

04 Mar


Originally posted by Unuunilium

The Game Director mentioned that the Legacy Edition of DRG is inspired by Magic: the Gathering's 30th Anniversary sans the expensive price tag. Would it be far-fetched to have a DRG themed Secret Lair collaboration?

A bit, yeah 😅


Originally posted by NippleJabber9000

Is the viking helmet an anniversary hat?

No, but it’s also a bit special. I’m hoping it will make a return.

03 Mar


“Hi, I don’t work at Ghost Ship Games, but it seems like a nice place I could apply to if I ever need a new job.” - Me in 2018, probably

02 Mar


Originally posted by Yohanaten

Was there an answer to if the promotion rewards would be retroactive?

It won’t be.


Originally posted by Mentos13371

Ah, any idea what the usual timeframe is on something like that? No pressure if you can't say.

I think it’s next week.


Originally posted by Mentos13371

u/GSG_Jacob is that change to promotions already live on console? Playstation specifically.

Patching on console takes a little longer to do, so it’s not on there yet. We have more wiggle room on Steam.


Originally posted by ElyCyan

u/GSG_Jacob Any chance we could unlock Year 4 anniversary hat? Previous anniversaries / holidays we had a chance to grab the hat if we missed it.

I didn't, would love one final go at getting one.

Anniversary hats have always been exclusive to that year, and they won’t be available again. That’s not the case with the holiday ones.


Originally posted by flxschndr

Someone show this to u/GSG_Jacob please

But I already know!

26 Feb


Yeah, that gun is literally unplayable… because it’s an old design. 👈😎👈

24 Feb


Let us know how you like it!


I hate to break it to you, but... there are no goblin nutsacks in the game. You've been bamboozled.

23 Feb


Originally posted by nexus763

I talked about it other players and few get the joke because they don't who is Tony Hawk. I feel old.

Can confirm. I wrote that one and I am old.


Originally posted by UrgeBayLoot

I’ve not used Twitch before, will it be recorded somewhere for us at work?

It will also be streamed to YouTube and be archived there.


Originally posted by Bakurektsu

A shame that it will be in the middle of the week. On weekend would be much better

Not for us :)


Originally posted by HacePloder

Also no more despawning beers with ‘Q’.

Pour one out lads. I'm going to be forced to drink that Leaf Lover swill.

Requesting a bucket to dump unwanted drinks into.

I was rooting for keeping it in, and then on April 1st stealth patch in that Q make you drink the beer, just for that day.

21 Feb


It's a job, and you can't really say no to a job in this economy.