It’s an adhesive meant to secure the minis during transport.
It’s an adhesive meant to secure the minis during transport.
No, it's their anniversary too.
u/GSG_Jacob Can we experience Project Dwarka on DRG's 10th year anniversary
I doubt it. 😂
Seeing your post history, you better print and paint these!
You absolute madlad.
But that would ruin half the fun of the weekly dev streams!
Thats a good question! I want to say its all platforms, since they didnt mention otherwise, and Ghost Ship is really good about communicating that stuff. But i cant 100% say for sure. u/GSG_Jacob could you maybe clarify?
Steam only, unfortunately. We have a lot of control and flexibility when deploying to Steam, and attaching an entire game to your game isn’t something you usually do lightly. I don’t have all the details, so the actual details might doffer, but it will essentially be a launcher option for a while, and that will launch the original separate build. Since we’ve done a bunch of engine updates since then, it has to be a separate game, and not just a change to the current game. All that is easy on Steam, but making, testing, and deploying a 5 year old build on platforms that didn’t exist back then would take a lot more work than we have time to do.
devs seems to be making sure we don't get Industrial Sabotage lol
That’s RNG.
Wait, what is the competition?
See pinned message
"Your beard just lit up like a Christmas tree!"
For some reason this reminds me of the "BEST THING ABOUT HERO QUEST" guy.
"Argh, Mormons!"
You should be able to switch the saves manually
Welcome aboard, miner! Be sure to recruit those straggling friends of yours too. Leave no dwarf behind!
This post is a bit suspicious. OP made a post about servers being down right before this post and in there you can find this comment. It clearly says devs arent working on sundays and OP didnt seem to be aware of that yet he in this post said he made a contribution to this game today, implying he is a dev and was working today, during a sunday. Those 2 things dont add up. Hey u/GSG_Jacob, can you confirm this guy is actually telling the truth?
It’s tagged as humor.
It should be working again!
Noone is currently able to connect to DRG servers because their TLS certificate (used to prove their identity as the real server) expired hours ago.
The certificate for the app that automatically renews certificates expired.