

18 Sep


You need to actually log into the Fortnite application and change the settings under parenteral control. This can also be done on the epic games website.


Originally posted by 40455R

Yes, it's only whenever I use a new item.

Shotgun first shot - half second delay. Reloading causes it to normalize. SMG swap equip delay sound, once swapping back and forth a few times delay normalizes.

The largest audio delay I have experienced is through emoting and using sniper rifles.

I am using an iPad Pro 11 - iOS 12.(whatever it is) haven't updated to iOS 13 or the beta.

The letterboxing is still an issue as well, on my device at least.

Is there anyway you can provide video with audio?


Are you still getting a delay in the audio or another issue?


You can log out from the Party Hub main screen


Originally posted by Joloxsa_Xenax

I wish I could use the party hub app now. My phone isnt compatible. Hopefully the lower end phone can use it soon

What phone do you have?


The assumption was that this would happen in v10.31. No one ever made that claim from Epic, this was driven from reddit threads. I replied to as many post as I could explaining that this was most likely to hit in v10.40


Originally posted by Ancelin777

Pls bring back the 60 FPS glitch

Gaining 60fps though unsupported methods was never intended behavior.

13 Sep


Originally posted by Sethyfufu

Are you guys ever going to add 120FPS for iPad Pro? Or at least tell us if its being looked at like how you did with building/editing sensitivities.

The words 120fps and mobile have been spoken. But the reality is that wont happen any time soon. We still have devices that need to be looked at and run 60 correctly before we jump to any further fps improvements on mobile.


Originally posted by 40455R

That’s not a very productive viewpoint. But I do think it’s possible to be overlooked until next patch. Which isn’t very fair to 1/3 or their business. Mobile players still want to compete, stream and do everything other platforms do this week/weekend as well.

This is not being overlooked in anyway. If this issue did require an entirely new patch, Apple's Certification is not an automated process like others. So a team needs to be available from them to review the patch.


Originally posted by dc_giant

Why does it take so long?! On other platforms there’d be a hotfix ASAP. It’s been DAYS now, not HOURS.

We do need a hotfix for this. Also how did this make it thru QA? How will you make sure this won’t happen again?

This cannot wait for weeks! It’s unplayable right now.

Ok let me try to explain.

There are major differences between a hotfix and patch. I wont go into the detail about it, but feel free to look it up.

The day the patch went live I woke up, went to reddit and saw the audio issues, the first thing i did was let the entire team know and they started working on the issue first thing. We tried several aspects to fix the issue without a full client patch being required. We even did try a hotfix, but this caused stability concerns. Client patches can take up to 48 hours to cert. PC does not, this is why PC can get a full client patch faster. All platforms need to go through cert process.

There is still being work done on this right now. Please stay patient and know that it will be fixed as soon as it can.


We are aware of the audio issue. This is not being ignored in anyway because "its mobile". Its being worked on as a top priority, trust me :)


Originally posted by mrwright26_

Usually when I respond through ingame feedback I get zero response, also happens every team rumble match multiple times

You dont get a response from ingame feedback, that is not how the system works. The reason you report the issue is for the dev team to gather your game logs. This is the same as PC but on PC you can just send us a file, mobile and console require that you send feedback for issues.

But again, you will not get someone sending you a message back.


Did you change any settings such as look acceleration? What device are you on?

11 Sep


Originally posted by Karam2468

Its just when I do use a lower aim accell, obv aim accell is if you move your finger across the screen across the same distance really fast vs slow, the fast one will cause you to look around more. But when I use 0.01, and look around, even after I let go of the screen, the screen keeps turning. Could you please explain in detail the feature? The meaning I have stated above may be wrong. Thanks.

I will check with Mic, the dev who put it together and see if he has some time to get a bit more of a technical description that might be able to answer your question better than me.

For myself turning it down made me also lower my sensitivity because my .25 felt like .50 or more. I am now at .15 with .01 acceleration and it feels a bit better for myself. Now my precise shots like ads snipers are a bit off because aim accel did help, now a small movement will easily snap in an unintentional direction.

Personally i would keep this at 1 or .01 and nothing in between as aim acceleration works on a curve and might cause a bit more aiming issues.


Instant edit is what the community labelled it. As the patch notes explain this button selects your edit and can reset the tiles. Thisnis a combination of a couple of buttons players previously used.


Originally posted by Karam2468

Except the feature is scuffed and lower makes it go higher and higher makes it go lower idek.

Its not scuffed at all. That is actually how the feature works. In patch notes it was explained that a value of 1 means full touch and 0 means none. This is not the same as sensitivity and a lower number does not mean a slower look speed.

I explained in a previous post that this feature was complicated and could be confusing. But rest assured that this feature is working exactly how it is intend.


Originally posted by Karam2468

I dont understand why they made it double tap. Like make it single. Its so dumb and wierd. Like why?

This new button clears up the HUD by removing a button. This button can select a building to edit and reset it. Mouse scroll reset is so fast that you still use another button to edit. In this case it is the same button that can edit and reset all tiles. So yes the double tap to select and reset is intended.


Support staff such as the person above should normally not comment on features. Player support is there to resolve issues on your account and other aspects, not comment on game design.


Originally posted by LionheartRed

Thank you very much. I appreciate your reply.

What device is this on?