

16 Sep


Originally posted by tofazzz

> Improved the reliability of hitscan registration

Shot 4 rockets at opponent's feet, 3 rockets with 0dmg and 1 rocket with 7dmg. Ping 8ms and perfect connection (opponent 25ms). Please fix it because it's very frustrating.

A similar fix for projectiles is coming shortly, thanks for your patience.


Originally posted by whamslammy

instead of a /gg can we get /f**kthis

Sorry, child game.

14 Sep


An issue with /gg was brought to our attention so we disabled it temporarily, but we'll bring it back.

12 Sep


Originally posted by Mr_Picky

TY for reply. but srlsly i can see now how really sad things are.. you dont even understand the issue i was talking about. wow...


to beat that you needed game code not to be compromised! really good encapsulation and anti-cheat. and really smart server side that will resist confusing data from client.

right now you have nothing. complete systemic fail of your side!!

you anti-cheat is a joke. checking files at game start is not anti-cheat ! facepalm!

TY for reply

You are welcome. And fair enough Mr_Picky, I see you are not ready to accept my theory that the package loss issue is making you think all that. Let's agree to disagree, and I will keep your advice in mind :)


Originally posted by Mr_Picky

it is heart-breaking! no, after last patch nothing changed! ppl send confusing info to servers and take zero damage! same thing killed QC as a competitive game for everyone. it's not a coincidence! in every such instance both had good ping!

Don't get heartbroken yet man :) We are gonna add a lagometer to the game, when we do if you haven't given up on the game feel free to drop me a screenshot on DM either on Reddit or on Discord. I think you must have some packet loss issues that are exacerbated by an issue that we are planning on fixing. Whatever the case, we'll get it fixed.


Originally posted by Fearghas

I think he's referring to this

Yeah I know the issue, just collecting evidence, that way when it's fixed we can go through all and check that they all match what has been fixed.

Pretty sure in most cases this is about the way we present projectiles/beams in 3rd person. They come from the actual muzzle of the rocket launcher in the case of the rockets as the weapon is animated at that moment. This makes it so that you can get rockets going through corners if the weapon of the shooting eggbot is occluded by the corner. The severity of this is exacerbated by the wide span of the eggbots and the way they pose for shooting. Then the severity can increase beyond that due to network conditions that make that position diverge from the position of the eggbot. The severity can also increase even further if there's a visibility problem when determining the position of the muzzle (as an optimisation we don't resolve joint positions in things that are not visible, in that case the logical position of the player is su...

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Originally posted by Press0K

Heya, just in case it isn't known: On someone else's stream today a rocket went through a wall and hit directly, dealing the standard 100 damage. The odd thing is that I don't believe the other player fired the rocket at all, although it did come from their position. Let me know if you want me to find it, I think someone clipped it on ttv.

I would like to see it if you can find it to add it to what we have, thanks.


Originally posted by Mr_Picky

what a joke. i see chaeter after chaeting in duels in EU. theu can do whatever they want... speedhacks map force location jittering

Regarding anticheat, the person that is in charge of that was swamped this week and we haven't been able to process all cheat reports during the week. These reports take time to process because we want to avoid banning people wrongly. We are doing some changes to our backend so that this process is more efficient. Enforcement of anti-cheating should be way better in the future than what you've experienced. Really sorry that you had such a bad experience.

About the netcode issues that you mentioned in your DM, the netcode as you experienced it last night is not a true representation of the game, in case that weighs into your negative impressions. There are other general issues with the netcode that we know about and we have a few fixes coming that should give you, at the very least, a sense of progress.

We'll win you over some day Mr_Picky. Appreciate your passion for the genre.


Originally posted by cesspit_gladiator

still feels really really bad, ghost rockets, shaft not hitting. 25-58 ping server dependent.

Consensus seems to be that the particular issue this thread is about is fixed, so I'm assuming you have older issues. Regarding the shaft, we have identified a potential problem that would make hit registration specially bad with shaft among other things if you are having some lag/packet loss to a server. Look for a patch note mentioning shaft in the next versions.

Regarding the ghost rocket, there is a known ghost rocket issue about rockets that kill somebody then continue on but it's purely cosmetic and it's not a real rocket at that point (we'll still fix it as soon as we can anyway, of course). Lag could also potentially cause some other issues described as "ghost rockets". We are going to add a lagometer and you should be able to see if you are having lag episodes to our server or packet loss.


Originally posted by Rizzesockan

Thanks for the information! I just wanted to ask if you are aware of the issues with rocket launcher? I have noticed that sometimes my rockets go straight through my enemy even if they deal damage like a direct hit. Also I have seen enemy rockets go straight through me without dealing damage to me. I play on 20-30 ping.

I have noticed that sometimes my rockets go straight through my enemy even if they deal damage like a direct hit.

There is a known issue where the visuals of the rocket will keep going if that rocket kills the player. We'll fix this. This is a cosmetic issue with no logical side effects.

