

03 Jun


The changes to the guns are really quite minor. You can see the changes by comparing Vermont to Connecticut, which was the test bed for these changes:

Overall it's a very minor nerf to the ballistics/pen in exchange for much better handling and improved survivability. The buff to the heal cooldown is probably the most substantial change and will make Vermont much harder to kill.

07 Jan


Correct, you have no way as a typical BB to force him to become lit. Instead, you can sit your big chunky block of HP on a capture point, angling to his direction or using islands to limit torpedo lanes, and force him to either rush you or lose on points. It's obviously not the ideal endgame scenario, but the BB strengths of being orders of magnitude tankier than every other class and having the most threatening main battery in the game has to be compensated for somehow with significant drawbacks. The drawback is not being able to spot most cruisers and destroyers at will; if you could, then they would be the ones helpless in an endgame scenario with a BB, not you.

16 Aug

04 Jan


Glad to hear it was useful. My first time writing something like this so any feedback on formatting or things I failed to mention would be appreciated :)


The Good

Fastest planes in the game makes turn-around time on strikes extremely quick.

Planes are very tanky, so attacking squads will almost always survive AA unless you are dropping into T10 clusters.

Very small attack reticle on both rockets and DBs means you can expect high accuracy, even on bad drop angles.

Short redrop time (1.5s for rockets and 2.5s for DBs) means you can slingshot with ease - more on this later.

DB slingshot attacks are immune to fighter aggro - more on this later

Good fire starter, with 27% base fire chance on DBs.

Reasonable conceal, 13.1 base and 11.8 with CE, means you can be relatively close to the action.

The Bad

Tiny squad sizes and reserves makes repeat dropping with the same squad impossible and heavily punishes mistakes.


Read more

14 Nov


Some high quality advice in this thread. I guess the top end of competitive clans has yet to figure out that all you have to do to counter Klebers is take such excellent ships as Moskva/Smolensk/Worcester and just hit them. Seems pretty easy to me!

13 Nov


If the bug is tied to the special commander activating, why should CB be cancelled? Aren't special talents disabled in CB? It would be really nice to have an actual announcement from WGNA about CB tonight. It's 80 minutes until start time and we have heard nothing, except for some obscure comment buried in a Reddit comment thread somewhere. Where is the communication?


How about right now?

12 Nov


Vaffu, are you the god Daring player that guns Klebers down? I was hoping that we could do a training room game and you could beat my Kleber so I can tell my clanmates that Daring counters it. They don't believe me.

29 Oct


Yes, kelsier is quite the troll in randoms but he performs at a very high level in our CB matches.

28 Oct


I'm sad our MM pool is so limited, most of these people would be singing a different tune if they queued into us.

26 Oct


Why do you think our clan name is EGIRL? :-)