Android players can not have developer mode on when trying to play fortnite. This is typically the reason why most Android players will see this message, unless you are as the message says, using a VPN or cheating in some way.
Android players can not have developer mode on when trying to play fortnite. This is typically the reason why most Android players will see this message, unless you are as the message says, using a VPN or cheating in some way.
Ah ok thanks for clearing that up
No worries!
The Item Shop preview is going through some maintenance and will return in the future.
Hey thanks for reporting over! We are currently aware and tracking down the cause of the issue. I should also add this is issue is not limited to just mobile at this time.
Ghost movements on controller. (I’m using an iPhone 11, DualShock 4.) It’s kind of like drifting, but isn’t caused by my controller, and no, changing the dead zones doesn’t help. If this and random firing were fixed, I think controller support would be flawless. Also L2 seems to have gotten nerfed, might just be me though.
Drifting issue and fire button getting stuck are being looked at.
Thanks for the report, looking into this.
When did you get these notifications?
These packs roll out over time for regions and even platforms. It can take some time but the pack will be available on iOS.
As I have pointed out before when it comes to comments from our player support team, they can not comment on ongoing projects and features.
I will confirm that the iPad Pro 2017 will not be getting 120fps since PS can not.
Thanks for the report, sent this over to get looked at. If you could possibly do the following and provide us with your logs it would be very helpful. You can follow these steps:
My friend was party leader.
I'm fairly sure I am in a higher division than him.
(He's like in Open league: Division 1 and I'm in like open league: division 3)
Ya, so the higher ranked player needs to be the party leader. You can bring him up, but he cant bring you down divisions. It is something being looked into though!
Yes each one plays solos it just does nothing when I hold x. I'm sorry it's not really a big picked the wrong thing when I posted. It's just something not working for me.
Are you getting an error message or is just nothing happening? Possible to take a screen recording or post any screenshots?
Thanks for reporting this, sent this over to be investigated.
Are you both in the same division? Or is your friend higher than you when you are party lead and try to play?
hey u/fukcin_nutz Is it possible that one of the accounts you are trying to use split-screen has restrictions enabled? If you Report Bug in game if possible after failing to join and let us know the IGN the report was under we can take a look at the bug report and see what could be the cause.
Also are the two accounts are able to play solo, and only splitscreen breaks.
I cant offer any sort of time table on a resolution. All I can do is send these logs over to the team and have them investigate what could be the cause. In the mean team basic troubleshooting such as uninstalling/reinstalling might help. Along with seeing if any new PC or GPU updates were downloaded, maybe going back to an older version could help.
Hey u/oxxide_ Quick question, do you get the same behavior going to BR and then switching over to StW or are you just launching StW first and only?
Whats the exact error message you are getting? If you could post a screenshot that would be very helpful.
I have done this with player support. This has been on-going since the update. Perhaps I'm just being impatient? Just it's been 4 days since the Fortnite Update. It's not that Player Support hasn't replied as they have and they said they are investigating.
Just that it's been 4 days and I miss playing and Streaming Save The World! Happy to send you logs here too? Maybe it's best for me to wait it out, I'm not sure. But I do know my partner isn't the only one experiencing the issue, I've seen it a bit on Twitter and here on reddit the last few days..
I cleared the logs and reopened STW for a fresh log. Here is the link
I cant offer any sort of time table on a resolution. All I can do is send these logs over to the team and have them investigate what could be the cause. In the mean team basic troubleshooting such as uninstalling/reinstalling might help. Along with seeing if any new PC or GPU updates were downloaded, maybe going back to an older version could help.
If you are on PC and having issues logs would be of great help to determine the cause. You would need to first open StW and have whatever issue is going on occur. Once it happens you can follow the following steps and and send your logs.