Is there any info that you could provide about what was going on previously before this issue? When was the last successful login? Did you update recently before this? What device are you on and whats your user name?
Is there any info that you could provide about what was going on previously before this issue? When was the last successful login? Did you update recently before this? What device are you on and whats your user name?
I noticed you have your current service set to "SOS Only" This might be a cause to your issue in trying to connect to Fortnite. If you can turn this off and try again that would be great, if you are still having an issue toss your user name over and we can try to look up any available logs for the issue.
It has been explained to me that this cosmetic has a specific emote that changes the face, sorry not realizing that sooner. Ill send this over to get looked at.
What do you mean, not swap with emote? I am not sure what interaction is supposed to happen with this specific cosmetic.
Yeah, can we get some attention and hopefully some improvements. Thanks man
If you ever need to make another post feel free to tag me so i can find it. But the title caught my eye.
O you made a post haha. I was waiting for your reply in our thread 😁
That's not all,br matches has framedrops every storm cicle and when drops spawns.
I understand that, but that is not what this thread is about. If have any information to share about the issue it would be best to put respond to the v11.50 megathread. I am actively looking at that thread and sharing info with the team.
I cant join the LTM I'm on note 9 android version 10. Public matches also have huge frame drops
Can you provide a screen recording of what happens when you try to play the LTM?
Here is the youtube link of my screen recording
also never got your device type :)
Here is the youtube link of my screen recording
thanks, also sent DM to chat
So i tried again to be really sure it loaded and freezed for 7 minutes again but this time it sent me back to the lobby with a network error again, i have good internet and only battle lab, creative and creative ltm's do this. I can play the main modes fine (with freezes though but that's a different issue which also only seems to happen on Android 10)
Thanks for these details. While we are working on Android 10 players and creative as an issue, we want to check with players that have had the loading issue and this new LTM.
Did you happen to have that screen recording you can share or send over?
So i recorded my screen and I had some weird results
When i recorded my screen it actually worked and i could play it fine but it was at the 3 dots for 1 minute, then froze for a minute (phone ui became very laggy) and then suddenly the bar appeared and that took a minute too and it let me into the game.
I tried it again and every time i took a screenshot it seemed to load a bit more, i took 2 screenshots and after a good 10 minutes i got a "network error" while i have good internet.
When you do absolutely nothing it just freezes and stays stuck, recording your screen or having something running besides your game seems to be a workaround to this problem.
So when you dont screen record you cant get in, but when you do you can, its just takes a long time to load and has a couple of issues?
This is not a bug, this comes from the introduction of multitasking mode. Would need to double check the exact patch it was added, but think it was Season X.
Hey, thanks for the report Blanc. This issue can also affect other platforms and is being looked into by team. Once I have an update I can provide, i will be sure to share it!
We are looking into the issue for Android 10 OS players being unable to load into creative. This is a bit different since this is an LTM, any way you can provide a screen recording of you attempting to join the mode so I can share with the team?
This is still an ongoing investigation. The logs from the players who provided them were valuable and helpful to the team but they are still working fixing this issue for Android 10 players. As soon as I have any updates on this I will be sure to provide it.
If you can drop your device info and OS that's always helpful so we can check the data on the performance of that particular device. Performance of the game is being looked at, one possible way to help your performance while in game, is to reduce the amount of time you are screen recording, as this does use some of your device's resources.
What device and OS are you currently on?
i shared a video months ago regarding the lag and hitching affecting players. it is worse than ever before now
Has I have previously mentioned in other post, performance/optimization is an area that is currently/always being looked at.
Some of the issues you mentioned are being worked on, but I will be sure to share this video with the team. Thank you for an in-depth video explaining and showing the issues, these are always very helpful and welcome.