

06 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AdrianWinters

well, there goes me and 6 other mates that play this game.

the new perks absolutely suck ass. You turned the game into a jumbled mess with 0 thought put into this update.

You put a timer on impact sensors, which to activate you ahve to hold jump?

Dash by double tapping forward?

I guess the community wants it. so the community gets it. *shrug*

The game is still in development and we do accept feedback and constructive criticism. We're currently going over the feedback we're getting from the hotfixes to the perks that is live on experimental. TL;DR - we're not done changing them, but we can't really try stuff out without trying stuff out.

05 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AtomicAlienZ

bosco r34



04 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This week, fingers crossed.

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SillyConclusion0

Then V

Always V.

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Raulikien

I got banned for a drg copypasta xD

I believe there were a few things leading up to that. :)

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Panishev

DRG Discord is best example of natural habitat of powertripping mods (you can also meet these species on most of big subs here).

Discord is filled with passive-aggressive and elitism toxicity and nothing is done with it.

Devs, you need to reconsider how your Discord is managed, especially when you position it as part of the game.

You also need to consider how you act if you want to be a part of the Discord. It works both ways - just saying.

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Mods here are even worse.

I get why you felt the need to call someone out for being toxic, but it's not something that deescalates the situation. In regards to the duncing, it looks like it was longer than it should have been - purely based on the snippets I've seen here and there. I'm looking into getting a better system in place.

03 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Robert will remember this.

02 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Experimental Dev?

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The sections OMEN spawns with are random from time to time.

01 Feb

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Derpykat5

? Make what the intro? Is there a video link I'm missing?

There’s a gif.

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BeardyDorf

Yes. I’ve personally not seen it yet but videos have been popping up here on em’.

Worth quite a bit too.

Takes a while too :D

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vault_Traveler

Wait, so making good games can still work?!

In a more serious note: I do understand why August is the weakest but whats up with march, those spikes are insane.

1 year anniversary, big update and maybe free weekend?

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

They shouldn’t even spawn in Deep Dives. Was this after the latest hotfix?

31 Jan

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Slasher Steeve, you're a bastard!

30 Jan

    /u/GSG_Jacob on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spengy

/u/Mark_GSG didn't think so, apparently

He’s not very fun at parties.