

10 Sep


1: Gotta keep focus on the objective, which is why there’s no real reward besides that. Play another mission if you want more to do. Or do a Deep Dive if you have that amount of time to kill. 2: See 1. It’s not supposed to drag out. Eyes on the prize, but look in the corners for surprises. There’s no plan to track how much cave you’ve seen. 3: ok 4: I think they’re staying the class colours, but who knows? 5: Maybe


Originally posted by MakeStuffDesign

That does not sleep which can eternal moderate. And with strange submissions, even mods may wake.

ïa ïa Karlthulhu f'taghn!


You do you. Feel free to mix it up a bit. I usually switch between classes depending on the group, and while some have better synergies together, nothing is so efficient that you are missing out. Sure, a scout gets places fast, but you’ll go to the same places with a bit more work.


Don’t mention the War.

09 Sep


Actually I’ve been awake for a few hours now



You never unlocked it to begin with. We had a bug where it was unlocked from the start for some people, so they lost it once jt was fixed.

08 Sep


We haven't announced anything.


I think we posted a hint somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.


Hard to check why without a username.


She's been a bad girl and has been sent to her room. She's not going with you until she behaves.


Originally posted by HuddahHuh

endless mode in a few updates iirc

Endless what now?


Originally posted by lazybutnotlost

Wow that wasn't long. Hasn't the game only been out a few months?

Yes, but it was focused on the game preview part. Supposedly, it's most important for Microsoft to be the only console at launch. After launch, anything goes.

Not sure if that's how it played out here, but the exclusivity around launch.

07 Sep


Originally posted by STylerMLmusic

Yeah, this is the big question. When will I be able to dwarf with friends on PS4?

We haven’t announced a PS4 version at this point. Doesn’t mean it’s not happening, just that we haven’t confirmed or denied it.

06 Sep


Be aware that we at some point will restrict the insider version to owners of the full game. It’s only open for stability testing reasons.

05 Sep


Biased, but...

Playerbase is friendly and healthy. It’s been pretty consistent all through early access.

You can quickjoin games, see the server list or join our Discord to look for others.

Cheaters happen, but as it is not a competetive game, it’s not a huge issue.


It was all a dream.


Class lock is optional?

04 Sep

03 Sep


Originally posted by novocaine666

Never thought of that, nice tip. But hell I’ve only seen a couple before they’ve exploded so I’m sure it’ll be a bit before I see another. Thanks.

It’s also on the level when you start. It does not spawn during games.