestion based on your history playing fortnite while having an audio device. This has been a feature since iOS 9.


Thanks for the report. I will make sure to pass this along.


Hey XemuAJ,

Just wanted to let you know that when you join a Squad any match as fill that your teammates will always be other players.

22 Apr


Did the items render in shortly after landing? Was this your first game of the day as well?


Originally posted by Cheloso15

I play on my Note 10+, and its happening almost every game after the last update

Is it only with metal or do other materials produce the same result.


Thanks for the report, what device are you currently on and how often does this happen?


I saw you said you reinstalled. After reinstalling it may take a few minutes to load. Are you still not able to load after waiting a few minutes? What iPad is that?


Thanks for the report. We are aware of the issue and it should be resolved shortly.


Hey thanks for the report. We are aware and looking into the issue. It should be resolved shortly


Hey thanks for the report. We are aware and looking into the issue. It should be resolved shortly.

21 Apr


What device are you playing on and how often does this happen?


This sub is where a player with switch issues should post. Thanks for the report.


Thanks for the report.


Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

When you join a island, then leave the island without starting the game.

But does your button not load when you enter an island again or does the issue only pertain to the Creative HUB itself. If the issue is only in the HUB, while an issue it is minor vs if the buttons do not show up while playing a created map or your own island.


Does this happen when you load into an island or is it only in the HUB?