Also I have seen enemy rockets go straight through me without dealing damage to me. I play on 20-30 ping.

A lag episode may cause this. We are going to implement a lagometer component into the hud and it should allows us to understand and act upon feedback like this better.


To address all of the threads about this at once, there were serious netcode issues tonight due to a mistake during the release process, leading us to internally test a different thing than what was eventually released. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have made changes internally so that this specific type of issue doesn't reoccur.

The issue has been addressed with a server update, so there is no need to update the client, any game started after 9:30am CEST 12/09/2020 will work correctly.

External link →

11 Sep


Originally posted by ninnu

bug: gameplay

description: fell off the map, died, respawned and died again in warmup,

seen in the end of clip

bug2: gameplay

description: grenades dont often bounce, I already noticed it during closed betas but still seems to be thing. @ 22 seconds

bug 3(not really, but........): if you change some settings and the game tells you to about offering up a button which does exactly that?

The issue about grenades not bouncing has been fixed for 344.

10 Sep


Originally posted by dimwalker

-Bug type: Gameplay
-Description: melee hits not registering if too close to opponent
-Reproduction: instruction I gave was "get as close as you can to me and try to melee". Had this since stress tests, just noticed it is still present in live FFA match.

This is fixed on 342. Sorry, dumb bug that we should have fixed earlier.


Originally posted by plagueseason

-Bug type: UI

-Description: Unmapping Mouse Wheel Down from "Next Weapon" reverts on next launch of the game

-Reproduction: Unmap Mouse Wheel Down from "Next Weapon" in Control settings, then quit and re-launch game
-Bug type: UI

-Description: Toggle Mute does not block incoming chat messages while in a match. This may be intended, and maybe it's only supposed to mute voice chat, in which case I would request it also block text chat messages. Does not seem to be a way to completely block people either.

-Reproduction: Toggle Mute on someone while in a match, then have them type something in the chat.

We've expanded the mute functionality to also mute chat, this will be on 343.

09 Sep


We've fixed this for 342, thanks.

08 Sep


Originally posted by nonstickswag

The issue is not being able to hear people behind you.

It's persistent for everyone.

I can sneak up behind people with ease. The directional sound could use some work, but hearing someone behind you? Forget it, especially in Wipeout.

Everyone I've played w/says the same, and if I'm behind someone, I know I have the drop on them.

OK, I'm going to guess that you are saying that the necessary sounds are being played when they should be played, but they are not audible enough (whether they need to louder, more compressed, or more emphasised through mastering/mixing of the global sound pool).

A hypothetical question for the sake of understanding the issue: do you imagine that the issue that you are describing would be solved if for example we were to substitute the enemy jumping, landing and footstep sounds with really strident, piercing tones? Not that we are gonna do anything resembling that, just to make completely sure we are on the same page to pass along the feedback. If that is the issue it means we may need to look at frequency/compression/timbre/tone/levels of those sounds against other sounds, for example.

07 Sep


Originally posted by nonstickswag

The directional sound is terrible.

For some reason, you can't hear people behind you until they're killing you. Huge issue.

Replying here for visibility. We'll get to this soon, there will patch notes tomorrow for the past week listing what we have been focusing on so far.

It'd be very helpful to accelerate progress to talk to people who hate the current audio. In the past we've had groups for specific issues like performance or netcode and it's been very productive. Anyone who is on Discord and fits the description, feel free to DM me, you can find me in our public server.

Regarding the directional sound, here's a few aspects to this that I'm going to mention because in the past sharing info like this has helped people come forward with more actionable feedback.

  • We've had some issues with 5.1 or 7.1 headphones in the past, where specific channels in some orientations remained completely silent, making directional sound very terrible indeed because you'd actually be hearing nothing from some directions. As far as I know, we generally fixed these issues but it could be that ...
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06 Sep


Originally posted by apistoletov

Sorry, I replied to this comment before I saw the other comment

Np :)


Originally posted by apistoletov

I understand that just rendering everything twice as big in each dimension and scaling down the result is basically what SSAA does, and it has to look good, but it's way too expensive -- basically 4x the work if I understand correctly, and my comparison confirmed that. In contrast, MSAA is supposed to only compute extra samples at the edges of geometric primitives, which is usually a small % of screen space.

I play with capped FPS, but even with the same FPS there's a difference in latency depending on how fast a single frame can be drawn.

If you re-read what I've said carefully, you'll find I've addressed all of that :) Yes, SSAA is not a proper solution for most people. And yes, there's a difference even in that scenario but the point is we are thinking in that scenario of setups that could run the game at very high fps, so the extra time that you are adding to each single capped frame is very small, and not the kind of latency that makes things feel bad, so I still expect more people to just use SSAA as years go by. I do agree with the sentiment, I would not want any extra latency either. In any case, we should be able to implement MSAA, so you can choose.