

19 Aug


The images are rending in, this is completely normal for mobile.


I do not understand what the issue is that you are running into? You are not intended to build in the creative HUB, if that is what you were trying to show?

15 Aug


This is an active issue that we are looking into. When this was first reported and brought to the attention of the team it was thought we could resolve this issue quickly. As it stands now this issue has been a bit more difficult to fix and the team is actively working on resolving this pink artifacting issue.

As soon as we get any information on when this issue will be resolved we will be sure to share it with you all.

14 Aug

We should not have released the Gunner Pet and apologize for doing so. Within the next couple of days, all purchases of Gunner will be refunded for the full amount of 1000 V-bucks as well as an additional 200 V-bucks and the Pet will be removed from the Locker.

Anyone who purchased Gunner and refunds it prior to this make-good will instead receive 200 V-bucks and a replacement Refund Token that can be put towards any eligible items that were purchased within the past 30 days

External link →

We should not have released the Gunner Pet and apologize for doing so. Within the next couple of days, all purchases of Gunner will be refunded for the full amount of 1000 V-bucks as well as an additional 200 V-bucks and the Pet will be removed from the Locker.

Anyone who purchased Gunner and refunds it prior to this make-good will instead receive 200 V-bucks and a replacement Refund Token that can be put towards any eligible items that were purchased within the past 30 days

External link →

Experiencing an issue on Switch or Mobile? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments. This thread will be updated with any additional threads and important links through this current patch.

Other Links

When reporting issues please include:

  • Description of the issue
  • Account Name (optional)
  • Device
  • Link to video or images
  • Include details on when this issue started happening
  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.

Also, remember to report any issues in-game using the Feedback button.

How to use the in-game Feedback report system:

  • While in-game, open the Options menu
  • Navigate to the Feedback Button
  • Create a Bug report to provide us with logs of the issue

Known issues:


Read more External link →

13 Aug


Originally posted by zebrasareepic

Yeah what the other guy said, you get on it and press the button to jump off and you lag up and down and stay on the zipline. What is the best way to send a video?

I just jumped on a zipline myself as you can see here: Not seeing any major issues. If something is affecting your device you can follow the format here for reporting an issue on reddit.

  • Description of the issue
  • Account Name (optional)
  • Device
  • Link to video or images
  • Include details on when this issue started happening
  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.

Can you explain exactly what the issue is that you are running into with ziplines? Videos and a detailed description of the issue are very helpful for our team in determining the cause and getting a fix in.

12 Aug

Due to last minute issues discovered with the build, we’ve had to delay the timing for the release of the v10.10 update. We'll provide more details on an exact time once we have more information.

External link →

Due to last minute issues discovered with the build, we’ve had to delay the timing for the release of the v10.10 update. We'll provide more details on an exact time once we have more information.

External link →

Due to last minute issues discovered with the build, we’ve had to delay the timing for the release of the v10.10 update. We'll provide more details on an exact time once we have more information.

External link →

Due to last minute issues discovered with the build, we’ve had to delay the timing for the release of the v10.10 update. We'll provide more details on an exact time once we have more information.

External link →

Originally posted by emywox

But while I have you here. The patch notes said improved performance for switch and we have yet to see that in game. This season has been worse off than last. And a bunch of things talked and reported on not being listed in the Trello for fixing makes us feel less important. Can we make a post here by you that asked switch players for all the issues and them to be added to the Trello boards so we at least know we are heard?

Every patch I create a mega thread that allows players to enter issues they have. It works for Switch and mobile players the same. If you wish to create your own thread, feel free to and tag myself or drew. I cant help the way reddit upvote/downvote system works. Threads that have 3000+ upvotes vs 1 upvote do not mean much in difference when they are showing an issue. We normally will see these threads just as much as we see threads that have large traction on them.


Thats an iOS 13 issue and not Fortnite. As we have mentioned before it is not recommended to use iOS 13 when playing Fortnite.


This sub supports Switch players. We report the issues that Switch players have the same as mobile players. We see much less Switch post then mobile typically but the Switch is not ignored.

09 Aug


The patch that we put out was to improve stability. Due to this patch some players are experiencing visuals like you have shown here. We are aware of this and are looking to resolve this in the v10.10 patch.

04 Aug


The cap for the XR should be 60fps at medium graphic settings if I am correct. Are you on high graphic settings? That would make it default to 30. If you could take a screen recording of you device settings and show it being stuck at 30 that would be very helpful. I ask this because I reached out to a few people here who have XRs and say they see 60fps as a choice.


Thanks for the report on this issue, I have sent it in to be looked at.

03 Aug

We’re aware of an issue with Driftboards not allowing players to move while using one. We’re currently investigating and will provide an update when available.

Update: We’ve released a hotfix to resolve the issue with Driftboards not allowing the player to move. Jump back on board and complete those challenges!

External link →

We’re aware of an issue with Driftboards not allowing players to move while using one. We’re currently investigating and will provide an update when available.

Update: We’ve released a hotfix to resolve the issue with Driftboards not allowing the player to move. Jump back on board and complete those challenges!

External link →