

29 Jan


Originally posted by Citizen-of-Akkad

I am unable to join multiplayer lobbies for a few days by now on PS5 so this isn't something new

It is new. If it was the same issue, you wouldn’t even see the games, assuming your failing to join them.


No guarantees, but considering they're still selling them, you might be lucky.

27 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


We don’t do that here.


That sounds like a mistake on our end. It would be a glitch if it’s something that’s unexpectedly happened… which I can’t rule out either, so technically you’re both right!

Rock and Stone!

26 Jan


Nitra is red

Azure Weald is blue

The scanner just lit up like a christmas three

If you’re not at the drop pod when I get there, I’m coming back for you

25 Jan


I call them Nitra Wallets, and with that in mind, I think a Vault of Lootbugs would be fitting.


I'm fairly certain that the stretch goal unlocked it for the deluxe edition, meaning that all Deluxe Editions have them. If you order the deluxe edition of the game now, that's the version you'll be getting.

24 Jan


Originally posted by uss-yamato

Individually they both are 4% and only spawn once in a mission, being generated alongside the terrain as you walk, though Betsy is predetermined to exist beforehand so the audio warning can be heard while exploring

The Crassus will not spawn during a game. It’s there to begin with or not at all.

23 Jan


Originally posted by Anand999

Does every mission have a rabbit to find? It seems like the majority of mine do but there's the occasional one I never get the notification about it. I wasn't sure if I just missed a spot on those maps or if it just doesn't spawn sometimes.

Yes. If you hear a message that something has been added to the scanner you have been near it and it shows up as a blue rabbit on the map. It might be stuck in the ground, so it can be partially hidden from sight.

22 Jan


Originally posted by neat_klingon

Where else, if not in the saves menu!?

Because as the screenshot shows there is no button to make the original save the main save again.

There is a restore save option, which should turn the save you pick into your main save. I use it twice a week because of switching between machines


Originally posted by 66explosions

hi jacob, can you say hi to the yellow alliance? if you do it we would get more points and win

I don’t know what that is?


You can restore your save in the options


Originally posted by PoS_Illistrated

Not all barrels spawn during seasonal events. Me and a friend had the same problem when we tried to get all of the barrels into the drop pod during I believe Halloween.

That’s not supposed to happen anymore. Dangit.


Originally posted by Roy_McDunno

because then Lego's lawyers would be sueing the everloving shit out of GSG.

Lego spends more money on its legal division than on R&D for new models, let that sink in. :/

there's a German YouTube, held der Steine, who is pretty popular and he is almost constantly in a fight with Lego. I loved Lego as a kid, but I learned that they're not the cop company anymore that I thought it was, sadly.

I dunno, one of our programmers just moved back across the country and got a new job at LEGO, so we have a man on the inside. I also know a guy at their digital department which is maybe a 10 min walk from our office.

So, am I saying there is a chance? … Well, IF we wanted to do something along those lines and make it official, it’s maybe slightly easier to do so… But I think the easiest thing to do is to make an homage or reference to that helmet. It shouldn’t break any IP rights if done properly.


Originally posted by Seedy_Melon

Haha yep, just my luck! Here’s a pic

I’ve sent an email to Mood - hope they get back to me soon. In the meantime we’ve adapted the 3rd red die so fear = nothing. 1 explosion = nitra, 2 explosion = gold 😂

I think they’re a bit swamped by the amount of messages they’re getting, but I’m sure they’ll get back to you. 😅

Are you enjoying it? I’ve only have two games under my belt so far, but I am very happy with how Ole managed to take a lot of the essentially things from the video game and turn it into a fun board game.


First I’ve heard of that happening. 😅

21 Jan


Originally posted by Lonekoala26

It was really funny as well. I liked the u/joe_duncan fan art that sprouted out of it as well

I printed it and put it on my wall. Probably my favorite community highlight.


Originally posted by _inappropriate

Upvotes=\=liked opinion

Upvotes are equal to liked opinion? Who’s side are you on? 😂


Originally posted by _inappropriate

Coming from the guy that had a f**king meltdown about morkite dipped balls.

That gave me my second most upvoted post ever? Yeah.