

03 Sep

02 Sep

31 Aug


Originally posted by baronvonewman

Games amazing! Just applied for the insider version, hope I can help out!

Thanks! Looks like QA figured out the crash issue, so hopefully we'll have a build out later today that runs better.


Originally posted by EchoFiveActual

Wow okay I'm sorry, but this is probably the first cosmetic i'd go so far to say is fugly.

All the cool kids are going to be using it.


Originally posted by darth_kupi

Source 1 engine may be modified Quake 2 engine. I know Half life 1 engine was.

Don't know if that carried over to Source 1 or possibly Source 2, it might have.

I recall HL was a heavily modified Quake engine with some Quake 2 stuff, and that also carried over to the Source engine to some extent.

28 Aug


It’s... glorious


Originally posted by mbroda-SB

Thanks...if there's anything needed on the Dev side from community players (probably not, but offering) ask away, if there are certain logs generated from the game or info we can grab reproducing issues that might help...

Trying out the insider build currently available would help a lot. We’re seeing a lot of crashes, so be aware that you might not even get it to run. Strangely enough, we get no crashes at the office or at home.


We’re aware of the issues and are replacing the framework with something new that hopefully eliminates issues like this.


Originally posted by YeOldDrunkGoat

I would imagine the issue has more to do with the fact that most PE maps are small enough that you would never be able to deaggro the Korlok.

This. It requires certain conditions to work and I assume the open nature of PE makes it a bad opponent.


Originally posted by ImKira

Really wish these weren't twitter links...

You can also catch it on youtube/Twitch if you don’t mind scrubbing.


Originally posted by vooshmang

What did they mean by this?

It’s one of the new cosmetics coming.


Originally posted by CheekiLynx

Not to rush or enforce anything. I'm not a game developer so I don't have knowledge on the topic. But how long will this bumpy road be? If I may ask

It's hard to say, but update 32 is not a bad guess (Q32020), so within/about a month or so).


We're currently replacing the framework used on the Xbox and MS Store version, which will hopefully make the experience a lot smoother. We're testing it on Insider right now, but there are some new issues we can't reproduce in the office, so we're working closely with the community to figure out what the hell is going on.

We'll get there, sorry for the bumpy road.

27 Aug

23 Aug


I’ve seen pics of people getting their merch, so it’s definitely going out. Are you in the US or Europe. Could be stuck in customs if outside the US.

21 Aug


Originally posted by Voelkar

Somewhere between now and the release of Project Zomboid 1.0

Hey now ಠ_ಠ


Originally posted by hans_gruber1

Yes, was added at release I think

I believe it’s been in for longer, but it got a major overhaul for release.