

01 Sep


It’s half oxygen, half dwarf farts, making it a dense gas that sticks to things.


Originally posted by joe_mama69420123



31 Aug


More like step-NO


Originally posted by Clayman____


I was gonna say this.


Originally posted by Own_League7620

Just play the game with your friends. I never understood why people feel the need to stream to 2-3 viewers.

Well, why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the fourth viewer.

30 Aug


Originally posted by Dellumn

Why what happened?

Don't worry about this - it's just some manchild not being able to accept he was banned. He's been harassing us everywhere for the last two months.


Originally posted by datgooddude

You would do me/us a huge favor if you could at least bring this up in one of your team meetings.

I'm not a developer and have basically zero knowledge for this kind of stuff, but I found this host migration plugin for UE and that might make it easier to integrate :) thanks

We are aware of the want, but like I said it's not as simple as it seems for several reasons. Another big one is that procedural generation, and the fact that a lot of game info is handled by the host, which only complicates host migration in the event of crashes.

Anywho, we'll see.


Originally posted by FurViewingAccount

felt like it kinda got overshadowed by the other new primaries

We've only shown two in full length, so far. I see why people might feel it's "just another similar gun" from the description alone, but I think that sentiment might change once U35 is out.


They're clearly trying to repair that cube.

29 Aug


Originally posted by FurViewingAccount

plasma carbine hasnt been getting the love it deserves. ive been waiting for a projectile based primary

What are you basing that on?


Originally posted by linck12435

This looks like a neat game, cool video.

I’d totally buy it. ButIamalsobiased

28 Aug


Originally posted by LocustsRaining

Is update 35 out!?!?



Originally posted by SimpliG

why no sound effects tho? gunner already does sounds when he spins the minigun... :(

Because I’m not a voice actor.


Originally posted by WarViper1337

I'm sure there are a few technical hurdles but host migration had been around forever now.

As DRG is peer-to-peer, I’d imagine it would require a complete rewrite to implement an online server setup that can handle it, which would bring a whole other set of issues with it. That’s probably not in our scopes in the near future, if it even makes sense to do at all.


Originally posted by Nekto_reddit

Deep dives are a failure as a gameplay feature. Wow lets tie three missions into one, lol. Just dont play them, you wont miss anything at all.

Best failure ever then, as it’s very popular :D


We did a little showcase of the Hurricane Guided Rocket System on this week's live streams. (Note: Additional sound effects are not included in the standard weapon package supplied by Deep Rock Galactic)

27 Aug


Originally posted by Cthepo

Yo I almost garuntee this is a scam.

At some point there will be a bot account asking for a link.

And then another bot account will also comment as another link.

Killed it, Thanks.

26 Aug